Just out of curiosity …
What are people doing with all this information they’re curating and cataloging with these various pieces of software? To what purpose? Or maybe even: to what avail?
I’m more curious about the individual “business” use cases rather than the supporting technology. Technology and solutions that offer varying degrees of utility aren’t that difficult to run down. God knows there’s tons of software out there. But the reasons to employ said technology can sometimes be less obvious. At least to me.
So help me out. What is/are your goal(s). What’s it all for? What are you guys doing with all this information you’re gathering?
When I learned about this, the thing that intrigued me the most was how prolific that Lurhman guy was due to using this system. Prolific in terms of churning out books. I also want to continue writing books, so that is my end goal. I remember writing my first set of books how annoying and time=consuming/frustrating it was to organize everything, and then once organized, even keeping track of your thoughts and notes and edits, etc. So the idea of using a system such as this to capture your thoughts and then later to recover it and put quickly together in long-form or book form, is the ultimate goal for me.
I've been an unorganized notetaker for many many years, most of my life. But their all over the place. If I wanted to put something together based on my thoughts, I have to search and find everything, then reread it (because they are long and disjointed), then re-understand my original points, then organize, then edit. Supposedly, this allows us to skip all that once the "zettels" are created and its just a matter of following each zettel (which should already be concise and easy to read/understand) and they are already linked, so you can just churn out books...theoretically.
Now, in practice, much of the last 2 years of the exercise was just to see if this even works with the software and tools etc. Nothing really "took" for me until i saw that software Neuron that I am loving. And the thing there was that it syncs with my local files and presents a very nice looking website instantly with everything there. The softwares technically do the same, but something about the aesthetic of neuron really is working for me.
So now I am just writing away, and hopefully some nice books will come out of it.
Business wise, I don't see many applications. Would employees really use such a tool? Not really. Even if they were research oriented, it still takes a rare kind of dedication to use it all (the markdown, the linking, the curating) it's all very rare. Maybe if the system could be more automated somehow, but still, I struggle to find a good application. Actually, in the neuron forum, one of the users presented it to a company, and he said there wasn't much interest at all, lol.
What's wrong with us? Why do we write and write and curate and write? I don't know, might be a mental problem.