This group of people is so totally awesome.
I just donated a reasonable (I think) amount [@Mouser it came through in my real name, as Joshua Schuessler] because I felt I owed it to the site.
Things DC has given me over time:
Lots of nice programs
Programs made up on the spot (I once had a coding snack made for me)
Someone to ask about any technical issue and its always been answered helpfully and no-one make you feel like an idiot for asking.
People who have helped me find things/programs when I gave them up as too hard.
A reason to stay interested in programming
An easy route to get into programmin thanks to Programming school.
Programming school: a better teaching method than those that cost a fortune. I still always find it amazing that Mouser takes the time to mark my attempts at coding. If it wasn't for DC I wouldn't know any code, and its now a hobby I enjoy.
And I'll never forget how good I felt when Mouser gave me a 'supporting member' status and lifetime license when I was too young to have enough money to donate, and didn't have a credit card to do it with anyway.
Not to mention links to all sorts of really cool tech jokes and cartoons.

Big Cheers to everyone here. You're all legends. ['legend' is used in the Australian way. Means you're all awesome. But sounds better]