Thanks rjbull i got that: couldn't get my eye over there:-hulkbuster
It's easy to go boggle-eyed looking at BRU

Another thing , can i rename any file in a folder containing zip and rar files just by adding a number in the start of of the file name: i.e.,
like for instance in this folder containing zip and rar files i just want the name to be the same but i want serial number in the start of the file name: starting from the rar or zip. If that could be done it would be a beauty: )-hulkbuster
Not quite sure what you're asking for. BRU's author points out that changing extensions is dangerous, because Windows relies on them so much to decide what to do with a file. You can add an
extra extension with BRU, Box 11, Extension, investigate the dropdown. If you really want to add numbers to the extension, you can, but the key isn't on the main screen. You have to use BRU's menus:
Options ->
Ignore -> F
ile Extensions. Then go to Box 10, Numbering, and select the options you want. Do you mean -> foo.
bar1 (etc.) - or - -> foo.
1bar ?
Both are possible, see screenshots.
It's maybe a little easier with 1-4a Rename, in that you don't have to dig into menus when you weren't expecting to. 1-4a's Web site has lots of good examples, but the program itself has almost no help -
other than hovering the mouse over the relevant section. See last screenshot.