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Author Topic: Gmail to SMS - (and any loud, annoying iPad notification method)  (Read 8463 times)

Steven Avery

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Or any email (e.g. Runbox) to SMS.

Preferably an option to just send the Subject line.

Obviously, the sending should be based on a filter (e.g. something in the subject line, or address.)

An account with Twilio (or CloudHQ or RedOxygen or another) is ok, if the price is right.

Also, I would like it to go to my Talkatone account (about 1/2 of SMS recognize such an account, Twilio works fine.)
Or find another method - I can try Skype number - since my normal phone is a clamshell.

The goal is to get the SMS on an iPad.
Even an Android is possible, especially if gives a better alarm.

I will look for more references to place here:

New References Coming Soon

POSSIBILITY - has the feature, will the free account work? 250 actions/month

"Send an SMS in Twilio on a New Email in Gmail"



Integromat - Free on 1,000, $9month/basic




CloudHQ has a plugin

They have a free account, maybe it works? 
And one for $10/month, which would be ok, if it does a few good things.

However, it looks to be manual send to SMS, not automated by trigger.

Same with RedOxygen


Gmail used to have a native method, like here, but I think it ended in 2014

Send Text Messages from your GMail Account (2012)


Apparently Gmail-Twilio-SMS needs some coding action.



In Business, great for new orders.

For car shopping (or any shopping) good for triggers from places like Craigslist.
(One car company, Autotrader, does have SMS alerts.)

« Last Edit: August 26, 2019, 07:34 AM by Steven Avery »


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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2019, 09:05 AM »
We already have Google Voice which you get for free with your google account.  You can adjust the settings so that SMS messages arrive in your email, and you can even use email to reply to them.  I do this all the time.


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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2019, 09:33 AM »
If you want to send an email as an sms, most cell carriers allow it already. Take a look at this.


Steven Avery

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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2019, 09:47 AM »
And I think the two solutions above are different:

Email Received -- > my-SMS (preferably VOIP Talkatone)


2) Send Email to SMS -

This I could use by a Forward or Redirect method.
However, it likely will not work with a Talkatone or Skype number, since it wants a cell carrier.

It should work if I switch to a SmartPhone (Android or IOS) rather than iPad.
Which is always a possibility.


1) Google Voice - SMS messages arrive in your email, and you can even use email to reply to them. 

However, my starting point is an email received (e.g. Craigslist.)


Talkatone I think uses Google Voice, for me it always seems to be transparent, although this article makes it sound complicated.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2019, 10:08 AM by Steven Avery »


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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2019, 02:11 PM »
Have you taken a look at IFTTT?  And if you do decide to go that way, instead of using SMS, you might take a look at Pushbullet.  I have something like that set up where I install pushbullet on my phone, and receive the e-mail alerts for my site being down.

Steven Avery

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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2019, 05:46 AM »
This is a promising idea.  Checking it out a bit.


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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2019, 06:51 AM »
You can use PowerShell to retrieve your Gmail, filter only those you're interested in and then send a push notification.

I use Gotify as a Push server which keeps it all under my control. They only have an Android client though.

I use Bash and PowerShell scripts that call Gotify when they finish a process.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 07:12 AM by 4wd »


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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2019, 10:30 AM »
That looks pretty cool... requires you to run your own server though, which for some people doesn't work.


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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2019, 03:13 PM »
Addendum: added info for Pushetta notification, (a completely free service).

NOTE: Gotify - Android only client (not likely to be a iOS app due to how app store works)
Pushetta - Android and iOS clients

Original GMail script courtesy the author noted, I've added the few additions for the Gotify notification.  You'd want to loop it, apply your filter, compare last email ID to make sure you're not resending a push notification, and probably tidy it up by putting things in functions, etc but that's all relatively simple.

Code: PowerShell [Select]
  1. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # Name:        get_gmail.ps1
  3. # URL:
  4. #
  5. # Purpose:     Get new email headers from gmail - read only.
  6. #
  7. # Usage:       Enter username and password the first time which will be saved.
  8. #
  9. # Author:      Amir Hanna
  10. #
  11. # Created:     20/07/2014
  12. # Copyright:   Public domain
  13. # Version:     2
  14. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. $script_folder = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
  17. $username_file = ($script_folder + "\user")
  18. $pass_file = ($script_folder + "\pass")
  20. if ( !(Test-Path -LiteralPath $username_file -PathType Leaf) -or !(Test-Path -LiteralPath $pass_file -PathType Leaf) ) {
  21.   Write-Host "Please type a username: "
  22.   Read-Host | Set-Content -LiteralPath $username_file
  24.   Write-Host "Please type a password: "
  25.   Read-Host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString > $pass_file
  26. }
  28. $username = Get-Content $username_file
  29. $pass = Get-Content $pass_file | ConvertTo-SecureString
  31. $credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($username, $pass)
  33. $webclient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
  34. $webclient.Credentials = $credentials
  36. [xml]$xml= $webclient.DownloadString("")
  38. if (!$xml) { return }
  40. Write-Host -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White "You have", $xml.feed.fullcount, "new emails."
  42. $format= @{Expression={[string][System.Math]::Round(((get-date) - (Get-Date $_.issued)).TotalHours, 1) + " hours"};`
  43.          Label="Received since"; Width=20}, @{Expression={$}; Label="From"; Width=20},`
  44.          @{Expression={$_.title}; Label="Subject"}, @{Expression={$_.summary}; Label="Summary"}
  46. $xml.feed.entry | format-table $format -wrap
  49. <# ----------------------------- #>
  50. # Added stuff for Gotify/Pushetta Push notification
  52. # Copy the latest XML feed entry to a variable
  53. $latestEmail = ($xml.feed.entry | Select-Object -First 1)
  55. <#
  56. $
  57. $
  58. $
  59. $xml.feed.entry.issued
  60. $
  61. $xml.feed.entry.modified
  62. $xml.feed.entry.summary
  63. $xml.feed.entry.title
  64. #>
  66. # Info for Gotify, if $GoToken is null then no Push is sent
  67. $GoToken = ''   # Token obtained from the Gotify server
  68. $GotifyUrl = '' # eg. http://localhost:8080/message
  70. if ($GoToken -ne '') {
  71.   $ContentType = "application/json"
  72.   $Method = "POST"
  73.   $JsonMsg = @{
  74.     message = "From: $($, $($`r`nID: $($`r`nIssued: $($latestEmail.issued)`r`nLink: $($`r`nModified: $($latestEmail.modified)`r`nSummary: $($latestEmail.summary)`r`nTitle: $($latestEmail.title)";
  75.     priority=2;
  76.     title="$($model)"
  77.   } | ConvertTo-JSON
  78.   $Header = @{}
  79.   $Header.Add("X-Gotify-Key", $GoToken);
  80.   $Header.Add("accept", "application/json");
  81.   $t = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $GotifyUrl -Header $Header -Body $JsonMsg -ContentType $ContentType
  82. }
  85. # Info for Pushetta, if $Token is null then no Push is sent
  86. $Token = ''
  87. $Channel = ''
  89. if ($Token -ne '') {
  90.   $Uri ='' + $Channel + '/'
  91.   $ContentType = "application/json"
  92.   $Method = "POST"
  93.   $JsonMsg = @{
  94.     body = "From: $($, $($`r`nID: $($`r`nIssued: $($latestEmail.issued)`r`nLink: $($`r`nModified: $($latestEmail.modified)`r`nSummary: $($latestEmail.summary)`r`nTitle: $($latestEmail.title)";
  95.     message_type ="text/plain"
  96.   } | ConvertTo-JSON
  97.   $Header = @{}
  98.   $Header.Add("AUTHORIZATION", " Token $($Token)")
  99.   $t = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Header $Header -Body $JsonMsg -ContentType $ContentType
  100. }

The notification you'll end up with from the above, (I've blurred things particular to my server/email).
Screenshot_20190823-211553.pngGmail to SMS - (and any loud, annoying iPad notification method)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 05:33 AM by 4wd »

Steven Avery

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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2019, 07:00 AM »
Have you taken a look at IFTTT?  And if you do decide to go that way, instead of using SMS, you might take a look at Pushbullet.  I have something like that set up where I install pushbullet on my phone, and receive the e-mail alerts for my site being down.
Let us look at IFTTT as a source for either:
1) SMS
2) Pushbullet

With the starting point being Gmail or any Server receiving mail. (e.g. Runbox, Fastmail.)

IFTTT seems to indicate that they only have two basic Gmail actions:
"Unfortunately, this change means that all Gmail triggers and the Create a draft action will be removed from IFTTT. The Gmail actions Send an email and Send yourself an email will remain intact."

Actually, can't Gmail accomplish the same through filters and forwarding?
(Answer..apparently IFTTT creates an on-demand action, maybe on a web-page, also it can send to 20 people, the multiple sending is a trick not easy in the Gmail filters)

At times they go back to the method that needs a smartphone, since an email received at a special carrier's email address converts to SMS.
. A nifty trick with this Applet: Most carriers have a way to send a text message to someone by emailing a specific email address, which you can use to send them an SMS instead of an email using this same Applet!

My goal is to receive my email on my Talkatone SMS number (which Twilio sents to properly).  I am not a big fan of smartphones, I use a clam-shell, for which the text function is rinky-dink.  I will think of getting a SmartPhone.

Do you have more information on using IFTTT in its current state?

Wait .. it would be Gmail to Pushbullet.

So let's see first if Pushbullet can be triggered by an email.

Also, note that, for simplicity, it would be fairly easy to create a special email box (Gmail, Fastmail, Runbox)  that receives redirected mail that is meant to trigger the SMS or Pushbullet or whatever.  That would provide an easy archive and check spot.

Interesting studies.

Steven Avery

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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2019, 08:29 AM »
So far, the Gmail to Pushbullet idea looks like the best, using Zapier.


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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2019, 09:44 AM »
So the idea is to get a notification on an ipad when you receive a specific email in gmail on a different machine? Is there a reason why you can't just forward the email to the ipad's email acct as high priority, and turn on appropriate notifications? (like this) Just seems like a lot of plumbing. (Not an Apple user here, maybe the notifications just don't work that well.)
vi vi vi - editor of the beast

Steven Avery

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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2019, 12:15 PM »
So the idea is to get a notification on an ipad when you receive a specific email in gmail on a different machine? Is there a reason why you can't just forward the email to the ipad's email acct as high priority, and turn on appropriate notifications? (like this) Just seems like a lot of plumbing. (Not an Apple user here, maybe the notifications just don't work that well.)
Correct on what I want to accomplish.

Gmail "Notifications" tend to be cheezy.  Little pop-ups that fade away, make no noise or little beeps, and do not even keep an easy-check history.  This is true on both PC and iPad. 

Maybe I missed something but one time I did take a look. 

My SMS/MMS section from Talkatone is far more robust, it does give a general system msg, the history is right there of all the messages  sending person by person, can included pic (not needed though for this app).  They could be louder, I am writing them about the nature of sound.

Pushbullet I am checking now.

Examples of people who need robust reception, and I should ask these types:

1) A developer supporting a web-site
2) A store-manager watching for automatic orders

Note that these should be all night, unless e.g. there is specified quiet times.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 12:21 PM by Steven Avery »


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Re: Gmail to SMS
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2019, 08:14 PM »
1) A developer supporting a web-site

That's what I use it for.  I can't access my work e-mail unless I'm on the VPN (stupid work rules), so I fire a rule whenever certain e-mails hit my inbox to forward it to my personal mail, that then notifies me by pushbullet.  It works well.

Steven Avery

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Re: Gmail to SMS - (and any loud, annoying iPad notification method)
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2019, 11:24 AM »
1) A developer supporting a web-site

That's what I use it for.  I can't access my work e-mail unless I'm on the VPN (stupid work rules), so I fire a rule whenever certain e-mails hit my inbox to forward it to my personal mail, that then notifies me by pushbullet.  It works well.
Can you get Pushbullet to be noisy and irritating?

My example is Alarmy. In fact, I am even thinking about using a macro to cause a new Alarmy event. 

Skype calls seem to be loud, as they have good access to the Microsoft API, since they are Microsoft.

Simply a little notification ping is helpful, but not really sufficient.


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Re: Gmail to SMS - (and any loud, annoying iPad notification method)
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2019, 11:31 AM »
I never looked to see if it could do anything past a notification.  A quick look, and it doesn't appear as if that's possible.

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Re: Gmail to SMS - (and any loud, annoying iPad notification method)
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2019, 01:47 PM »
I never looked to see if it could do anything past a notification.  A quick look, and it doesn't appear as if that's possible.
Yep. Seems that way with Pushbullet.

Next I will check Pushover, that was recommended by one fellow on a group on Facebook "WooCommerce Help and Share".
Here Pushover discusses some sound issues.

I checked with my developer, who does give 24/7 support, and he works a combo of little rings and notifications, email, SMS, whatever, but nothing real solid, he says he is a light sleeper.

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Re: Gmail to SMS - (and any loud, annoying iPad notification method)
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2019, 08:48 AM »
Now I am looking at call forwarding (and text forwarding.)

E.g.  I was thinking of going paid with Talkatone - $4 a month.
That opens up forwarding, and It would be nice if I can call Skype or flip-phone, which ringggggg.
(it seems to be only SMS-->SMS and Voice-->Voice)

Also I want to see if Twilio has a phone call, rather than text, mode.
(Already using Twilio in biz to send out SMS.)

I also plan Android testing, maybe using Tasker. 
The architecture is more open for ringing, and in the house it can run off the cable wireless with a cheap leftover tablet. 


This explains the idea.

Voice SMS – text to phone call
Very smart if you for example have an alarm system that would send SMS to people that are on call sleeping. The tiny little signal from an SMS you could easily sleep through, but a call will keep ringing until you pick the phone up! It could be smart to combine it with an SMS too, to make it easier to read it again later, when you´re up…
« Last Edit: August 27, 2019, 04:34 PM by Steven Avery »