G'day young Mouser lad,
WOW... Turn my back for a few minutes and you do this!
We need names here for who is responsible.
Mr & Mrs Mouser... Yeah, it has a certain ring to it.
But seriously, what terrific news... congratulations and best wishes to you both. May the journey you have together be filled with beautiful surprises in every step, may your futures be carefree and full of love and happiness and may you both have mountains of fun along the way!

... (I'm on the left!):
Bonus points: Can anyone identify where the photo was taken?
PS. I wouldn't have the faintest idea where the photo was taken, but it is great to have a a face to put to 'mouser' after all the years (I was a regular lurking reader for many, many years before my first post.).
As I am a keen photographer, I wonder if it was taken with an old school selfie stick (Tripod and time release.) or via a passing fellow hiker or a companion. Nice composition though whichever.
Once more, all the best wishes for you both.
Oh yes, I'm sure you don't really need it, but anyway...
Lots Of Luck!Michael