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Messages - nickodemos [ switch to compact view ]

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Trying to use this to work on a webpage. Works fine in a txt editor or a txt box but I am trying to use it to tab to the first editable box on a page and nothing happens.

Everyone deserves a life outside the net. We all know how anything can change, or even how things slowly pile up in real life that you do not see the mountain until your looking down it.

General Software Discussion / Re: Form letters for medical use
« on: March 08, 2023, 06:17 PM »
I recomend Lintalist.

Might not be as easy to set up if your doing 50 different options but I have used it with a dozen or more.

That was it. Files in use. Thanks for the fast response.

This is new.

Was working on a directory with these folders listed.


OK, the Folder structure is not an issue. Tried it on a folder with just one folder to flatten and the same issue popped up.

Nice! A solution I did not know I needed.

Gah! Tried it against 3,659 files. There were a few others but I know why they did not work. So out of 3,659 files, these 15 did not move.


As of right now 100% green across the board.

Or go to a site like

and download full seasons sets there. Those have the folder name format you require, plus all files neatly sorted and more often than not subs included.

You'll need to be a little more patient this way, but getting better sources saves you a lot of work. That or figure out how the

tools work and fully automate the retrieval and optional renaming of the file types you show in your screenshots + storing these in folders (with formatted names). Which can then be used in a solution like Plex or Jellyfin to have a sort of Netflix-like experience in your home network.


can already be used for sorting with the collection of files you have obtained.

Note to moderator: Feel free to remove this post, if you deem the spoiler content too controversial or going against rules I'm not aware of.

Thanks, but I am one of those people who upload the season packs to multiple websites. The programs you listed are nice but they have been getting a bit of a bad reputation that many sites are now starting to warn/ban people who are using them. I imagine that now they are fairly popular and easy to use that sites are getting pounded with constant information requests. Right now I download series episodes through RSS as they are accepted on almost all sites.

For many shows, I have to wait months after the first episode was uploaded before the pack is even ready for uploading. A great deal of time and effort goes into this and this is why I asked for a shortcut script. KodeZwerg small utility has saved me a great deal of time as now all I need to do is run it and it is done.

100% -- Media files were moved to new folders
90% -- Naming of folders. Only two issues.
 1) The file extension was left on the end of the folders
 2) Only the enlisted folders did not name correctly.

Now I made a mistake.


Should have been: Rerip

Nope. Leave it as is. Doing "blabla Sxx" leaves me with adding all the extra information. As is what you have done cuts out a good 80% of my work. For that I thank you.

It is getting caught on the names of the episodes and creating unneeded folders. I am guessing it looks for E** and then removes it to get a folder name.
Yes, "S00E00" is the only pattern my app is looking for. You sound anyway more awaiting others contribution so I remove mine.

No. Yours is working well. Just a few hiccups. I posted my ideas and would love to follow through.


And while things are going well right now others who are in the same situation might like another option. Believe me, I will be posting this thread in my signature link media sites so others can come and try what you both are putting out. Already what you have done is going to save me an ungodly amount of time doing things manually. So please keep helping so I can quickly get these season packs combined and uploaded so others can benefit.

Hello again! I'm making it as a Windows Explorer menu for ease of use :Thmbsup:

Source code:


Love to try it when you're done.

Enjoy it and tell me if it does what you wanted it to do.  :Thmbsup:

Starting folder:

After using your program:

What is actually needed.

It is getting caught on the names of the episodes and creating unneeded folders. I am guessing it looks for E** and then removes it to get a folder name.

Maybe removing everything from E** through the common next characters. 480p/576p/720p/1080p/2160p/XviD/HEVC/Rereip/BDRip/AAC/DVDRip/PDTV.

Might be better if they fail if it is not between E** and 480p/576p/720p/1080p/2160p as these are the most common.

Since I will be using this pretty much in the same directories at all times think you can have it create an INI file that can be edited for now to see how it works on my end at catching the names?

And these files failed to be move with the program.

Posted this on a few other forums but they all were locked for various reasons.


As the image shows I have many files that I would like to move to proper folders. I need these files to move to these folders. This is just a limited example as I need all files to be moved into their proper season folder.



The script needs to be able to read the files name to the season:

and then move it to the folder:

I have looked through many websites today and many that I found just want to make a folder with the file's name instead of moving it to a season folder.

This is for Windows 10 batch file. Making folders is not necessary but if possible adding that would be even better at saving time.

Also wanted to add that I would be just running this inside only one folder. No need for paths. Just move files into designated folders.

I was asked to clarify. Not sure where I am not clear.

My current method.
Remove all video files to one directory.
From there move files by hand to previously created directories.
If a new directory is needed I use a files2folders app that is installed.
To get to a proper season format I manually edit the folder's name and remove episode numbers.

@echo off
for %%a in (*.*) do (
md "%%~na" 2>nul
move "%%a" "%%~na"

That script is not needed as it does all files into individual folders. I do not need all files in their own folders. Almost every script I found currently is some form of this.

If you looking for more information than this I can not provide more as everything I am doing is done by hand. I know just enough about scripting to modify simple code to suit my needs but beyond that, I am at a loss. My career path was military/construction/nurse. Nothing with coding.

N.A.N.Y. 2014 / Re: NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
« on: January 13, 2023, 05:55 PM »

The issue is that I can not script so if you are willing to help with a script to process all png files in the current directory with ECT then it would be appreciated.

General Software Discussion / Run software on GPU to compress images?
« on: January 10, 2023, 10:50 AM »
I compress PNG images with GitHub - fhanau/Efficient-Compression-Tool: Fast and effective C++ file optimizer as this is the best compressor I have found. As with any software that compresses a file, it takes time. I was wondering if there was a way to offload the compressing to the GPU to see if there is an increase in speed.

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / Re: Check for empty folders
« on: January 08, 2023, 06:02 PM »

Living Room / Re: Happy birthday Deozaan
« on: January 02, 2023, 08:14 PM »
How embarrassing if your B-day is actually tomorrow.

Living Room / Re: Game with ecosytem
« on: December 30, 2022, 07:38 PM »
Oh. Sorry I did not mean to say anything negative about it. It looks interesting and possibly fun to play, just the fact is that it is not a game I am drawn to.

Save 33% on Project Zomboid on Steam

I have been playing that for nine years and have 5k+ hours in. My goto game as it is fun, for me, since it has a no-win scenario and you have to play 100% at your best or the game is over. I like no win situations.

Living Room / Re: Game with ecosytem
« on: December 30, 2022, 05:29 PM »
After watching it I would have to say it is not a game with the most complex ecosystem. Interesting but that's about it.

General Software Discussion / Re: Listary 6 released
« on: December 21, 2022, 09:34 AM »
So why would one use Listery over Everything?

General Software Discussion / Re: Firewall Tester
« on: September 27, 2022, 05:59 PM »


Keep up the good work, still a very active user of your program,

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