While I suppose none of them are totally inaccurate, many of them seem reaching or misleading.
Especially: 8. Missing Media Center and DVD player
As I mentioned above, if you have Media Center, you should get the DVD Player app for free after your upgrade. The article doesn't mention that. It just says if you upgrade from 7 to 10, MC is gone, and if you downgrade back to 7, MC doesn't come back.
The others were just... like he was having a hard time time coming up with 10 reasons, but had to because that was the topic of the article.
"Don't do it ... because... um... you might not like tablet mode!"
"Don't do it... because... erm... you might have to do it manually if you don't want to wait until the bugs are worked out for systems like yours!"
"Don't do it... because... uh... something about Achilles."
Then again, he did say those are the best reasons
he could think of, and that those reasons didn't stop
him from upgrading to Windows 10. So he seems to agree with me that the reasons he listed are pretty lame excuses.