When you can be without owning a car, keep it that way. Unless it is your hobby and you like to do maintenance yourself. Only a wife can spend/waste money faster than a car. But only just. Of course thats in the case you don´t get stopped by police or being caught by a camera...and find 3 weeks later a check in the mail for 50 euros, written out to the municipal, because you were speeding 3 kilometers an hour. Or 5 km/h, but then the ticket is already 75 euro.
Freedom, right. To independedly go from one gas station to the next, while bringing the rest of your money to your local government. In the Netherlands a car like eleman´s would easily cost you 120 euro a month or more, depending on the size of the engine, the type of fuel it uses and general weight. The car has not moved one inch. If you want to do that, you pay close to 2 euros per liter of fuel, depending on type and location of the gas station.
Also, when your car is 3 years or older, you have to do an annual checkup at a station that is allowed to do so. Whatever they say is broken/worn/out of regulation you have to fix. Prices for this test vary, I always had to pay around 65 euros. Cost of the repairs would vary. And if the repairs take too long, you would have to pay again for the test.
Insurance for a car like eleman´s, would also be around 120 euros monthly for not much more than basic coverage. Fines for any of the above are high.
No, When I came to Paraguay, I didn´t need a car anymore and that felt liberating...much more liberating than being the owner of a car ever gave me.
Of course, your mileage may vary, but I am glad to be rid of that moneypit.