Qui bibit, dormit; qui dormit, non peccat; qui non peccat, sanctus est; ergo qui bibit sanctus est.
Whoever drinks, sleeps; whoever sleeps, doesn't sin; whoever doesn't sin is a saint; therefore the one who drinks is a saint.
I am a poet, been one for 57 years. Born in Scottsboro, Alabama, but lived in and out of NYC for about 40 odd years. And they were odd years. I didn't finish high school; I didn't finish undergrad school; I didn't finish grad school either. I have taught elementary, middle, and high school, taught undergrad and grad school too. I have taught students privately. I am a poet and a prosodist. I work parttime for a small private intelligence and security company. I am selftaught along with the help of online forums, books, and asking about computers, security, and internet. About some things I may appear expert and other things a complete ignoramus, bizarre gaps in my education. I have four books, one anthology. The last book, short history of the saxophone, came out last year. My pa was a mathematician, my sister is one, and so too my daughter. My daughter has just had two grandgals for me. (note the compleat selfdom, which he in 3rd personage resorts to 14th century variant of complete. And he minimizes the role that his daughter, her consort, and the grandma - oh, don't forget the holy one - had in this birth. He thinks, I am the grandpa.).
I am a member of the the Freeware Forum, where I heard about this place. They, mainly coathanger, are responsible for this here cursed with my presence virtually. I was taken by some of the software hereabouts, free. I like free, good free. I can afford free. I live in a house in north alabama, still have an apartment in nyc. With a roommate i can barely afford it, along with an active broadband acct there - and here. I have a Windows XP Pro and OS X network here and there; I use the Macs, along with turntable, cd and tape players, and tuners, as music system. Windows as work horses. My main transport is bicycle,here and there. I mix high and low tech. I have eclectic tastes in music, books, everything. My lady is a pediatrician; she has a son and daughter from a previous marriage. I have a son and daughter. Her son is an e.m.s. and daughter an m.d.; my son manages a business, daughter an engineer with an aerospace company.
I drink knob creek, booker's, guiness stout, and pilsner, but no more than a shot, or bottle of beer in a day. Sometimes we split a beer. I am a grandpa to two grandgals, the last is the more important.
My lady and I split our time between WA state, alabama, and greenwich village. I am nosey, hunger for larning, so feed me.