BrotherS and CarolH both have suggested that what with the forum upgrade, we really need to revamp the banner at the top of the website pages and forum page.
both are designed as a pair with a main image and a sidebar that can extend as far as it needs to go.
i think the sizes are pretty good so we should probably keep to them.
I'm attaching current versions to end of this post.
Note you need to design it without the "a new kind of website" text - since we want to change that and may want to change it dynamically or per page.
Actually i was thinking of a new slogan for the site: "A Place for Lovers of Software" or something like that.
The contest does not have a hard deadline - we will end it when we get a design so good that it demands ending it.
However, it will not end before May 1st, so any entry prior to that will be considered.
hmm... not sure, free shirt or mug from a usb 4x5" drawing pad if you want it, or else some other free software
Please submit files in exactly this dimension, file format (png), and file names. And you need to provide BOTH a forum pair and website pair of images.