I don't see this extra blank line, but let me know if I fixed it when I release the next interim build later today.
There's an extra "`n" (new line) at the end of the tooltip text, I found it in previous version and fixed it locally. Possibly your version of Windows trims it automatically, that's why you don't see it, but XP does display it.
Tray_Tip_Format_Short := sTemp . "°" . ( CF ) . " (FL: " . sChill . "°" . ( CF ) "), " . sCondition . "`n"
. "RH: " . sHumidity . "%`n"
. "Hi: " . sHigh1 . "°" . ( CF ) . ", Lo: " . sLow1 . "°" . ( CF ) . "`n"
There's another "fix" I did in my local version: tooltips for the statusbar icons. I had no idea where those were leading to; now there's a tooltip clearing it all out.
; somewhere in autoexec
Global lnkYdev := "https://developer.yahoo.com/weather/"
Global lnkTZDB := "https://www.timezonedb.com"
; further down
SB_SetParts( 300, 65, 25, 25 )
SB_SetIcon( Temp_Dir . "\yahoo.ico", 1, 3 )
SB_SetIcon( Temp_Dir . "\timezonedb.ico", 1, 4 )
; my additions following
msg := A_IsUnicode ? 0x411 : 0x410 ; SB_SETTIPTEXTW/A
SendMessage, msg, 2, "Yahoo developer site " lnkYdev, msctls_statusbar321
SendMessage, msg, 3, "TimezoneDB site " lnkTZDB, msctls_statusbar321
You can try disabling the "Use HTTPS when possible" option in sWeather.
That seems to have worked. Can't believe I didn't try that earlier. Or did I…? Anyway, one down.
Will be waiting for Yahoo's fixes… or yours.