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General Software Discussion / Re: Notepad Based Calculators
« on: January 01, 2024, 01:56 AM »
how about QuikTape?

General Software Discussion / Re: Accessing articles from many pdfs
« on: September 06, 2023, 05:29 PM »
PDF Keeper (open source) appears to do a lot of indexing

No idea whether or not it fits your use case but maybe worth a look

the chickening, and spoof on the shining (from Kottke)

Keep in mind that the date of the original request is from two years ago and the OP hasn't come back to the forums since before the first response. . .

DOH!  I got sucked in by the recent responses, didn't even look at the date of the OP

define data shaping...

that should help in determining a solution...

I've felt like that very often over the years :D[/quote]

yeah but the real question is are we playing the game, or being played?

not sure whether this is funny, fun, or educational...ymmv

Its a 'game' where the point is to navigate a badly designed UI as quickly and accurately as possible

Hi and welcome to User Inyerface,
a challenging exploration of
user interactions and design patterns.

To play the game, simply fill in the form
as fast and accurate as possible.

thanks!  I'd got thru the addins part already, but getting a working script has been the challenge

I'll have a play with it later today  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

hoping someone here can help out  :-[

I have a few hundred devices that I need to retire + delete from intune but the portal doesn't cater for bulk deletions.

I've been googling solutions and it appears it can be done via powershell, but none of the scripts (or the associated 'explanations') I've found are particularly helpful

I'm not familiar with powershell, but I can understand the intent of the commands (its plain english, not rocket surgery!).  Trouble is I can't understand why they're not working (presumably there's some component or action thats assumed by the authors but not stated)


There's nothing to fix."   ;D

 ;D ;D ;D :huh:

Just my $.02   :Thmbsup:

thanks MilesAhead!  good to get some user feedback, but you probably don't fit the intended demographic (you're more than a user!)  Mint is shaping up as a probable contender, though as a non linux user myself its hard to know what the potential pitfalls are (updates are inevitable but the mechanism isn't familiar so...)

I have been cleaning up old PC's at work and have a bunch of desktops that are intended to be donated to a women's DV charity

They don't currently have any OS installed and the business isn't going to spring for (w10) licences for donor devices

What recommendations (if any) would you guys have as far as Linux distros?

Bear in mind the intended audience will most likely not be terribly computer literate (beyond web surfing and email), and probably only have been exposed to windows OS's


General Software Discussion / Re: Form letters for medical use
« on: March 08, 2023, 06:59 PM »
does it have to be text?  could not the image/text combination be converted to an image so you're just pasting/inserting an image from a pic list? 

You haven't defined any application limitations, ie word, or some specialised medical application.  That said, an automated solution would be possible BUT will need a comprehensive flow map before anything could be built...

Living Room / whats in your daily watch list
« on: January 19, 2023, 05:52 PM »
this was discussed long ago, in a thread far far away, but I'm no necromancer so new thread...

What sites are on everyones daily watch list?

I have a bunch, but just like IRL some appear to have expired or are languishing so I'm wondering what you all look at regular like...

FWIW this is my current list - languishing - languishing - languishing - languishing - languishing - languishing

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: September 20, 2022, 10:28 PM »
Proof you don’t need anything fancy to play good music. Even homebrew music gear made from everyday items can do s creditable job as this gentleman demonstrates.  :Thmbsup: 8)

makes me think of Seasick Steve...

Living Room / Re: Any Twitch users here?
« on: August 29, 2022, 08:43 PM »

dunno what I've done but apparently this is personal  :mad:


Living Room / Any Twitch users here?
« on: August 28, 2022, 05:39 PM »
Wondering if anyone else has issues with accessing their accounts?

I'm an occasional user, but find that my accounts somehow 'disappear'?

I currently have 2 (!) but can't access either of them - they've changed their log in process, ie it used to be email but now its user name and I have no idea what I used and none of the things I try seem to work.

Even their password/account reset process fails to respond to a valid email address.

Am I alone in this?  I really don't want to have to create a new account every.damn.time I want to watch a random vid

General Software Discussion / Re: duckduckgo for email?
« on: August 28, 2022, 04:26 PM »
I followed your link and signed up for an account but could never get signed in. I had the DuckDuckGo extension installed but it would never accept my one-time passphrase and just kept reloading the login page. It was probably my ad-blocker (Brave Shields) interfering with things, but I didn't care enough about it to pursue it further.

then you're braver than I  ;D

First (ALL) I'd heard of it was a splash screen that came up when I opened the browser (brave).  Sounded potentially interesting but the means of publicising it, and the fact that this was the only time I'd heard of it made me cautious

General Software Discussion / duckduckgo for email?
« on: August 27, 2022, 05:45 AM »
anyone know much about this?


General Software Discussion / Re: Privacy, Security and bookmarkers
« on: August 18, 2022, 10:42 PM »
If I can't follow them, then I don't.

+1 - And I'd go further and say that unless a platform generates some benefit to me then I won't subscribe regardless of what they might be offering.  Its unfortunate but most are little more than honeypots for the collection and monetisation of personal data.  That said, I've sucumbed to facebook (meh...) simply because so much info is distributed via that platform only , and not having access means being unaware of happenings in local sporting or social groups, or relevant businesses. 

Risk can only be judged by the individual, but I've pretty much come to the conclusion that there is already so much of my (our?) personal info out there in various places (banks, government, medical, insurance, telco's, businesses, forums, apps, etc) that regardless of what I (or you) might do the horse has pretty much bolted on any chance of guaranteeing security of our personal info and/or anonymity. 

pretty sure you're not going to find some sort of 'rotating multi plug' but, how about something like a multi monitor stand?

Plenty of options around that cater for a laptop and an external monitor so it shouldn't be hard to find something like this that works for 2 laptops...

Thanks, basically I have to move laptops around to check each and this makes the cables getting tangled :/

ok, then this begs the question of why? 

not meant to be rude, it goes to understanding the issue

more detail required...

what do you need to uncomplexify? are you having trouble identifying cables? are they getting tangled? or summink else?

DC Gamer Club / Re: Latest Game Giveaway
« on: May 19, 2022, 04:45 PM »
Borderlands 3 FREE at the moment on EPIC


Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: May 05, 2022, 05:09 PM »
really not sure what to make of this...are they taking the piss, or is this a serious thing

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