Hi people.
Im marcus, 33, from the rarely warm mostly damp floating land mass called the United Kingdom . First computer i saw in action was a Commodore Pet (mostly just the green cursor as no teacher had a clue how to use it). Got a lot more into computers when i got my own VIC 20 (which in hindsight as it was the same year the C64 came out was a BAAAD purchasing decision, but you make the most of a bum deal). Progressed to a speccy (every model from the rubbery 48k to the Amstrad-a-like 128k +2, spectrums never laster to long in our house, damn you Daley Thompson) , recieved my first my first email in 1987 via a prestel terminal, moved onto the Amiga (Now, thats what i call a proper computer) and held out as long as i possibly could before buying an IBM compatible (Window 95 was my first MS experiance, im still having councilling).
Of course during this period i went to school, bunked off PE to play Match Day and Sabre Wulf, got caught bunking off, sent back to school, left school, went to 6th Form, Went to college, Travelled a while, Came back, Cut Hair , Worked for a Bank, Left Bank, Became Engineer for the 2nd ever 0845 ISP in the UK, Learnt that the reboot cycle of an NT4 server took the same amount of time as making microwave popcorn, also learnt that just because a crimper has the words RJ45 written on them doesn`t mean that someone hasnt grinded down the teeth to make it an RJ11 crimper and the 125 patch cables you`ve just madeup just aint gonna work, Lost job due to Dot Com implosion, got new job doing pretty much exactly the same thing but for the telecoms industry, got bored, moved over to media, became broadcast engineer, got all arty farty and became an editor for a home shopping network, became really arty farty and became a compositing editor for a production house,decided that i was becoming to arty farty and maybe i should get back into IT as its more stable.
Currently roaming the country looking to find new and intresting work, like the bloke from the tv series Kung Foo - except theres not much Kung Foo involved. Even went to Wales, now thats dedication.
I enjoy a good club, a quick drink and all the usual social stuff.
Im slightly Sarcastic
I Like Pizza
My fingers now hurt after all the typing