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Where was that awesome rant about Daylight savings time and programming, where the final answer was "just use the open source subroutine and don't mess with it"?
I ran into this in a big way today getting ready for a live podcast!
It was on time zones, and I can't find the post on here, but here's the video:
I'm not sure what that has to do with this thread.
It's a funny video! 
Speaking of Daylight Savings time ending and causing weird issues, my husband worked tonight, over the 2AM mark when the clocks changed back. If the clocks had not changed, he would have clocked out at 2:30AM, but since the clocks had changed, his time slip says he clocked out at 1:30AM, but doesn't say which 1:30AM it was (1st or 2nd). So now his manager has to submit a list of everyone that worked tonight and clocked out after the change, so they all get an extra hour's worth of pay manually added to their paychecks. 
Yep! It's indeed a funny video and thanks App for finding it! That was the one I was thinking of, but in a raw Youtube search I couldn't recall it was "computerphile".
And yes, the madness is just like your husband went through. To cap it all off, letting the cat out of the bag, I watched a live telecast of grandmaster chess commentary this morning, through all that stuff I mentioned earlier. To cap it all off, they told the commenting grandmaster the wrong start time! So he had to get up two hours too early for nothing, and was barely holding on with coffee! Meanwhile, I now had to add the "adjusted wrong start time" to my previously mentioned fun!
I just gave up and watched Rubik's-Clone puzzle videos for three hours waiting for it all to shake out! But at least my clocks are changed now!
PS. Wiki says one reason they changed the fall switch was to purposely kick it past Halloween to give kids more time to trick-or-treat!
(Homer) mmmmm ... little kids candy.... (/Homer)