Hello All,
I can't remember how I came across this site...could've been surfing, might've been googling, maybe even Stumbled upon it. However I got here, I'm glad it happended. This is an incredible place. I'm a software junkie and have found Nirvana.
My name's Kevin Anderson, I'm 42, married, and I live in Memphis, Tennessee, home of Elvis, Pork BBQ, Blues and not much else worth mentioning.
I know virtually nothing about writing code except for a course in BASIC I took in college back in '84 to fulfill my language requirement, and a half-a**ed attempt at learning VB.Net about 6 months ago. (I did manage a successful "Hello World" web app, thank you)
Actually I spend much of my time in mortal combat with application developers. See...I'm a Systems/Network Admin. and am often blamed for unexpected errors when applications make their way to my test environment. And I must admit, it is foolish of me to design the test systems based on the specs of our end users and not the hardware used by the developers. Such is life.
However, you all seem like a convivial lot, and not at all insane, so I thought I'd introduce myself.