I agree with what you said, in general. Info Select WAS dismissed rather rapidly. I must say that when I tried IS, I was impressed.
I think that most of the things that Info select does, SQLNotes does in some ways (differently, of course), or... will do real soon (at a lesser price.... but, as you said, if one really likes an application, the price might not be too much of an obstacle -- within reason!)

: Smart folders (they are basically grids in SQLNotes), automatic "tagging" (actually more powerful in SQLNOtes IMO because you can script all kinds off "tagging" procedures in the fields management window), different views (grids, and filters, again -- but this is a bit lacking and will be more elaborate), joining/splitting items or notes (soon -- as you probably read in Pierre's answer at the SQLNotes forum), working with multiple windows (multiple SQLNotes windows can look at the same database, or with the new MS Word integration, multiple MS Word windows for several items). As for filters I'm quite sure that SQLNotes is hard to beat...
I found IS actually hard to use to create/maintain a "real" database : create extra fields on the fly, adapt forms for multiple items, change data in multiple items at once, etc. (
can you do that? I'd be really interested to know). I also found that Info Select's interface and outline was no easy to read and the absence of direct display of all "field elements" annoying (a consequence if being able to display all kinds of items in the same outline, I guess). I guess I'm used to grids (Outlook, etc.).
One thing that I REALLY liked in Info Select is the exporting and printing capabilities. You just had to modify the forms live, and.... WYSIWYG... You'll get different exporting/printing templates in SQLNotes too, but I don't know if it'll be as easy to modify them on the fly -- this is one thing to work on. Another thing that I REALLY liked (in IS) -- I'm starting to remember more and more stuff as I write! -- is how you could have very different items in the same outline (ie :different forms, items with different fields, formats, etc.). By design, I suspect that this would be VERY difficult to achieve in SQLNotes, if even possible. Generally speaking though, I don't think that it is a feature that I'd crave for...
Have you read my answer on the SQLNotes thread ?
PS : I'll probably ask for a trial version of the IS 2007 version. You got me curious again about that product...