Whoa...Great thread going on here!
Well..I'm João (eheh,i know.. English people don't know how to read my name,at least the ones i knew when i went to USA),I'm 20 years old and I'm from Portugal.
I'm a university student (that's not the right way to say it,is it?) at
Instituto Superior Técnico,in Lisbon, Portugal.
As Lisbon is too far from my parent's house, i spend the weekdays at Lisbon and the weekends at Tomar,my parent's city.
Not being as life experienced as most people that posted here,there isn't much more for me to say,except that you can see some images from Portugal (and no,it isn't a province of Spain
),just check
here!(ps: that map thing would be great,mouser,i really would like to see a map with everybody's position in the world,maybe we could even find some neighbours!
I've already seen one like that and it gives a great look!)