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Messages - dcwul62 [ switch to compact view ]

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Most probably you won't be able to read the files anyway. They are just for testing purposes.

Did you try it yourself? The redating, I mean.
If you are at the topfolder, likely you need to click on adjust timestamp about 5-6x
Maybe if the tree is less 'deep', say just 1 subfolder or 2 at best, then the adjust timestamp runs fine.

For me it is no problem to have separate 'multi-adjust timestamp' button.
However, I think what I suggested below (multiple rows and @nodeselect in between) is not the right way..??
Get a number of pop-ups and need to click "exec all' each time.

Anyway, let's wait and see.

If it is too complicated, if there is no solution, then forget it.

Thanks for all yr help sofar!



Hello again, pls find attached  zip file.
I have just created a sub sub sub folder structure with some test files.
I needed to click on the new 'multi timeadjust' button twice to get the date of the rootfolder corresponds with the news file in the folder (12-06-2015)

Hope you will see what I mean.


I mean this...

SnagIt-13062015 133457.png



Wonder whether the button should read like this now

d:\Directory Opus\SetFolDateFM.exe {ss} {Os}
d:\Directory Opus\SetFolDateFM.exe {ss} {Os}
d:\Directory Opus\SetFolDateFM.exe {ss} {Os}
d:\Directory Opus\SetFolDateFM.exe {ss} {Os}


Recurse is on, of course, by default.

Imagine following scenario:


Select folder, click on Adjust time stamp, newest date, recurse tagged.
exec all

Nothing happens, do it again, and again and maybe again.
After 2-3 times, in worst case after the 6the time, folder is adjusted correctly.

So, what I am telling is that sometimes, on individual folders, I need to run the same adjust timestamp routine a couple of times.
In the end it is successful, for sure.

I would like to avoid doing the same routine multiple times.

Q: is it possible to have additional parameters that does
a) the redate based on newest file
b) basis recursive=on
c) no deselecting the folder (until I manually deselect it, e.g. moving down to another folder)
d) does the job 3x

for example something like:

d:\Directory Opus\SetFolDateFM.exe {ss} {Os} {N} {R} {3}
{N} newest
{R} Recursive
{3} 3 times

to be honest, i have no idea where the {ss}{Os}  parameters come from...

I would then use a hotkey to simply execute the job, without any additional clicks.

Hope you understand, then again. I don't know if it is complicated.

Best regards

Hello 4wd
a complicated one, I guess.
Today I restore a -lot- of subfolders. They got today's date of course.
No problem: I have this 'adjust timestamp' button
Opus: d:\Directory Opus\SetFolDateFM.exe {ss} {Os}

A lof of folders (maybe 80% of the 180) went fine and got the folderdates based on newest date in file.
My workaround is to go down the folders and then run the adjust timestamp on sub folders (or sub-sub folders).
SOmetimes it also works to run it a number of times, 3-4-5x
Each time I have to
select folder
click button
exec all

I don't know how this could be solved.
Fact is, in the end it is okay

Just checked on a folder containing some utility software, after the 6x time, everything was okay.

For me it is 99,9% on newest date.

1) maybe it is possible to have this as a parameter? i.e. I would then have a button that will perform redating on newest date by default (no need to click on Exec all)
2) Maybe there is a way to have this run multiple times? (e.g. 3 times)

I would then only need to click on a hotkey to have it run 3 times on a number of selected folders.

What do you think?

Best regards

Nope, right now, all the renames (except this 'new' one) cud be covered with the existing regex.

Will the current regex still work then?

I check, regretfully it doesn't.
will re-instate the previous regex
Code: Visual Basic [Select]
  1. "(.*?)(?:([-\s]\d[-\s\d]*\.\w+)|\.\w+)$"

SnagIt-20052015 075613.png


Often a screenshot explains things better.

SnagIt-20052015 063302.png

The script used for the Opus button is as follows


Code: Visual Basic [Select]
  1. @script vbscript
  2. Option Explicit
  4. Dim regex, file, folder, rencmd, sfdcmd, WshShell
  6. Function OnClick(ByRef ClickData)
  7.   sfdcmd = "F:\Directory Opus\SetFolDateFM.exe" ' Full path to SetFolDateFM.exe command
  9.   Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  11.   DOpus.OutputString "--- SetFolDate ---"
  12.   Set regex = New RegExp
  13.   With regex
  14.     .Pattern    = "(.*?)(?:([-\s]\d[-\s\d]*\.\w+)|\.\w+)$" ' Change the RegExp to what you want
  15.    '.Pattern    = "(.*?)(?:([-\s]\d{2}).*|\.\w+)$" ' Change the RegExp to what you want
  16.    .IgnoreCase = true
  17.     .Global     = false
  18.   End With
  20.   sfdcmd = Q(sfdcmd) & " /r " & Q(ClickData.func.sourcetab.path)
  21.   For Each file In ClickData.func.sourcetab.selected_files
  22.     If Not file.is_dir Then
  23.       Set folder = regex.Execute(
  24.       If folder.Count = 1 Then
  25.         rencmd = "Rename " & Q( & " TO " & Q(folder.Item(0).Submatches(0) + "\" +
  26.         DOpus.OutputString + "|" + folder.Item(0).Submatches(0)
  27.         DOpus.OutputString rencmd
  28.         DOpus.OutputString "--------"
  29.         ClickData.func.command.RunCommand rencmd
  30.         sfdcmd = sfdcmd & " " & Q(folder.Item(0).Submatches(0))
  31.       End If
  32.     End If
  33.   Next
  34.   DOpus.OutputString sfdcmd
  35.   WshShell.Run(sfdcmd)
  36. End Function
  38. Function Q(s)
  39.   Q = """" & s & """"
  40. End Function

I tried to mess around with the regex (line 14) but didn't how to solve this.
On and on I tried with Opus rename
fm:  bla bla
to: \1\\\2 
(that you suggested in earlier threads)
but a. I didn't know exactly what I was doing and b. it did not work out, so gave up on that one.

However, maybe.. what I am asking is simply impossible.



There are two methods...

SnagIt-19052015 122021.png




SnagIt-19052015 122051.png

I meant the method under nbr 2

I have been puzzling about the below quite regularly. Sofar I renamed/copied files to folders 'manually', i.e. naming folders myself, not using setfoldatefm.

I wonder if it can be included in setfoldate though, as it is something regularly occuring with many files.


This & that - SomeFileName and Some Text 1971 - 01 - 17052015 102910.png
This & that - SomeFileName and Some Text 1971 - 02 - 17052015 102510.png
This & that - SomeFileName and Some Text 1971 - 03 - 17052015 103059.png
This & that - SomeFileName and Some Text 1971 - 04 - 17052015 103410.png
This & that - SomeFileName and Some Text 1971-05-17052015 102910.png
This & that - SomeFileName and Some Text 1971-06-17052015 102510.png
This & that - SomeFileName and Some Text 1971-07-17052015 103059.png
This & that - SomeFileName and Some Text 1971-08-17052015 103410.png

to a folder
This & that - SomeFileName and Some Text 1971

I vainly tried to figure this out myself.

Hope there is an easy solution for this, but if it is too complex, please leave it as t is.
I will continue the 'manual way'.


including the option to adjust folder timestamp (to oldest/newest file in folder)

Am using this sooo many times.  :Thmbsup:
Perfect tool, at least, that is what I feel.
Just wanted to add this comment, nothing more.

Actually, I wonder why this has not been included into Explorer by default...


Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Clipboard Help and Spell - New Name?
« on: May 02, 2015, 02:25 AM »
It is difficult to a find a new name when 'clip' should be in the name. Most of the times, the name has already been taken.
Personally, again... personally, I never felt the name 'Clipboard Help and Spell' really appealing. Mouser, I don't want to offend you!
I felt the name was too long and also the 'Help and Spell'-part, I don't know, the main task is to manage clips in whatever way.

But then again, what does it matter?

As said it is difficult to find a short, unique name with 'clip' or 'clips' in it, also easy to abbreviate.  Clip may also be a video clip.
"MyClips" or "MyClipTools" "MyClipboardTools" "ClipboardTools Pro" "DCClipboard" (MC/MCT/CTP/DCC)  DC=Donation Coder

Think ClipboardTools Pro isn't yet taken.

Drawback of changing name is that CHS has been mentioned and known on many sites.

Ah well... maybe leave it as it is...  :)


Sorry for the delay, I meant this.

SnagIt-24022015 152616.png

Thing is that I wanted to speed up Clipboard Help and Spell (see my other posts)
Created 3 new folders and moved clips into them (around 26k)

CHS is fast again now.

SnagIt-04022015 143014.png

Am not sure about the SQL thing, should I tag it?



Thanks Mouser,
matter solved.

SnagIt-04022015 133805.png

Error: Could Not Convert Variant of Type string into type Boolean

No alternative but to close using the taskmanager

SnagIt-04022015 073435.png

Maybe because of messing up with new groups?

Don't know.

(delphi error)

I wish to move clips from Clipboard->Old to  new  "Child groups"  so CHS will speed up when loading.

Q: where to insert a child group, so it will
a. be searchable (Quick Search Filter)
b. speed up loading

as a group under 'All' or as a group under 'Clipboard' ?

What is the maximum recommended # of items per group?


SnagIt-04022015 070453.png

@mouser Any progress on this?
Exporting to separate files.

Note that exporting to .csv is not successful either, at least, with me.
I guess .csv is meant to be imported in Excel? With me all data is listed disorganized, there is nothing I can do with it.
Have you given it a try yourself?

Sorry to keep on nagging about this old request and most likely I am the only one :)

Export to single .txt files (adding date-time) - September 03, 2013, 04:29:32 PM

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Slow
« on: February 03, 2015, 04:06 AM »
@mouser what do you think of my idea?

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Slow
« on: January 25, 2015, 08:02 AM »
As CHS is running all the time, it captures every single ctrl-c, even though it is just a few characters.
Oh, I have ClipMate running as well, it holds 66.000 clips
(thousands of graphics I recently deleted)

Running CHS only (no ClipMate active), it does not make any difference.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Slow
« on: January 24, 2015, 09:24 AM »
select text, ctrl c
start stopwatch
stop once the taskbar button changes into normal
for your info

SnagIt-24012015 162225.png

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Slow
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:12 AM »
Up front.

I do not know whether the below it is a solution and/or whether it is feasable at all.

Just an idea...

But what about (optionally!)  splitting the clipboard, say in monthly or quarterly clips,
or volume based split?

SnagIt-24012015 072138.png

Or split into:
-Recent  [2] Months   (e.g. keep clips upto 2 months)
-Old       [12] Months  (e.g. keep clips upto 12 months)
-Archive  (clips older than 12 months)

When searching:
-by default search recent
-if nothing is found, user can TAG search in 'old/archive' clips as well, which may take longer.

Well, I don't know, these are just 'wild ideas'  ..   :)

keep up the good work!


p.s. with 'copy to clipboard', in my earlier post, I mean this button SnagIt-24012015 080358.png

vainly tried to upload the video here, so you cud play it without.. downloading.
regretfully this is not possible, without using youtube.
therefore you need to download it first now.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Slow
« on: January 23, 2015, 08:12 AM »

-change from [new]  to  [old]
(under the \Clipboard tree)

- do a search, I type 2 letters and cannot type any further.
I then start doing something else for -say- 20-30 seconds, then I can continue, enter 1 letter and need to wait again.

- copy something to clipboard: the button in the taskbar shows it is busy copying, busy, busy
sometimes it take 10-20 seconds before it is completed

Think the database isn't too big..
SnagIt-23012015 150709.png

28.000 clips

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Slow
« on: January 23, 2015, 08:11 AM »
Reason: duplicate posting

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