Yeah, for TreeDBNotes, I started using it years ago when KeyNote stopped being developed (someone else picked it up, but the updates are few and small). I have so much data in those TreeDBNote books that I can't change anymore! haha I have the Pro version, but it's not very useful for anything beyond the notes pages anyway, and I agree, the free version does everything. I've written dozens of times to the authour, but he hasn't answered me except maybe once or twice in all the years.
4. PowerPro
5. QuiteRSS
6. Waterfox (I run two instances as well as Vivaldi at all times [multi-taksking])
7. PhonerLite (turns my computer into a phone for use with our Asterisk PBX)
8. Teamviewer (I am tech support)
9. Notepad3 opens instantly when I press win+1. For more advanced things I use Notepad++
10. ConEmu
11. DisplayFusion
12. SystemExplorer (another oldie)