I've been a member of DC for about a year now. I joined because I found some software here (can't remember what it was now), and made my donation immediately.
I'm English, but moved to the US about two years ago, having resigned from a senior job at a major UK credit card company to work from home with my wife.
I started my Data Processing (there's a term that dates me!) career back in 1979 when I began as a trainee PL/I programmer for an insurance company, and used other programming languages such as Assembler (but only enough to convince me it was too much work!), COBOL, DMS and EasyTrieve. Later, once I'd moved to the credit card company, I worked with FOCUS a lot, as well as more COBOL, and then started developing intranet sites using the usual HTML and JavaScript.
I launched my own personal website (
http://www.MarkFarrar.co.uk/) at the end of 1997, and since then have developed many websites for myself (e.g.
http://www.1StepMLM.com/), friends (e.g.
http://www.MurderNights.com/) and latterly, as our main source of income. Unfortunately, some of these sites (e.g. my own personal site and the MLM one) have got a bit out of date because of the recent focus on money-making websites.
Our primary online business is selling dog health products, especially relating to the treatment of Canine Parvovirus, although other ailments such as heartworm, kennel cough, feline distemper and others are catered for. We run two sites (
http://www.ParvoBuster.com/ and
http://www.ParvoEmergencyTreatment.com), wrote a free book about Parvo (
http://www.ParvoBook.com/DonationCoder), and recently launched our own affiliate program (
I use PHP extensively on my sites, as to cater for our target audience, we have to do a lot of the thinking for them and that involves some complex behind-the-scenes programming / calculations (e.g.
I'm always on the look-out for software to make life easier / save time, which is why I always look forward to the DC newsletter - you just never know what you'll find in each issue!
Anyway, if there are any dog lovers out there, do yourselves a favour and at least download our free book about Parvo - it could save your dog's life!
Thanks for this great site, and best wishes,