I'm finally becoming agnostic toward operating systems. At this point, I just want it to run things and leave me alone.
While I personally don't like Vista, it's fine if you run it on a powerhouse system; XP-SP3 will be wonderful by all accounts; Mac, bleh: my mac friends and relatives treat their computers as toys, not tools — they can't wait to get the next new shiny thing Steve Jobs rolls out. Also, if Apple's so great, why do they spend an inordinate amount of time and money telling us how crappy their competition is? Can you imagine going to buy a Mini Cooper and the dealer spending 30 minutes telling you how terrible BMW's are? Finally, I've had a lot of fun in the past year implementing GNU/Linux as my main OS. It runs all but four of my favorite apps from Windows (3 of which I can run under WINE if I choose), and I'm no longer wasting energy being mad at Microsoft 23 hours a day.