hi mouser
what is currently exported to .txt are these details (in Excel, I have 'transposed' the data from rows to columns.
(Index, UserKeywords, ClipType, ParentId, ParentGroup, OtherGroups, Application, FullApplicationPath, WindowTitle, Title, Description, ImageIndex, ExcerptText, ClipText, CreationDateTime, ModificationDateTime, ViewDateTime, MarkDateTime, DueDateTime, IsFavorite, UserFlag, UserCheckbox, UserRating, Protected, Ordering, ClipFormatNum, DataSize, FileList, ExtendedData, FileCount, HashText)
Export to single .txt files (adding date-time)=
I am not sure about Clip Text, with me it remains empty.
Export to single .txt files (adding date-time)=
btw, with some rows, I think CHS has a small 'hick-up' as it puts dates in the index column.
no idea why.
note that clip ID 2464 was clip that I deleted myself (likely a merged clip).
in my collection, which is small as I just started with CHS (just close to a 1000 clips only), there are 4 of such clips.
so, not a big issue.