Thanks for the update, mouser.
One thing:
I am a bit confused how to control what SSC copies to the clipboard. I found that the Shortcut CTRL+C works in a different way than using the menu item "Copy image/object to clipboard (CTRL+C)". Shouldn't they do the same?
Using the menu item created two kinds of bitmaps: "Device Independent Bitmap" and just "Bitmap" while CTRL+C creates just a "packet". To paste an image into e.g. an HTML mail I have to always use the menu.
And, additionally, it would be nice if we could set up, what and what not to copy to the clipboard. When both kinds of the above mentioned bitmaps are in the clipboard there's a default action when pasting and that's normally the Device Independent Bitmap, which resizes ugly in HTML mails or RTF pages. So there's always the need to first select which one to copy and choose just "Bitmap".