Along those lines, I'd have to say that
The Real America by Glenn Beck changed my life.
Book Description
There are some things people think but don't say....
"Political correctness is the classic Great Idea Gone Wrong. All it's done is shut us up. It hasn't changed anybody's mind. It hasn't changed our hearts. It's changed our faces. It's taken every opinion we have, it's taken every joke we have, and it's forced us to conceal it and hide it and bury it. It's made us superficial."
"Terrorism isn't caused by poverty, poverty is caused by terrorism. Terror is a tool used by those seeking power to keep the masses in need of an answer."
"Too many people blame everything on everybody else, and because they do, they will expect too little from themselves and too little from their children."
Glenn Beck says all that, and more.
The way he opens the book (if my memory serves me) is how it is hard to find people that are real. How we've all become superficial. His great example is the contrast in how many people behaved on September 10th, 2001 to how people behaved on September 12th, 2001. On the 12th people really wanted to know when they asked someone how they were doing. They really wanted to find a way to help and be the real people they are inside--caring human beings--instead of having a 3-foot thick pane of plexi-glass between themselves and the next person.
It's changed my life in learning how to really be honest with others and myself. It's changed my life in not buying into what Hollywood and the Media and what Politics tell me life is like. It's changed me from trying to fit in with the crowd into being happy as someone who is unlike the majority of others trying to fit the image the world makes up for them.
I'd recommend this book to anyone.