Task seems pretty straight-forward:
One hard disk. Two partitions.
On Partition 1 is folder PF1. On Partition 2 is folder PF2.
In PF2 resides a complicated folder-file-structure set totaling 400 gigabytes.
Copy contents of PF2 to PF1.
Results must be PF2=PF1. No errors. Same total number of files and folders, as seen in Windows Explorer, Properties.
System is Windows 7, 64-bit. 8 gigs memory. Plenty of room on hard disk.
Problem is, Windows chokes. Gets part way through the task, then stops. Computer sometimes automatically reboots (what an a**hole!).
As you can imagine, unless the task gets 100% completed, with some final message saying so, trust and confidence is shattered.
I've been searching for answers and other possible programs to use. So still hopeful.
Just wanted to put this thread out there. Any thoughts and observations welcome.
Nicholas Kormanik