I prefer to say OLEDs are a future of keyboards, not *the* A tiny, but important difference I think it's a safe bet to say that regular keyboards will still be around for many years.
OLED is really cool because when the light is off, you can't even tell there's light there, so it blends in the surroundings. Not many things use it now, but my new minidisc player uses it and it's sooo nice looking.
Could you post an URL that has pictures please?
Well, yeah, that's what I meant of course. And let's not forget how expensive this keyboard will be at first, at least a couple of hundred bucks, I'm assuming.
Here's some links to the OLED minidisc players. I just got the orange version of this one, but this guy has great pictures:
http://forums.minidi...x.php?showtopic=9326There's another minidisc player that comes out tomorrow in Japan that is supposedly the king of all of these new units, and it employs an OLED screen also, but much smaller than the one above. Here's a link to that:
http://forums.minidi....php?showtopic=14814I haven't seen any other practical applications of OLED yet. I hear it's used as a gimmick in some alarm clocks. There are some prototype stuff out there like a OLED monitor, a flexible OLED newspaper that can be rolled up. So minidisc seems to be the only real useful application of it so far.