I'm 23 years old, my name is Chad, I'm male, married, a Christian, and currently living in Knoxville, TN. I say currently because I have lived many places and may be moving again shortly. I have no real profession yet and am currently unemployed
. I have full intent of going to college to change all of that, but I have been finding that immensely difficult. Apparently, the government does not provide support to those living in their parents house, so I need to move out on my own but haven't yet gotten the means to do that. I suppose they figure my parents are supporting me, lol. One good look at my father's tax history would disprove that theory but that's life as the saying goes.
My background in computers and such is basically all self taught to some degree or another. I did take A+, Net+, and Cisco CCNA up to year 3 in school, but honestly those things are useless in practical day to day circumstances. Most of my solid knowledge about computers and such comes from reading literature about computers and operating systems. I've read the course material to have many Linux and other certifications (NTFS forensics as well, if that's even a certification one can get).
I have programmed little unfortunately, but what I have done has taught me a lot about the concept of programming and in turn I was able to teach a friend who had been programming for a while to program better. I guess my point is that I know the concepts, just not the language. I made a really dynamic game of pong on the TI-89+ which I called crapong. Unfortunately, that name was already taken but I didn't know that at the time lol. I studied but never learned Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, C, C++, and BASIC. I suppose I just got so far and ended up not going through due to laziness, getting distracted, etc. The one language that I did learn I learned by simply looking at example code and changing it to my liking (I'm convinced this is the best way to start learning a programming language, atleast if you can go through it the way I was able to). That would be mIRC scripting. I know it seems weird as a language to learn, it's just what I learned and it has made it immensely difficult to go to any other language since I know it so well. It sounds silly to say, but I can do nearly anything I've ever really wanted to do on a computer in mIRC scripting, so I have had a very difficult time learning other languages.
I am still in search of finding the right career for me, that will allow me to express my creativity, express my ability to teach others, and allow me to continue to grow in knowledge about computer related things or all things in general. These are really the things that matter most to me, I would truly hate a job where learning is not a part of it. I am constantly wanting to learn and grow in my knowledge about things, but seem to find less and less time to do so these days being married and having the stresses that come with it. I suppose one could say I am a bit of a knowledge-aholic, as I don't believe I will have ever learned enough to completely satisfy my desire to learn. Some people call me a renaissance man as I seem to be able to do just about anything somewhat well, or atleast know a 'more than average' amount about many subjects, however, a specialization in one hasn't truly surfaced just yet.
I guess that is me in a nutshell. I know there probably isn't anyone here interested enough to read it, but there it is just incase lol.