I hope to be back (here at DC) in a couple of months or so...
My first half an hour with Windows 10 has been saddening. Everything is worse than I feared. Maybe it would have been easier to accept if I first had been using Win 8. But I come from Win 7. Right now I envy Deozaan ("restoring to your previous version of Windows")!
The first serious problem was that Windows wouldn't accept my bi-language Win 7 installation, so to speak. First it was English, then I installed a Danish version on top. It used to work fine, but Win 10 said that now I had chosen (rubbish; I was never given any choice!) to install a Danish Win 10 version and I would therefore loose all my third party programs. ALL of them!!!
I cried a little, but hey, a fresh clean installation instead? so I dried my tears and accepted.
The settings were a chok (why does this browser not have a spell checker?!) to me. I knew from what I have heard about Win 8 that drastic changes were introduced. Changes that made (some) people used to the idea that Microsoft or whoever has the right to know everything about you; you must log in, you must give us access to all informations about your life and your friends and your bank account, and your... etcetera. Now this is even more in your face. With Win 10 there are incredible many boxes where I recommend to click the opposite of what is the default.
Forgive me for sounding as if the future is hopeless. Of course it is. Meanwhile I have a huge job waiting: Finding, downloading, installing and registering half a hundred programs.