I resisted firefox for a loooong time, and for a long time I used netcaptor, which does tabs really well and uses the IE engine.
I finally started switching over to firefox in the last 6 months or so, as i got used to the excellent tab externsion addons.
When IE7 came out I tried it and while i was not exactly happy with the new UI, the tabs seemed to work well enough, and IE7 starts up so much faster than FF for me that i have been using it.
However it seems that the development team on IE really must have missed the Windows 98 phenomena where you would run out of user resources (user interface handles, etc), and programs would start locking up and beeping and breaking and just randomly misbehaving for no reason. They missed it so much in Windows XP which seemed to have solved this problem, that they put it back into IE7.
In fact this seems to be a trend with MS (who i have defended in the past and continue to think does some great work). No one write programs that are more incompatible with and prone to break and abuse Microsoft Windows standards than Microsoft itself. It's one of the great mysteries of the universe that they can't seem to write well behaved programs on their own platform. Maybe ms should concentrate on writing software for the mac and let other write for windows.
After two or three windows of IE7 are open, all hell breaks lose on my computer (win xp sp2); IE7 itself and other programs start to fail to be able to open new dialogs and windows. Instead, if i'm lucky, they just beep incoherently when they try. After much cursing i remember i have to close IE7 and then all programs start behaving ok again.
So, to IE7 i say: "get the F* off of my comptuer."
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