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Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« Last post by KynloStephen66515 on October 24, 2024, 04:35 PM »
For API Usage:
Mistral have an extremely generous free tier (1 billion tokens per month, 500,000/minute)
Gemini is free with a huge context window (2 million on pro, 1 million on flash models)
Groq (not Grok) is also free (but has heavy usage limits that might not suit everybody, but has EXTREMELY fast output speed)

Also try OpenWebUI, as it's capable of "plugging in" any model from the above list.  Another really good web-ui with a lot of extra features, that can also run locally, is LobeChat (They also have a hosted version)

I don't wanna shamelessly promote the company I work for (We have a very generous free tier for our VSCode/JetBrains/WebUI, AI coding assistant) so if you wanna know about that, drop me a DM here or discord and I'll let ya know (and can hook you up with a month of free Pro tier, too).
Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« Last post by Deozaan on October 24, 2024, 11:55 AM »
I forgot to thank you once again for being so helpful.

So thanks! I had no idea about most of those. I'll check them out. :Thmbsup:
General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for QuickBooks Alternative
« Last post by hornet on October 22, 2024, 06:01 PM »
I wonder if the QB files can be saved as QIF?

If so, you could always get an old copy of Quicken and load them up there.

I am long retired, but still use my old version of Quicken to keep track of things.

I use the 1998 version - it still works well......   and no subscription!
Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« Last post by Shades on October 21, 2024, 09:09 AM »
Don't stare yourself too blind on ChatGPT, because it isn't the "all-in-one" solution for everyone or every use-case.

So here are some (mainstream) alternatives:
- ChatGPT (pretty much on par with Gemini for my use-cases).
- PHind (did well with Powershell requests and Oracle requests I made).
- v0 (relatively new player, that looks promising. Bit of a nag about getting a subscription with them, but that is it).
- Gemini (pretty much on par with ChatGPT for my use-cases).
- CoPilot (no experience with, besides unconsciously activating it by misclicking in the Edge browser).

- Replicate (site that lets you try out many different models, some free, some at costs).
Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« Last post by Deozaan on October 21, 2024, 03:21 AM »
I don't really have the budget for upgrading my PC. Maybe I should get a $15 microcontroller and play around with TinyML.

But that's not really an LLM, so I guess I'm better off just accessing some free tier of ChatGPT.
Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« Last post by Shades on October 19, 2024, 12:40 AM »
Hmmm... LM Studio won't work for me either. After poking around in the various tabs of the GUI it seems my CPU is the problem. 😭

[ Invalid Attachment ]
Too bad about your CPU.

In all honesty, I did not expect that, as I have used both Tabby and LM studio on a computer with an AMD APU (9700), same GPU and 16 GB RAM. That APU was designed in the 'bulldozer'-era of AMD, but made to fit on the AM4 socket. That era may not be 2nd gen i7, but isn't that far off either. Tabby and LM Studio worked both on that CPU, but it struggled when more than 1 person was using the LLM functionality. Hence I moved it to the next best (or should I say worst) thing, which was the computer with the i3 10100F CPU. Since then, Tabby is "smooth" sailing" with 5 people accessing it.

Here in Paraguay it isn't that hard to find motherboards and CPUs from the 10 gen for cheap. It is also not really a problem to get 13th and 14th gen gear, but that is more expensive than what it costs in the U.S. or Europe. If I remember my parts prices correctly, that i3 computer would have costed about 425 to 450 USD, with the GPU as the most expensive part.

Perhaps it is an option to get/trade your computer (without GPU) for another older computer with a 4th/5th/6th gen CPU for cheap? Refurbished gear or something from a company that dumped their written-off gear at a computer thrift store? For getting your feet wet with LLMs/AI  that could be useful, while also not breaking the bank.
Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« Last post by Deozaan on October 18, 2024, 11:32 PM »
Hmmm... LM Studio won't work for me either. After poking around in the various tabs of the GUI it seems my CPU is the problem. 😭

LM Studio - LM Runtimes.png
Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« Last post by Deozaan on October 18, 2024, 11:25 PM »
I forgot to mention I have 16 GB RAM in this machine.

I tried it on CPU, CUDA 11 and 12 and Vulkan and I get similar results for all of them in a form looking very much like this:

Code: Text [Select]
  1. 11012.227 s   Starting...←[2m2024-10-19T03:54:38.253368Z←[0m ←[33m WARN←[0m ←[2mllama_cpp_server::supervisor←[0m←[2m:←[0m ←[2mcrates\llama-cpp-server\src\←[0m←[2m:←[0m←[2m98:←[0m llama-server <embedding> exited with status code -1073741795, args: `Command { std: "D:\\Apps\\tabby_x86_64-windows-msvc\\llama-server.exe" "-m" "C:\\Users\\Deozaan\\.tabby\\models\\TabbyML\\Nomic-Embed-Text\\ggml\\model.gguf" "--cont-batching" "--port" "30888" "-np" "1" "--log-disable" "--ctx-size" "4096" "-ngl" "9999" "--embedding" "--ubatch-size" "4096", kill_on_drop: true }`
  2. ←[2m2024-10-19T03:54:38.253838Z←[0m ←[33m WARN←[0m ←[2mllama_cpp_server::supervisor←[0m←[2m:←[0m ←[2mcrates\llama-cpp-server\src\←[0m←[2m:←[0m←[2m110:←[0m <embedding>: warning: not compiled with GPU offload support, --gpu-layers option will be ignored
  3. ←[2m2024-10-19T03:54:38.255312Z←[0m ←[33m WARN←[0m ←[2mllama_cpp_server::supervisor←[0m←[2m:←[0m ←[2mcrates\llama-cpp-server\src\←[0m←[2m:←[0m←[2m110:←[0m <embedding>: warning: see main for information on enabling GPU BLAS support

I guess I'll try LM Studio next.
Screenshot Captor / Main Window & Resize Dialog Mangled
« Last post by dbareis on October 18, 2024, 06:49 PM »
I'm on version v4.36.2 on Windows 11, I suspect that the issue is (in at least the resize dialog) that display scaling changes aren't supported (but that could be a coincidence).

When I double clicked the tray icon to open SC it was sized very small, weird but easy to fix as it allows resizing.  The resize dialog however doesn't.  Rebooting doesn't solve the problem.

I have 2 monitors with different scaling I've attached pictures of the modified one(the dialog looks the same on both).

Screenshot @ 19_10_2024 , 9_33_16 AM, Settings +.png
Screenshot @ 19_10_2024 , 9_00_15 AM, Resize Image.. +.png

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for QuickBooks Alternative
« Last post by paradisusvic on October 18, 2024, 05:06 PM »
Now for their retired now, home checkbook stuff going forward, I will recommend GnuCash. But the business data is safer/cheaper to just let sit, and hope the dust doesn't need to be disturbed.

Agreed. Transferring the business data to a secure, long-term storage solution seems like the most prudent approach. This will ensure that the data remains accessible and protected for any -hopefully unneeded- future reference.

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