What a result! I am proud to be a small gear in this great community.
It was amazing this month to wait till next day to see what comes next. And i got lot of nice readings, hints and some programs from it.
Thank you to all contributors to make this possible and i hope i have the opportunity to be a contributor in 2 years at the next fundraiser.
And thank you to all donators as well to make it possible that my most loved website in the net is now capable to exist for another 2 years or so.
And last but not least THANKS TO MOUSER! Our cheese of cheesys, our beef in the burger, our man who mouser us all the time in the IRC channel, and of course our always squeaking gear that make all this here possible (of course with the help of us - but he is mainly the engine that drive us to the events like N.A.N.Y, fundraiser, mass suicide

...errr cancel the last please


Now i just hope (Attention: Pure egoism follows) that i am one of the winners of the giveaway drawing.

Anyone can imagine how difficult it is to write this message with crossed fingers?

Fundraiser celebration is over now...but don't let celebration stop here. Let's celebrate now the results, the winners of the upcoming drawing and our community in it's all for the next 2 years. Then we end this celebration season and just begin a new one with a new fundraiser.