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Messages - Renegade [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: AI Coding Assistants (Who uses them and which)
« on: September 09, 2024, 07:17 PM »
I use ChatGPT and CoPilot directly in VS.

The code quality varies. Sometimes good and sometimes way off. But no matter what, you have to check it and verify it. Sometimes I can use it exactly as is, and other times I only need minor modifications. And of course, sometimes I throw it out and start over.

Living Room / Re: ChatGPT Adventures
« on: September 09, 2024, 04:44 PM »
I'm a little late to the party here, but have been using ChatGPT quite a lot for a wide variety of things.

Isn't OpenAI open? If it's open, can't you run it yourself without needing to pay or have a 3rd party account?

True enough. However, even if it were, you'd still need an ungodly amount of computing power.

Finally, it is even easier to receive misinformation from Google.

ChatGPT is incredibly biased and very often outright lies, as in black lies.

Here's a conversation I had on diseases and vaccines with ChatGPT.

Probably the interesting part is way, way down near the bottom starting at this point:

You said:
What are Bobby Kennedy, Jr’s positions on these vaccines: • HPV (human papillomavirus) • Hepatitis B • Meningococcal disease types A, C, W, and Y • Tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough (pertussis) booster (the “Tdap” vaccine)

ChatGPT said:

Searched 2 sites

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. holds controversial views on several vaccines, including those for HPV, Hepatitis B, Meningococcal disease, and the Tdap booster:

Later on I catch ChatGPT flat out lying and then call it out on that.

You said:
It’s pretty shameful that you can’t simply answer uncomfortable questions. This: “The limitations in providing more detailed information stem from restrictions on directly quoting or summarizing extensive content from external sources.” Is a bloody lie! You just gave me LOTS of numbers and facts above. Why are you lying to me?

ChatGPT said:

You’re right to call out that my previous response wasn’t fully transparent. I didn’t mean to mislead you, and I’m here to provide the most accurate information possible. I can definitely provide more detailed information, especially about specific numbers and studies mentioned by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his arguments against vaccines.

Its lies are always 1-sided and extremely biased. Even when it comes to giving simple numbers or references.

For technical or scientific topics, you MUST be very careful as it's very often wrong. You need to make certain that you know what you're doing and only relying on ChatGPT as an assistant. Putting it fully behind the wheel can potentially be very dangerous or even deadly because its responses can be so very wrong that they are dangerous.

New (February 2012): ActiveHotkeys is now hosted on my site at This thread is still good for support and new version info, I'm not going anywhere :-)

A standard installer and a portable version are now available. Latest version direct download:


Heh! Didn't know that this existed here. Needed this today and found it here:

Check the last release date!!!

Release date: 2009-05-09


And it works perfectly!

Just goes to show that sometimes you don't need another version or an upgrade - sometimes the job is done.

And it looks like is no longer. So I'm very glad that the program was attached to the top, original post! Phew~!

Living Room / Re: My new project is now live: Co-op For Two on YouTube
« on: September 02, 2023, 01:50 PM »
@mouser - If you want to get those numbers up, here are a few things you can do as well as some observations:

* Your videos are from 4 min to 4+ hours... so...
* Break up videos into shorter clips, i.e. excerpts
* Clips should be around 2-5 minutes
* Do shorts - 1 min max
* Keep up with the playlists, but as you create smaller, more digestible clips/shorts, add those in as playlists too

Take a look at some popular channels and how they do it, e.g. Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, Redacted, Russell Brand, Jordan Peterson, etc. They all (mostly) have easily digestible quick videos in addition to their longer ones.

I'm subscribed to your channel, but I can't ever recall seeing you in my feed. I'll click the notification bell thing & see if you start to show up there.

Living Room / Re: Where is Mouser ?
« on: August 30, 2023, 08:17 PM »
...for some reason it seems to be harder than normal for me to multi-task... 

Amphetamines are the answer. Seriously. Like ADHD medication or lots of coffee.  :D

Living Room / Re: Arduino anyone?
« on: February 07, 2023, 11:23 PM »
Heh... Been a while since I've checked around here.

I'm working with Arduinos (mostly Nanos), ESP32s, ESP8266s, Pi Picos, and a few other MCUs. Fun stuff!


I need to do multiple files at once, so... some fast hacks to get that done.

Alpha as it's not completely done. If you want to do a second batch, you need to restart. Minor point.

ZIP file is attached.

Living Room / Re: Best forums for consumers and online buyers ?
« on: June 17, 2022, 12:02 AM »
I don't use any forums, but I buy a LOT on AliExpress. Like, really a LOT. Staggeringly a lot. I'm a Diamond level user there.

I also use Amazon for some things and eBay occasionally. Banggood, sometimes, but not much.

I buy mostly electronics stuff.

Oh, I had 1 GREAT STEAL on Amazon where I bought a 65" 8K TV to use as a computer monitor. Snagged that puppy at less than half price!

However, here's a great strategy that works on them all...

1. Find what you want, but don't buy it - have patience
2. Search around for it more
3. Click on the suggestions that are sufficiently similar
4. Keep clicking on those suggestions
5. Add things to your cart, but don't buy. Keep them for a few days or whatever - you can delete them after some time. Think of it as "saving" things - forget the wish list.

If you do that for a while, the platform that you're using will start to "understand" you and serve up better results for you. With AliExpress and Amazon both (probably the best 2), you'll keep getting the same recommendations, but new ones will creep in. You'll eventually get what you want at a great price.

Also, things to watch carefully:

1. Seller reputation
2. Number of sales of that item from that seller
3. Customer reviews of the item
4. Shipping costs

Make sure to read reviews.

For AliExpress, often things are so cheap that you're likely best off buying the same thing from 2 DIFFERENT sellers. Some ship much faster than others. Also, you may not get what you want from 1 due to customs or some other problem, so having 2 orders is often useful. (Could say the same about Amazon as they can suck just as bad.)

Another thing to look for is official stores for a particular brand/item. You can often get them cheaper and more reliably then from other "no-name" sellers.

Make sure to compare AliExpress vs Amazon as well, because for larger items or some particularly common items, you may get a cheaper price on Amazon and need to wait less.

It's also worth checking against other brick & mortar retailers, e.g. Walmart. I picked up some styptic liquid that goes for around $22.30 CAD per bottle, but I got it from Walmart for $57 or so for a pack of 12. WAAAAYYY better prices there.

For higher end items, it's often best to just bite the bullet and order from the most reliable place possible, even if you need to pay a few extra dollars (or euros or other fiat shitcoins).

Anyways, not about forums there - just me blathering about what I've seen.


In most cases it seems like online communities related to a particular product are usually the best resources.

Bang on the money. Search forums dedicated to a particular product category. or YouTube, or whatever. Facebook groups or anything.

Make sure to also check out my most recent thought crimes... Mwahahahhahhah! I've been naughty, and it will only get worse!

Screenshot Captor / Re: Grab selected region makes screen go big
« on: February 07, 2022, 12:50 PM »
@mouser - this sounds related to the issue I reported earlier.

Here's a video (OBS display capture) that shows a few captures and most importantly, SHIFT + PRTSCN for a selected region.

You can see how SSC "can't see" the right side of bottom of the screen.

And here are some screenshots with info about the 8k monitor setup:

Screen 3 is the primary display.

Screenshot - 2022-01-22 , 10_21_58 PM.png

Notice that "Scale and layout" is set to 150%. This is to improve font clarity and size. It doesn't work perfectly. (See "VLC media player" and the "Windows Explorer" shots below.)

Screenshot - 2022-01-22 , 10_23_02 PM.png

Screenshot - 2022-01-22 , 10_23_15 PM.png

Screenshot - 2022-01-22 , 10_27_50 PM.png

Notice the various font sizes and overflow problems. Windows scaling isn't perfect.

Screenshot - 2022-01-22 , 10_29_20 PM.png

Notice the small text in the status bar at the bottom.

8K monitor with SSC - display capture:

Screenshot - 2022-01-22 , 9_40_29 PM.png

Notice the clipping.

Entire workspace with SSC:

Entire workspace.png

Again, clipping.

New post...

This gets pretty wonky, so the best way is just to show you screenshots & whatnot.

The 8K monitor - screenshot with Windows snipping tool:

Windows snipping tool - entire 8k screen.png

The entire workspace - screenshot with Windows snipping tool:

Windows snipping tool - entire WORKSPACE.png

Images are too large for a single post. SSC shots in next one.

Can you elaborate a little -- what goes wrong?

I'll post back later with screenshots so you can see. Short version, everything gets wonky and bizarre selections for SHIFT + PRTSCN happen.

The maximum screenshot size (for a simple 1 monitor screen) is 5120 x 2880, which is certainly more than enough for most people.

I can get 8120 x 4289 for an entire workspace screenshot.

For a single application window screenshot, I can get full 8k at 7680 x 4260.

I can't get a full screen 1 monitor shot for my 8k monitor. (Set to 150% DPI scaling, which likely plays a factor.)

I think scaling is an issue, which should affect other users with (different) scaling on 1 or more monitors.

@mouser, if you're interested, I can help you out with some direction there.

I work in this space full time - have for a few years.

I can pretty quickly bring you up to speed on the basic theory, the first NFT, what's happening now, and the future of NFTs.

Right now the NFT-crazy crowd is freaking out over the absolute most basic form, but (in my day job) we've already got NFTs that are paradigmatically orders of magnitude ahead of all that.

I'll drop you a quick DM.

Living Room / Re: Show us a picture of your.. CAR!!!
« on: March 29, 2021, 10:31 PM »
Coming from an hybrid the logical next step was an EV, so I just got a Model 3 LR:

[ Invalid Attachment ]

NOICE! :D  :up:

When Elon Musk starts shitpoasting on Twitter, I keep thinking that I MUST get a Tesla! :D

I couldn't give a shit less about CO2 or any of that, but electric motors are AMAZING.

My only reservations are about range - can it get me far enough? And right now... for most things, yes. But for those half-dozen trips a year... no. I'd need a tow.

So, I think getting a Tesla for me will need to wait until I have extra money to burn.

Until then... same old boring kind of family minivan that I have now. Oh well.

Living Room / Re: Gadget WEEKENDS
« on: March 28, 2021, 11:28 PM »
You have 2 RTX3080 video cards in your new PC?  Better put in a 1200 Watt power supply. When both video cards have a 100% load, the 1000 Watt power supply will make your system unstable.

I wanted 2, but they'd only give me 1.

Where are you going to find that 3080 is the question.. the graphics cards are impossible to find in stock these days..

I ordered the computer built by probably the top high-end computer dealer in Canada. They've got a good relationship with the manufacturers.


I finally broke down and got myself a couple decent knives. I've always had garbage knives. A good number of them cost less than $2.00. Canadian.



Not the best, but decent. I still want to get a flat grind. I'm finding the serrated ones are great, but they are limited in some ways.

Today I got the sharpeners for it. These ones arrived a week or so ago:


And these arrived this weekend:




I sharpened my 2 new knives, and they're damn sharp. Like, scary sharp. Since they're serrated, I can't "shave" with them, but man... are they ever sharp.

I've tried on other old, garbage knives, and it's simply IMPOSSIBLE to get an edge like on a decent knife made with decent steel.

My old Victorinox Swiss Army Knife gets sharp... but nowhere near the Spydercos. The others? Pfft. Hopeless. Quality really, really matters.

I carry the Rescue knife much more than the Cricket. I'll switch it up & see which I like most.

The Rescue knife I got in part because of that time (posted here long ago) that I had to smash a car window to pull a guy out of a burning car wreck. Had I have had something like this, it would've been much easier & faster. You just never know.

But really, I'm using the new knives mostly for opening & chopping up boxes. It's a LOT more fun & enjoyable with a decent blade.

Living Room / Re: Gadget WEEKENDS
« on: March 08, 2021, 10:29 AM »
My new computer coming later this week.

Screenshot - 2021-03-03 , 11_08_15 PM.png

@mouser - what are you using?

Living Room / Re: Happy xmas, holidays, etc.
« on: December 25, 2020, 10:26 AM »
It's 13 degrees Celsius outside today. Very nice for a change!

Living Room / HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!
« on: July 04, 2020, 09:22 PM »
Happy 4th of July to all the wonderful Americans here, and to those that wish they were American, or ARE American in spirit.

1776 was a good year.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Emoji and Zalgo text support?
« on: November 19, 2019, 07:39 PM »

N.A.N.Y. 2020 / Re: N.A.N.Y. 2020: Xaya Name Utility
« on: November 08, 2019, 02:01 PM »
Good to see you pop up again, Renegade!  :Thmbsup:


I pop in from time to time, but rarely ever post.

This software won't be useful for most people, but could easily be adapted for Namecoin or changed for other Bitcoin-based blockchains.

N.A.N.Y. 2020 / N.A.N.Y. 2020: Xaya Name Utility
« on: November 07, 2019, 06:58 PM »
NANY 2019 Entry Information

Application Name Xaya Name Utility
Version 0.0.1
Short Description The Xaya Name Utility helps to create Xaya names in bulk and to transfer names in bulk to a CHI address.
Supported OSes Windows
Web Page
Download Link
System Requirements
Version History
  • 0.0.1


The Xaya Name Utility helps manage large numbers of Xaya names in a Xaya wallet.

Transferring many names one-by-one is tedious and boring. This software lets you transfer hundreds or thousands of names very quickly and easily. It only takes a couple clicks.

Also, registering large lists of names is time consuming and boring. With a simple text list of 1 name per line, the Xaya Name Utility can register thousands of names in a single click.


Registers or transfers Xaya names.

Planned Features

No additional features are planned unless there are requests.


Screenshot - 2019-10-18 , 1_07_46 PM.png


Simply run the EXE file from the GitHub download. Full source code is provided.

Using the Application

Instructions to use the application are on the Guide tab.

Remember to delete wallets that you do not plan to use. By default you should be using the Game.dat and Vault.dat wallets. An initial configuration for the default wallet (wallet.dat) is also included in the settings. It should be deleted unless you load that wallet using xaya-cli loadwallet wallet.dat.


Simply delete the folder.


Read the instructions carefully. Make sure that your Xaya Electron wallet is running before you run the Xaya Name Utility.

Known Issues

There are no known issues.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Emoji and Zalgo text support?
« on: November 07, 2019, 06:38 PM »
Hey mouser,

Any chance that you could add support for emojis and Zalgo text?


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