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July 2, 2024
Server Migrations Coming

  • Donationcoder server migration is slowly proceeding, expect some hiccups as we get all our ducks in a row..

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Protect Your Computer From Crazy Little Fingers
Children are attracted to computers.. Adults usually do not think that something bad can happen if their children hammer on the keyboard but they sometimes find the kill combination that does something unexpected.
Crazy Little Fingers steps in and offers a rewarding experience for the child while keeping the computer data safe. It is a fully portable application that assigns images to keys on the computer keyboard disabling all other keys that are not assigned. If a child presses a key an image is displayed, the image can be anything as it is possible to exchange the default images with others.. This could make for some interesting experiences. It would be possible to create a set of A-Z and 1-0 images that show the letter or number and something that begins with them, say an apple for A, a bee for B and so on. Blog image

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