Buy a Rivian. While it hasn't dramatically more range, it is a pick-up truck. So, you'll have room on the back for a generator to charge the battery.

All kidding aside though, after watching documentary series: '
Long Way Up' I was impressed with the Rivian truck. The documentary is about 2 old friends and movie-actors, who travel from the most southern point of South America to Los Angeles, each on highly experimental electrical Harley Davidson motor bikes. They also use 2 Rivian electrical pick-up trucks as support vehicles. The Rivian trucks did not break down during the whole trip. And only 1 of the electrical prototype bikes needed repairs when arriving at Central America.
In the beginning the actors and support teams really had to get their minds around how they should use electrical cars and bikes. Took quite some doing. And as the most southern point of South America is not that far from Antartica anymore, the temperature spoiled the fun on more than one occasion. They also traveled through Patagonia (Argentina), which is huge, very sparsely populated and electricity is not a given there.
Once they started to travel through slightly more densely populated areas, they were accustomed to the electrical vehicles and you start to hear more and more praise from the whole team. The whole trip was about 23.000 miles. And they had to drive through very punishing terrain, sometimes at really high altitudes too.
What I saw was the Rivian pick-up truck has some really smart storage spaces available. And you can sit 6 adults easily. It appeared to me that those trucks have as much usability as a mini-van, as they do as pick-up truck. In the documentary, the Rivian factory also enabled rolling charges. If you are out of energy, the truck can be towed for a few miles where it will charge it's batteries. Not sure if that functionality will be available in their commercial models.