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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #800 on: February 12, 2010, 01:32 PM »
Does IQ work under Linux properly, even under Wine?


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #801 on: February 12, 2010, 01:43 PM »
Does IQ work under Linux properly, even under Wine?

Possibly under Wine:
have a look a look here http://www.sqlnotes....index.php?q=node/892
apparently there was a related bug with Wine that got fixed in last version but I havent heard if it actually works now with it


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #802 on: February 12, 2010, 01:47 PM »
Tomos actually I have tried it under Wine recently and it did not work, so I was not sure if mine was an isolated case


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #803 on: February 12, 2010, 02:45 PM »
You tried the portable or installable version?


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #804 on: February 16, 2010, 05:21 PM »
Armando, thanks for posting, as always.
Ok, let me explain my thoughts on all of this.  It's not that I haven't tried to use IQ the same way as I did with Evernote, I have.  But they are different animals, and each inevitably has its own strengths/weaknesses.  I like the ctrl-f feature of IQ, but I can confidently say it's not as easy to use as Evernote's was.  Let me explain that bit.  It's not really IQ's fault.  IQ just does so much more that to achieve a similar effect as Evernote is going to be naturally more complex.  In evernote, you just start typing in the permanently docked search bar on the top.   As you typed, the list of notes got shorter and shorter to just the matching ones.  More importantly, every matching result was highlighted.

Now, IQ does the same search as you type with the ctrl-f window.  But it's not as simple to use.  First of all, it's a separate window.  I recommend having a permanatly docked search bar that will filter the displayed grid and not the entire database (or have an option for either/or).  The other complicated factor is that unlike Evernote, the information in IQ is stored in a variety of fields, not to mention the html pane.  So how can the results be displayed, with all the matching terms highlighted, AND all the fields (inlcuding the html pane) being visible?  That's a tough one, and I can't figure out a solution to that yet.  With Evernote, there was only one 'field", which was the box the notes were in.  So it was easy to highlight and display the matching results...there was only one thing to show.  But with IQ, there are multiple.

Let me simplify IQ's interface to just the regular fields in the grid, and the html pane.  To me, those are the two main areas to show in a search result.  And I know that IQ searches them all already, but I'm talking about how the results are displayed.  I also realize that many features have been added to that find window, all of which are really cool.  however, the display is not as nice as Evernotes was. 

Actually, I just came up with a solution, here is my stab at it:
--First, have a permanantly docked search bar (like Evernote) that searches the current grid only (just to keep things simple).
--As you type in it, the actual grid will be filtered down to only the matching results.  This would work the same as if you picked the "Show selected items in search grid" feature already present in the ctrl-f window.  The difference here being that everything is happening in the current grid.  No new windows, no special find's all in the same window.  And as you backspace or clear the search box, all the grid items would reappear as normal.  In essence, it's the ultimate grid filter.
--Thirdly, ALL matches are highlighted.  The matches in the normal fields are highlighted, and the matches in the html pane are highlighted.  Multiple word searches would have different color highlights for each word (like Evernote and Google's highlighting features).

I think those would be some amazing new features for IQ.  The key is to do everything in the same window and the highlighting.  That is what made Evernote so nice to use.

Now, as for Onenote, there is only one feature about it that makes me want to use it over IQ in some cases.  That's the whiteboard idea where I can just write anywhere, place pictures anywhere, there is no structure to it.  Other than that, I see no other reason to choose it over IQ.  Here is an example of something I can do with Onenote that I can't do in IQ.  I'm buying a new suit and I have pictures and bits of information all over the place for it, but I need to move them around freely:
Screenshot_20100216151827.pngGeneral brainstorming for Note-taking software

Well, I hope my suggestions prove to be useful. 


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #805 on: February 16, 2010, 08:29 PM »
Great points

In evernote, you just start typing in the permanently docked search bar on the top.   As you typed, the list of notes got shorter and shorter to just the matching ones.  More importantly, every matching result was highlighted.

I agree : the highlighting is something I miss in IQ. Hopefully, the future will bring a solution to that "problem" -- I believe it depends on the grid component.
firtunately, I don't miss it enough though to justify not using IQ.

Now, IQ does the same search as you type with the ctrl-f window.  But it's not as simple to use.  First of all, it's a separate window.  I recommend having a permanatly docked search bar that will filter the displayed grid and not the entire database (or have an option for either/or).

Good point about being able to dock the "quick search" dialog. This is in Mantis somewhere as it's always been something I wanted.

Now, I don't know which version you have, but the search dialog is now much more sophisticated and flexible than before. You can  now:

1- search the current active grid only
2- display the results on whatever grid you see fit (or almost)... It's really really cool as you can display info in any context you want  (this is possible in part because of the new "hoisting" feature that works very well --  there's a small bug right now with "full hierarchy" that affects hoisting a bit... But that should be fixed soon ;) )

The other complicated factor is that unlike EverNote, the information in IQ is stored in a variety of fields, not to mention the html pane.  So how can the results be displayed, with all the matching terms highlighted, AND all the fields (inlcuding the html pane) being visible?  That's a tough one, and I can't figure out a solution to that yet.  With Evernote, there was only one 'field", which was the box the notes were in.  So it was easy to highlight and display the matching results...there was only one thing to show.  But with IQ, there are multiple.

That's very true.
Generally though, complex searching -- whatever the software is -- is done in  a few steps.
This is how I'd do more complex filtering in IQ

1- The First search is about getting a general view of all items containing the concepts I'm looking for,
2- I select those items I believe will be more interesting OR I just select all of them... and press enter to display them in a grid (using one of the display option from the "Quick search" dialog  (ctrl-f) -- "search grid", "current grid", etc.)

Screenshot - 2010-02-16 , 19_29_07.png
3- Now I'm the grid displaying my result. I press ctrl-f again.
3- Inside the "quick search" dialog, I change the option to "search current grid", and refine my search even more, and send the items to yet another seach grid (or to the same one, replacing the previous results, etc.)

Screenshot - 2010-02-16 , 19_28_20.png

This cycle can be repeated until you have exactly what you want. Usually, it's absolutely not necessary though : it's easy enough to just type in the "Quick search" dialog to get to the right items, and then display the info where you need to display it.

Also, within the search dialog, it's easy to see which field contains what : the "Show details" option allows one to see exactly what field contains what. Yup...!

Granted : It's NOT as snappy as Evernote 2.1, but... I can live with that for the moment. (Nothing was ever as snappy as Evernote... But then, evernote isn't super sophisticated either. It's a different beast.)  Of course, I often feel that it could be snappier. But then, I have a pretty big database with about 25 000 items (many of them containing text and images) and I never had that much with EverNote.

Actually, I just came up with a solution, here is my stab at it:
--First, have a permanantly docked search bar (like Evernote) that searches the current grid only (just to keep things simple).
--As you type in it, the actual grid will be filtered down to only the matching results.  This would work the same as if you picked the "Show selected items in search grid" feature already present in the ctrl-f window.  The difference here being that everything is happening in the current grid.  No new windows, no special find's all in the same window.  And as you backspace or clear the search box, all the grid items would reappear as normal.  In essence, it's the ultimate grid filter.
--Thirdly, ALL matches are highlighted.  The matches in the normal fields are highlighted, and the matches in the html pane are highlighted.  Multiple word searches would have different color highlights for each word (like Evernote and Google's highlighting features).

I've had conversations with Pierre about having a "quick search" bar that would do live filtering for the active grid, and he understands what some of the benefits would be (if he chimes in, maybe he'll share his current opinion...)

The problem is to not make the interface more complicated than it already is : there are to many ways of searching, already... And filtering the grid's content is already very possible with the alphanumeric toolbar selecting

Textfields = your concepts....

Screenshot - 2010-02-16 , 21_27_46.png

This should be simplified, and maybe that's where an intermediary solution lies. Live grid search could be more tightly integrated  in the alphanumeric toolbar... (although... The alphanumeric doesn't work when items are hoisted in a grid... Anyway, I guess that could be eventually sorted out...)

I got used to the Quick-search dialog and, because of the new enhancements, I don't really care too much anymore about having live search in the grids themselves... However, if there was  a way to integrate this idea without making the interface more complicated, it would be great (let's not forget that the user still needs to be able to search everywhere, not just a "grid" -- which is in fact just a collection of filters allowing certain items to be shown + certain data auto-assignation set in the grid management dialog).

Any other ideas?

Now, as for Onenote, there is only one feature about it that makes me want to use it over IQ in some cases.  That's the whiteboard idea where I can just write anywhere, place pictures anywhere, there is no structure to it.  Other than that, I see no other reason to choose it over IQ.  Here is an example of something I can do with Onenote that I can't do in IQ.  I'm buying a new suit and I have pictures and bits of information all over the place for it, but I need to move them around freely: (see attachment in previous post)
Well, I hope my suggestions prove to be useful.  

OneNote definitely has a sexy (and pretty functional) interface, and I agree that the "whiteboard flexibility" that comes with it is pretty cool. Maybe is it just a matter of enhancing the HTML pane in IQ...?
Hmmmm. I don't know.
It also depends on how will IQ's concept mapping capabilities evolve, something that'll give it even more flexibility -- The other day I was thinking of ways it could integrate with something like VUE ( for presentations, etc.

Ok... Enough blabbing...
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 08:32 PM by Armando »


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #806 on: February 16, 2010, 10:25 PM »
Good stuff, Armando, as always.
Yes, "snappy" is a good word for it.  It's a tough one to solve because they are two different programs.  IQ does so much more than Evernote.  Of course, I've noticed the improvements to the search window that you mentioned, I love them.  I noticed the new hoisting thing, but I didn't know what it was for.  I have to play with it, I don't quite understand what it does right now.

You brought up a good point.  There are a number of ways already to search and filter the grids in IQ.  I can understand Pierre not wanting to continually add more.  Maybe something to think about in the future is to consolidate all these search and filter features to some degree.  You know the Bat (email program) did this quite recently.  For years it had a very powerful find feature.  Just recently, they added a "google type" option for the search dialog that essentially just searches everything.  So it's not date specific, or regex specific, etc. like it was before (which is still available).  They just added this search everything option, and now I use it almost exclusively.  so maybe all the alphanumeric filter, column filter, date filter, etc...all these things can be consolidated in a simpler and smarter interface.  Linkman also deals with the issue in a similar manner.  It has one search box, and there are many checkboxes below as to what fields to search.  Now, I know Infoqube offers all these features and more, I'm just talking about interface issues and implementation.  In other words, i can get IQ to do whatever it is I'm thinking (usually), but maybe we can package all these features differently and more simply.

Pierre is really great in that there is no feature he won't add to his program.  i guess it's our job to help him with all of this whenever we can.  It's amazing that with each new release, there are more and more things added to the program.  I feel like at some point, Pierre is going to devote maybe a year or so to just interface things.  There is just so much going on with the program.  but I love it.  It's the notetaker we were all waiting for for years.


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #807 on: February 16, 2010, 11:07 PM »
I noticed the new hoisting thing, but I didn't know what it was for.  I have to play with it, I don't quite understand what it does right now.

Basically, it just isolates items in the grid for you. You select your items you want to isolate from the rest, and you "hoist" them. This can be performed over and over to focus more precisely on some items. The feature has a few nive twist to it. Check it out. (As I said, however, there's a little bug with the "full hierarchy" mode right now... You might not notice it though as it appears in certain specific conditions only.)

Maybe something to think about in the future is to consolidate all these search and filter features to some degree.  You know the Bat (email program) did this quite recently.  For years it had a very powerful find feature.  Just recently, they added a "google type" option for the search dialog that essentially just searches everything.  So it's not date specific, or regex specific, etc. like it was before (which is still available).  They just added this search everything option, and now I use it almost exclusively.  so maybe all the alphanumeric filter, column filter, date filter, etc...all these things can be consolidated in a simpler and smarter interface.  Linkman also deals with the issue in a similar manner.  It has one search box, and there are many checkboxes below as to what fields to search.  Now, I know Infoqube offers all these features and more, I'm just talking about interface issues and implementation.  In other words, i can get IQ to do whatever it is I'm thinking (usually), but maybe we can package all these features differently and more simply.

I agree. Quite a challenge for Pierre. I wonder if he'll tackle that before v.1, or if he'll wait. There's the calendar to finish, the item recurrence feature, the syncing features, and then polish the gantt & project management features... Lots to do ! and I think I'll be using all the features quite extensively as I can't wait to leave Outlook -- not that I hate it (I actually like it for what it does  :-[), but I've always found it too rigid and limiting.

Pierre is really great in that there is no feature he won't add to his program.  i guess it's our job to help him with all of this whenever we can.  It's amazing that with each new release, there are more and more things added to the program.  I feel like at some point, Pierre is going to devote maybe a year or so to just interface things.  There is just so much going on with the program.  but I love it.  It's the notetaker we were all waiting for for years.

Wow. I hope he reads that... I've been a bit of a "scold" lately, constantly filing suggestions and bugs in Mantis. Words like yours should boost his enthousiasm... We need him, alive and kicking !  ;D


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #808 on: March 13, 2010, 03:23 PM »
Bits du Jour have an offer on CaptureSaver, scheduled for Saturday 20th March 2010.  I haven't tried it, but here's the blurb from their Web site, which makes it sound a bit like Surfulater or UltraRecall:
CaptureSaver® - Professional Internet Research Tool
CaptureSaver lets you gather and permanently save information into an off-line research and reference library while you are surfing the Internet. It ensures you stop losing valuable information and always have what's important at your fingertips.
Save, organize and search anything with this internet research tool:
Web Pages, Blogs, Wikis, RSS News, Email, Images, Newsgroup Threads,  and Other Internet Content

Text from Window, Screen Shots, Rich format text from Application such as Microsoft Word, Notepad, Adobe Acrobat Reader or others


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #809 on: May 10, 2010, 09:51 AM »
A better alternative: CaptureSaver from

CaptureSaver Lets you:
  • Gathering information and build your own digital library of information for research.
  • Capture web content and pages in a single click.
  • Capture text and images: keep only the ones you want.
  • Capture application-specific content.
  • Add personal comments and specify tags to stored information.
  • Add personal notes to stored information.
  • Edit content with rich html formatting capabilities.
  • Organize your information in a way that makes sense to you.
  • Search by date, title, tag or text in notes.
  • Reuse and share your information with other file formats exports.
  • Easily move your research information from one computer to another.


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #810 on: May 10, 2010, 01:06 PM »
@fwdever Hi and welcome!

Just out of curiosity, are you affiliated with the authors of CaptureSaver?

Not a problem if you are. It's just that etiquette on this website is to acknowledge any business or commercial interests in a product or service when posting.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 01:21 PM by 40hz »


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #811 on: May 10, 2010, 08:15 PM »
I think I misread this thread title.  But I wanted to offer that I have been using Google WAVE for Note-Taking and Brainstorming.
It is great for collaboration; although it requires a little patience getting accustomed to it - because it is so 'different'.


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #812 on: May 10, 2010, 08:23 PM »
I think I misread this thread title.  But I wanted to offer that I have been using Google WAVE for Note-Taking and Brainstorming.
It is great for collaboration; although it requires a little patience getting accustomed to it - because it is so 'different'.

Also be warned that there is no way (currently) to export / print a wave  :down:
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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #813 on: May 10, 2010, 10:01 PM »
Also be warned that there is no way (currently) to export / print a wave  :down:

That's a showstopper if there ever was one!


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #814 on: July 03, 2010, 01:53 PM »
Hey everyone! I hear this thread has been going on since 2006! That is amazing! It goes to show how much people care about taking notes and keeping their knowledge.  I see the last post was just two months ago. I hope people are still willing to keep this going. I read the Notetaking Software roundup #1. I assume there is a #2? I havn't searched yet and I will right now, but is there one? Can someone maybe post a link?

I just started getting into this stuff and these tools are all pretty cool, just for my own benefit, I am curious how people use these tools and which ones do they use? I'm sure this is sprinkled all over the forum so I'll check it out. Just thought I'd ask anyways. It might give me some more creative ideas on how else I can use these tools and which ones are top notch (other than the top 3 mentioned in roundup #1). Hope to hear back from some people!


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #815 on: July 05, 2010, 03:48 AM »
@note_artist yes it is quite something for a topic to continue for so long.

For those interested in Surfulater we have just completed a major redevelopment of our web site and support center. You can read more about the new site on our blog post Out with the old and in with the new- new Surfulater site is live

Now it is back to work on the next Surfulater release.
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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #816 on: July 05, 2010, 04:24 AM »
Nice redesign nevf. Did you ever fix that issue were Surfulator files weren't syncing well with Dropbox?

I also read something about Free Reader mode. What's that? I haven't really been monitoring the site.


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #817 on: July 05, 2010, 04:59 PM »
Nice redesign nevf. Did you ever fix that issue were Surfulator files weren't syncing well with Dropbox?

I also read something about Free Reader mode. What's that? I haven't really been monitoring the site.

Hi Keith,
Glad to hear you like the new site.

The only issue I am aware of with Dropbox is where the Dropbox PC software caused a problem for Surfulater. I don't know if the Dropbox people have fixed this. The advisable thing to do is ensure your Knowledge Bases or Surfulater is closed when any Backup software runs. I have looked at most off-site backup services over the years and the only one that has worked well for me is Crashplan. I have this running all the time and have never had a problem with Surfulater running and KB's open.

For info on the Free Reader please see this.
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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #818 on: July 05, 2010, 06:09 PM »
Thanks nevf.

I don't have Surfulator (I've always tried to keep an eye on it but haven't taken the plunge) and I forgot the link but someone on DC said something about the files not syncing correctly. I'm not sure if this is the same issue of having to close Surfulator correctly.


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #819 on: July 05, 2010, 10:29 PM »
That was probably me, Paul. Also I don’t quite agree that Dropbox is necessarily the problem or the cause. I haven't had similar issues with any other software and Dropbox. Surfulater is extremely slow to close. By that I mean that even after it appears that Surfulater has closed the database is still being used; I think it is creating an autosaved copy and/or backup or something. Whatever it is it prevents Dropbox from gaining exclusive access to sync the file to the server. Many apps do not allow access while they are running, which is understandable. E.g., neither Evernote nor Ultra Recall can sync with the Dropbox server until those apps close and their respective databases are freed up. Those two sync nicely when the app closes. With Surfulater once you close the app Dropbox "grabs" the database to sync it. However Surfulater still tries to autosave or whatever. When it  finds it cannot (because Dropbox is using it) it cause Surfulater to think the database is corrupted. The next time you start Surfulater it says the database is corrupt and directs (suggests?) that the last autosaved file be opened instead. On one occasion Surfulater renamed its database and then couldn't find it the next time it ran. I had to locate it manually and rename it back.

I know Neville disagrees with my explanation, which is really my best guess as to why the problem occurs. But I will say that I also must shut down Surfulater well in advance of rebooting my computer or I get the same database issues. Surfulater's database stays active for from 30 seconds to as long as 90 seconds after closing the application. as long as you remember this and close it in advance you're OK. Except you still have to keep it out of your Dropbox because Dropbox insists on trying to sync the file immediately after it sees the app close, which starts all the troubles mentioned above.

Hope I wasn’t too dense in this post!




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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #820 on: July 06, 2010, 05:16 PM »
Hi Jim,
Ok I've just done some quick tests with two large'ish KB's open. One is 25MB .Surfulater file, 809MB .SurfulaterWDB file, the other is 11MB .Surfulater file, 75MB .SurfulaterWBD file. Surfulater closes in 2 seconds. Process Monitor shows all file activity has finished after 7 seconds. Even though Surfulater has closed completely, Windows is asynchronously updating the file system. Of course your mileage may vary and this really doesn't mean much.

What is critical though is that any backup application that monitors the file system in real time, delays its file access for a reasonable period of time after all file operations have completed, before it tries to gain access to such files.

Crashplan has smarts in this regard and has never had a problem backing up Surfulater KB's. I've recently also updated my SFFS Surfulater Profile to do Real Time Sync of my KB's and so far that hasn't had any problems either.
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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #821 on: July 06, 2010, 08:58 PM »
If you remember I shared my Process Monitor results with you and they showed differently by quite a bit. Of course that was about a year ago - has anything changed in Surfulater in that regard? All I remember is that Surfulater is the only app I own that has this issue with Dropbox. And anyone else that asks gets told to use CrashPlan instead....



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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #822 on: July 06, 2010, 09:13 PM »
Hi Jim, I can't recall nor find on our support forums any Process Monitor results from you. As I said earlier it doesn't much matter what they show and will vary considerably from PC to PC.

Nothing has changed in Surfulater that I can think that would affect any of this. There will however be major changes once everything is moved into the new SQL Database, which may also address the Dropbox issue.

Re. Crashplan, my early post here was the first and only time I have ever mentioned it, so I am more than a little baffled by your comment!
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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #823 on: October 11, 2010, 12:02 PM »
Following up on OneNote 2010.  I have liked OneNote 2007 more and more, not just for myself but for small team projects.  I'd like to hear from people using 2010.  So afraid MS will mess this up . . . 

The two things I have not found easy to deal with are

(1) sharing (doesn't work for us on Sharepoint and we are trying to get rid of shared folders, I assume Google sites won't handle it, and reportedly it doesn't always sync well through Dropbox) and
(2) changing permissions or moving a notebook once you've set it up.  I've never been able to do it.  Otherwise, amazing.

I do use various information mapping tools though: Compendium and Personal Brain, which have both been mentioned, I believe.
More curiosity, less judgment.


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Re: General brainstorming for Note-taking software
« Reply #824 on: October 11, 2010, 02:16 PM »
I loved Onenote 2007 and love 2010 as much, if not more... There are no MAJOR changes but there are tweaks. The only one that comes to mind is that when you select "Send to Onenote" from the context menu in IE, you are prompted to select a section in which to save the note. Of course, this MAY have been possible in Onenote 2007 - it's possible that I had changed a setting to have the note sent to a default and have long since forgotten...

Overall, unless you're upgrading to a new version of Office 2010 that includes Onenote, I'm not sure I'd pay to upgrade, but I can confirm that nothing is broken/screwed up!