I've worked a little bit with Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum when I needed to quickly put together some training materials. It was easy to get your head around how it worked, and the results were quite impressive. Or at least they were to my client - which is all that mattered AFAIWC.
I got VMSP as part of the
Sony Imagination Studio Suite.
Along with Vegas, the suite also gives you "home" versions of Acid, SoundForge, DVD Architect, and PhotoGo.
It runs about $150 plus change if you shop around. Lotta bang for the buck in that the suite costs about what you'd pay for any two of the packages that make it up.
I used Acid Studio to whip up some nice ambient and techno background music to go with the video and ran it all through Architect to get it on DVD. I didn't use PhotoGo since I didn't need an image sorter/tweaker for my project. But if you're going to be doing a lot of this stuff it could come in handy. I also didn't bother with SoundForge because I already have a pro-grade audio editor that I'm comfortable with. However, if you don't have a favorite audio editor, you'll find SoundForge is a very capable product.
I'm not a video pro by any stretch, but the one pro I do know (who works for ESPN) said he thought VMSP was a very capable product. He felt it was probably the best single package to start with if you're on the PC platform and new to video editing. (Which is why I bought it!

Plus, if you ever do need to move up to Vegas Pro, the experience you gained using the "starter version" will 'transfer' very nicely.
Luck! (And let us know what you finally select.)