What do others say?

Whether it's a compliment or a complaint, we like to memorialize the things people have said about DonationCoder.com.

On this page you'll find some of the quotations we have collected from emails and around the web.

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Find and Run In the Dark
As a visually impaired person i LOVE your Find and Run Robot. As i can type 10-Finger-System very fast but often can't find a place to click with the mouse your utility is a really lifesaver for me.. More important for me, and this is already true for your FRR, is, that the program uses my own adjusted systemcolors and/or give me the chance to adjust the program colors via preferences/settingsdialog. I have to use a black background with bright (yellow/white) textcolor. And this can't be used with many (bad programmed) programs as i get black writing on a black background, very special to read - indeed! :-)) But with FRR, as i said, i had no problems.
I've Never Donated Before
I know exactly why I made the dontation. (I've never made a donation to a site like this before; in fact, I've never seen a computer site that asked for donations.) I made the donation because of three things: (1) the very generous 50% discount, (2) the high quality of your backup article (which confirmed my earlier decision to buy Acronis True Image 8.0) which included observations about specific shortcomings in the software and (3) the winsome, gracious, candid tenor of your website generally and your request for financial support in particular. In other words, I made a small donation because you are who you are. Isn't that the way the world generally works? People hire you because of who you are, expressed largely by what you've already done. All the best to you in the months ahead.
Making Life Easier for Mac Users
I heard about you when trying to find a free screen shot capture utility [Screenshot Captor]. I write user guides as a small part of my job, and I love that I could get such a useful program for the PC (my mac has one inbuilt hehe). Looking through your catalogue since donating, there seem to be a few others that might be very useful to take the edge off having to use a PC all day. So my paltry donation (I'm a underpaid trainee) probably wont cover the use I get from your site.
The Form Letter Machine
The form letter machine is EXACTLY what I needed and I've spent hours now making a very complex tree that will serve my purposes very well.. By the way, your [demo] "movie" provided several minutes of good entertainment for my two kids--they thought it was a hoot. They're nerds in the making, I guess :)
Friend of a Friend
If you find it strange that someone with no posts yet suddenly donates, don't. I was nudged here by a friend sometime ago but have been too busy to officially sign up. I'm not sure what his handle is here, but he sings this site's praises. I will continue to do the same.
We Don't Even Own a Car
It was because I didn't get a Sob story. Sadly, people ask for money and then you find out they have custom furniture in their offices and drive a Rolls Royce etc. [on what made him donate]
Send What You Got
If you really want donation (especially of any size) you might provide an option for people that don't have credit cards (like an address). I don't even have a checking account. I have found that you can not bounce checks if you don't write them. [ed. note: we accept donations in the form of cash, diamonds, gold, paintings, rare stamps, international chocolate, etc.]
Non sequiturs
I just recently learned about Process Tamer & started using it. I do have a question though: why is it that (mme.exe) tries to connect to the internet every so often? [ed. note: nothing to do with our apps, which never connect over the net].

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