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I don't think x/y coordinates exists but here is a check for you to make sure the value in screenshot isn't set to a low value (value of 0 = invisible as noted in the window) making it invisible to the eye. Even with that value at 0 if you hover over the correct place (should be the very top and the center of screen if docked to edge of screen) it will still show the bar it just wont show the place to hover to show it. Another to check is that last checkbox in quick capture bar portion of the settings page highlighted incase it is displaying off screen maybe docking it will get it to show back up if it is unchecked.

Thanks for the quick reply. As (hopefully) shown here, my settings look to me like they should be working correctly - transparency was 255, changed it to 250 for giggles, no change. I had the default set to dock to the edge, but just now unchecked that box and applied changes, then checked the box again and applied changes. No luck, quick bar still isn't visible and doesn't appear when my mouse slides across the top of any one of my monitors - I've tried all 3.

[ Invalid Attachment ]

Ahh. So sounds like mouser will need to help you more. That was all I could think of right off that might be of help.

Is there an .INI or .CONFIG file that specifies the X/Y coordinates for where the Quick-Capture Bar is located? I've enable and disabled that item by right-clicking the systray icon, but it's not appearing anywhere for me. I have 3 monitors and have not changed the primary monitor nor resolution. I'm wondering if it's docking off-screen somewhere?

I don't think x/y coordinates exists but here is a check for you to make sure the value in screenshot isn't set to a low value (value of 0 = invisible as noted in the window) making it invisible to the eye. Even with that value at 0 if you hover over the correct place (should be the very top and the center of screen if docked to edge of screen) it will still show the bar it just wont show the place to hover to show it. Another to check is that last checkbox in quick capture bar portion of the settings page highlighted incase it is displaying off screen maybe docking it will get it to show back up if it is unchecked.

Hey there, I've been using 2.1.0 build 73 RC1 since my previous message in my work setting and those 2 issues appear to be fixed indeed :)

I noticed that the about box still says "2.1.0 build 72" but the version number in the executable properties is correct (
Didn't run into any problem with it, though I must admit I didn't re-test every feature again.
-ConstanceJill (July 07, 2024, 06:00 AM)

Thanks, I didn't get the value changed in one spot resulting in it displaying it wrong. Will be simple enough to fix for either the rc version or next release version. :Thmbsup:

Hey I've just noticed a few minor things that I find just a little annoying:

1 - If, in the Variable text field, I select something from the Variable history, then click in the text field (thus unselecting the text), and then I press Ctrl+A to select all, then on the first attempt nothing seems to happen, and the second time I press Ctrl+A, the text field is cleared.

It seems to only happen with text I recalled from the history or, if I just entered that text into the field by typing it, only after using a button with that variable.

2 - clearing the variable history messes with the dark theme around the Variable text field and on the button to open the Variable history, either until the theme is replaced by another one and re-applied, or the program is restarted.
-ConstanceJill (June 20, 2024, 11:23 AM)

#2 is fixed and I think I may have finally figured out the cause of #1 and fixed it.

Uploaded RC#1 as well with those 2 fixes to the beta page.

Ah! The button with the red "X." I often use the button next to it; I must have hit the X by accident. Thanks again!

Tip: You can also disable the X if you want to be sure not to hit by accident. Uncheck the highlighted checkbox in my screenshot.


FYI: It's just been too busy to post the release version this week.

I'm currently thinking early next week perhaps for the non beta release of this beta cycle as long as its running smoothly/no other ideas by then. :)

Yep, looks like points 1 and 2 are fixed indeed, thanks! :)
I'll let you know if I find anything else.
-ConstanceJill (May 18, 2024, 01:37 AM)

2.1.0 build 71 BETA - BETA Download Page
(Maybe last beta build before a general release build if things are appearing to be polished.)

1. Reverted the launch file exists check to the before method.
2. Fixed minor annoyance with variable field being cleared.
3. Added warning if a button uses the variable text and the variable bar is hidden. (Upon attempting to launch.)

Let me know if this one fixes the 2 above issues you mentioned.

Thanks! :)

So I extracted 2.1.0 build 70 BETA and tried running a few commands on my work computer, but I ran into a an error with a few of them.

For example, I have a button with the following settings :

Image File: <appdir>icons\Ping.png
Application: ping.exe
Application Arguments :-t <var>
Start in:
Button Caption: Ping -t
Command Window : Skip (Direct Launch)
Ignore : Variable Whitespace
When trying to run that command, I'm met with the following error message:
Launch cancelled. Application file listed bellow is missing.


Same problem with buttons that I set to direct launch mstsc.exe, explorer.exe or mmc.exe

From what I gathered, it would seem that, when using "Direct Launch" only, when the full path to the application is not specified, this version of the program tries to check if it finds the program in the PATH, but fails to find it.
However, it does find and launch successfully some third party executables that I've placed in other folders, which I added to my system PATH, without having their paths spelled out in the button settings.
I suspect that it probably has to do with the PATH relying on the %SystemRoot% environment variable for executables that ship with Windows (?)

Replacing the setting in the button with "%systemroot%\system32\ping.exe" also does not fix the problem, I have to put "C:\Windows" in place of "%systemroot%".

Another minor annoyance that I noticed is that, after editing a button, the contents of the Variable field is emptied.
-ConstanceJill (May 17, 2024, 06:07 AM)

I will fix the annoyance. I will also remove the file exists check to let it catch files not found as before which should fix the other issue too.

2.1.0 build 70 BETA - BETA Download Page

This might be the last beta this beta cycle before help gets polished and then a general release build if things are running smooth.

  • Added conversion of environment variables to the start in field (e.g %HOMEDRIVE%, %HOMEPATH% and others) when launched.
  • Note on #1: Launch will be cancelled if it still has environment variables that could not be converted with a message that should display all the environment variables that remain invalid.
  • Reverted to beta build 60 for a launch parameter.
  • Added a tweaks menu under preferences which will display on win11. Currently it is used only for you to choose what the corners of the application windows should be. (default, donotround, rounded, and roundedsmall). It will load and save the preference on a previous operating system but will only show the menu along with being effective when on win11.
  • The variable combobox should now display as the dark mode style when on win10+ and one of the dark themes chosen.
  • Other smaller bugs fixed, enhancements, optimizations.

As always let me know if bugs are found no matter how BIG or small of a bug it may be.
Also let me know your thoughts/feedback on this program in general even if no bugs are found...

All right :)

I also noticed one other issue: I have this RAM drive program called OSFMount installed; and I drag and dropped its shortcut from my start menu to CRAP.

It requires admin rights to be ran, so Windows' User Account Control window usually pops up when starting it —and it did so indeed back when I was launching it from version 2.1.0 build 60 beta— however, in build 68 beta, CRAP only gives with an error message « L'opération demandée nécessite une élévation » (translated back to english: « The requested operation requires an elevation »). The UAC window does not appear and the program isn't ran.
-ConstanceJill (May 15, 2024, 01:17 AM)

Thanks! I changed one line of code back to the build 60 way (which is the only one that I changed that could have had an effect on it from my side) we shall see if it fixes it in the next one.

Also after much research the combo box non dropdown style should turn to the dark mode style of Win10+ and only on Win10+ along with of course when on either of the two dark themes.

Hello there.

I unzipped version 2.1.0 build 68 beta over my existing install on my home computer (which previously had build 60 beta) and got a few new bugs when using it to launch some (but not all) programs:

1 : It appears that, if the "Start in" field has the path within double quotes (for example, "D:\steam" ) then when clicking the button, instead of the program being started, I get the following error message:
Error while launching application.
Caractères non conformes dans le chemin d'accès.

That last line would translate back to english into something akin to "invalid characters in path"

I don't have the issue when making a new layout so I guess it's likely to only be an issue for the small niche of people who tried a previous beta where the Start in field was already a thing, or who would perhaps manually create such a button, but I feel that either the error message should be made more explicit, or perhaps the program should either automatically remove or ignore double quotes in that field — after testing, I can confirm they're not needed even if the program must be started in a folder that has spaces.

2 : I had a button with the following parameters:
Image file: <sysroot>System32\conhost.exe;0
Application: <sysroot>System32\conhost.exe
Start in: %userprofile%\desktop
Button Caption:\nCMD
Command Window: Skip
Ignore: Variable Text

With build 60 beta the program did run (albeit it started the program in the same folder where the shortcut to launch CRAP pointed it to start in, instead of the one I had specified in the button's properties), but now it gives me a different error instead (see attachment, the line in french would translate to "invalid folder name").
Removing the contents of the "Start in" field from the button, or making sure it doesn't use environment variables with "%", allows it to work again.

Another little thing: I noticed that, if the button caption starts with "\n" to avoid having the text appear too close to the icon, the "\n" also is displayed in the tooltip while hovering the button. While it's more accurate to have it show, I can't help but think it probably shouldn't be showing in the tooltip. However, it would probably be even better if the user could, under the global button properties, set a minimum spacing between the icon and text, so that there would be less need for "\n" in captions.
-ConstanceJill (May 14, 2024, 03:38 AM)

1. I have fixed in my local copy to where it should remove any sign of double quotes. (At launch phase)
2. Yeah it cannot handle environment variables like that in beta v2.1.0 b68 and previous but I have researched and made a small change to attempt to parse %userprofile% and others from the "start in" with no additional changes needed by you upon the next update. Also now checks to see if it still contains % after attempting to parse the environment variables and will cancel if still found after parsing what it can.

As for the last bit about caption I cannot tell it the space to use between icon and caption. Also make sure the \n isn't shown in the tooltip in button properties as I think in one beta it added them to the tooltip portion in a minor bug from the drag and drop as well and should be fixed though in current beta version.

Example of #2 when environment variables are parsed and the string still contains some that could not be replaced...

2.1.0 build 68 BETA BUILD is on the beta page for download.

What's New/Modifications
A couple of bugs fixed.

As always let me know if bugs are found no matter how BIG or small of a bug it may be.
Also let me know your thoughts/feedback on this program/build in general even if no bugs are found...

Try the build 68 that I just uploaded and see if the issue is resolved for you.

Hey there,

I've been using 2.1.0 beta 67 today and I've run into a kinda new issue.

With previous versions it already happened from time to time that, while launching a command with a button, I'd get the attached error message. It was not a very common occurrence and the command ran anyway with no other issue, so I didn't mind much.
What's new with this latest beta is that, after running into that error, now I can't seem to interact with the Variable field any more. I can open the drop-down list (which appears to be empty while it shouldn't be) but can't get the blinking cursor to appear inside the field itself, or select the current value by double clicking it, or even replace it by selecting a favorite… seems the only way out is to exit CRAP and restart it.
-ConstanceJill (May 10, 2024, 11:43 AM)

I think I have traced to how the history works so I don't think it is command related at all in the end based on the translation of that message. So I should be able to fix.

Edit: Thanks for reporting it. Pretty sure I have tracked the issue down now to fix.

I can't tell for sure but I think so far I mostly had it happen with the ping command, which happens to be the first in my layout (in case that's relevant).
-ConstanceJill (May 10, 2024, 04:42 PM)
Okay I will see if I can track the mystery down before I request more info.

Hey there,

I've been using 2.1.0 beta 67 today and I've run into a kinda new issue.

With previous versions it already happened from time to time that, while launching a command with a button, I'd get the attached error message. It was not a very common occurrence and the command ran anyway with no other issue, so I didn't mind much.
What's new with this latest beta is that, after running into that error, now I can't seem to interact with the Variable field any more. I can open the drop-down list (which appears to be empty while it shouldn't be) but can't get the blinking cursor to appear inside the field itself, or select the current value by double clicking it, or even replace it by selecting a favorite… seems the only way out is to exit CRAP and restart it.
-ConstanceJill (May 10, 2024, 11:43 AM)

Same command each time or different? If same might have to investigate that command myself if possible to debug.

2.1.0 build 67 BETA BUILD is on the beta page for download.

What's New/Modifications
Each layout file now has a layout configuration section where each option only applies to that layout file.
When loading a large width/height image file for the icon it should now ask if you want to save a copy at a smaller size to use.
Added the ability to shorten the title bar down a little.
More bug fixes and optimizations.
Further theme fixes.

I also ended up adding one last feature to this beta...

Added not one but two new prefix/suffix macros as follows:
<login:user> and <login:pass> which will pop a dialog asking for them right before the launch happens.
Please note that the value will not show in the launch confirm window for more security.

As always let me know if bugs are found no matter how BIG or small of a bug it may be.
Also let me know your thoughts/feedback on this program/build in general even if no bugs are found...

I'm wondering if having it hide as long as no button uses the variable may be confusing for new users that didn't read about the feature first, especially if it's hidden when they start a new layout (which by default would be empty), or if they just start by making one such button and then the field disappears.

Maybe having it just be a toggleable option for each layout would keep it more simple (also when it comes to maintaining the code, even though I guess that's not for me to worry about).
-ConstanceJill (May 07, 2024, 02:31 AM)

Here is what I did currently for a toggleable option. I changed up the layout management dropdown a tiny bit to accommodate for a layout config section by moving switch layouts into a sub menu of it. Then I added a variable bar preference of "On, Off, Auto" with "On" being the default setting to the new layout config submenu in the layout management dropdown. Since the layout listing was dynamic menu items it was easier to have those in a submenu. Then I switched the other portion of layout management to be created at design time which the layouts config needed to already be in place. Also the variable bar options also have a tooltip explaining each if hovered. This should allow for expanding with more layout specific settings should the need/want arise.

Well I'm sure yet if that's a good idea, but I've been thinking, perhaps it would be nice to have a layout-related option that would allow to hide the Variable field and Favorites menu, in case someone intends to use that layout specifically for shortcut type links that do not require any input?
-ConstanceJill (May 02, 2024, 10:17 AM)

I have implemented at the moment in my local copy for it to check to see if any button that is enabled has the ignore variable unchecked and if the layout has all ignore variables for each then it will hide the top bar else display it...but let me know if you want it a different way or not at all. I am cool with whichever way you would prefer on this.

Well I'm sure yet if that's a good idea, but I've been thinking, perhaps it would be nice to have a layout-related option that would allow to hide the Variable field and Favorites menu, in case someone intends to use that layout specifically for shortcut type links that do not require any input?
-ConstanceJill (May 02, 2024, 10:17 AM)

Perhaps if that is something you would want I could possibly work it into each layout file and it will be up to each layout to specify if those are shown or hidden. If each layout I could add a Current Layout Settings submenu inside the Layout Management menu.  Perhaps as well another option would even be simply checking with each load of the layout files to see if all buttons have the option ignore variable text and hide and/or disable the top bar which wouldn't even require the extra option. If it found one that the variable wasn't ignored it would show it still. So there is some thoughts for you to consider for your original idea as well. I could probably do any of those mentioned or leave as is. Will let you decide if you think any is a good idea and let me know.

I did figure out how to get dark scrollbars and dark system menu/right click menu for the combobox/textboxes when on windows 11...

I have a small update coming to beta build 60 at some point soon. Anything else that I should take a look at from build 60 before I do put the small update out?

I have focused on optimizing some parts of the program with the latest to get it ready for the release build.

CRAP BETA 2.1.0 build 60 now on the CRAP Beta Download Page.

BIG CHANGE -> Reworked how button's are identified to account for some of the D&D changes below.
A smaller change -> When files are dropped it should now filter out files that are not of correct file extension.
Additionally -> Some bugs were squashed and hopefully are dead.

Due to the BIG CHANGE I was able to implement the following...

Added more drag/drop operations for buttons.

Main Window D&D operations...
1. Shift + D&D = Move a button/separator within current layout (always placed to the left of button/separator you dropped it on).
2. Control + D&D = Drop a button on a "layoutlink" to give the option to move the button to that layout if it exists.
3. Control + Shift + D&D = Drop a button on a "layoutlink" to give the option to copy the button to that layout if it exists.
4. Note that you cannot move separators to layoutlinks as they don't require data to be entered anyway.

Move to Layout/Copy to Layout right click menu items for the equivalent of the above.

Note: Even with the "BIG CHANGE" no changes should be needed on your side with this version but let me know if you find a bug...

All right, I've tested it a little bit and indeed the 3 issues I had posted about in post #133 seem to be fixed.

I've noticed however that in the "Start in" field, it appears that CRAP puts the path it imported between double quotes, and that seems to not work exactly as expected as, for example :
- Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction, when connecting to, creates a BnetLog.txt file in the folder where it is started in.
If it is started from a button in CRAP where the "Start in" field has double quotes around it, then that file is created in the same folder where CRAP itself was started in
- The Dark Mod v2.12 x64 (it's a free game, get it from :) ) exhibits a similar behaviour, also creating its Darkmod.log file in the same folder where CRAP was started in
- Thief Gold, if its install.cfg file (that file basically tells it where to look for its resources) contains relative paths such as ".\", which is likely to be the case if it was patched up TFix (which is very much THE recommended unofficial patch package), will fail to run when started from such a button.

In all those examples, removing the double quotes around the contents of the "Start in" field from the buttons fixed the issues.

Now I didn't try to install those games in folders that had spaces in them, so I'm not sure if the double quotes would be required then or would still cause issues.
-ConstanceJill (April 26, 2024, 02:26 PM)

I will also get the quotes removed and hopefully those wont be needed for it after all.

Thanks, I'll download and test it ASAP :)

Note: Also in this version...I don't know if I should keep/remove but atm if the control key is pressed when dropping it will add all without the add dialogs...should I keep or remove?
Sounds neat, if the default settings it adds the button with are all right then I see no reason to remove it.

-ConstanceJill (April 25, 2024, 02:16 AM)

I noticed one thing myself fixing how the settings are handled the separator goes based on the width of the button not the height in that build 49 when using a custom button layout. I will fix that.

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