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Author Topic: NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice  (Read 31469 times)

Perry Mowbray

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NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice
« on: December 06, 2008, 04:05 AM »
The Volunteer Voice

December 6th marks the NANY 2009 Challenge as a little over three weeks old and we've seen an explosion of interest, pledges and teasers already! We've also had, in addition to the NANY Mug, some great rewards pledged by DonationCoder members for the coders that satisfy the Challenge requirements.

The aim of the NANY Challenge is to release a new programme, utility, game, etc on January 1st, which you have first pledged your commitment to produce in the NANY 2009 Intro thread; our aim was to have the pledges close on December 7th: so there's still time to join the fun! Read the instructions here if your interested: we're always happy to bend some aims to increase the fun. If you're in need of some inspiration you can check out the Communal Idea Thread.

This thread will include regular updates by your humble volunteer that will focus on the various entries (in no particular order), but first some interesting details about this year's Challenge.

NANY 2009 Challenge Details (updated Jan 1 2009)
  • 39 Pledges
  • 1 Teaser
  • 35 Entries

One of the wonderful surprises of each NANY is the wide variety of entries, and this year is not different, though there is (understandably) a strong bias towards Windows:
  • 30 Windows Based
  • 3 Interpreted (Ruby, Java, AdobeAir)
  • 1 Web Based
  • 1 Android Based

So far the entries have focused on getting things done, with the main Categories:
  • 31 Utilities
  • 4 Entertainment based (including 1 addictive game)
  • There's also been strong support for the development of our beloved FARR with 3 new Plugin releases.

Graph-2009-01-01.jpgNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

Regular Updates

Congratulations to all our Coders!

6/12/2008: Added graph
10/12/2008: Updated figures, graph
12/12/2008: Corrected a typo, corrected grammar, added a link or two
14/12/2008: Updated figures, graph
18/12/2008: Updated figures, graph
22/12/2008: Updated figures, graph
28/12/2008: Updated figures, graph
1/1/2009: Updated figures, graph
3/1/2009: Updated figures, graph (WishList was erroneously left out: sorry

« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 01:10 AM by Perry Mowbray »

Perry Mowbray

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NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice: December 6th
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2008, 04:11 AM »
The Volunteer Voice: December 6th

NANY 2009 Challenge: 29 Pledges & 14 Entries so far!

We have encouraged this year's entrants to post a Teaser of their entry, and not wait until the project has been completed. Some entries are still being developed and are even open for feature requests. Here are some of the fine entries so far:

Jellyfish Lists
Jellyfish Lists is a small web application that handles lists and notes. Jellyfish Lists has an HTML and WML interface, and can also be used from any WAP/WEB enabled phone.
JellyFishLists.jpgNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

Comparer is a file comparer application which uses Total Commander's WDX plugins to compare two file's properties (ID3 Tags, File Attributes, EXE Headers, Word/Excel Document Properties, OpenOffice Document Properties, EXIF Tags, Image Information, HTML Meta Tags, Shortcut Properties, etc.)
Comparer-2.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

File Replicator
File Replicator is a program that searches for a specified file within a specified root folder and replaces it with another copy of the file. This is useful for updating a file that is located in multiple folders to a newer version.  This is a GUI based replacement for the File Propagator script.
FileReplicator.jpgNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 04:24 AM by Perry Mowbray »


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Re: NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2008, 11:22 AM »
Great thread!!!!  :-* :-* :-*


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Re: NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2008, 01:42 PM »
GRAPHS!!!  :-* :-* :-*


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Re: NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2008, 08:43 PM »
I'm curious about what look like negative values on the graph...

Perry Mowbray

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Re: NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2008, 09:09 PM »
I'm curious about what look like negative values on the graph...

We've had a couple pull out (so they are definitely negative values  ;) )


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Re: NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2008, 06:42 PM »
Aha -- thanks for the explanation -- and I like the graph too!

Thanks for your continued efforts :)


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Re: NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2008, 06:48 PM »
2Perry Mowbray
Time to update screenshots ;)

Perry Mowbray

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NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice: December 10th
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2008, 05:07 AM »
The NANY Challenge is an annual Challenge at DonationCode where coders of all levels are challenged to pledge a New Application for the New Year and release it on January 1, 2009.

This year the NANY 2009 Challenge is generating a lot of interest: we've had 34 Pledges this year! We had 15 finished entries in 2008 and 25 in 2007, so far this year we've had 10 Entries posted and have 8 Teasers.

STOP PRESS: The NANY 2009 Challenge pledge deadline extended until December 15!
The pledge deadline has been extended a week, there's now a little extra time to pledge your entry to this year's NANY Challenge. The aim of the NANY Challenge is to release a new programme, utility, game, or anything else that runs on a computer on January 1st 2009, which you have first pledged your commitment to produce in the Forum. Read the instructions here if your interested and the Challenge Reward here. If you're in need of some inspiration you can check out the Communal Idea Thread.

Teaser Focus

Visual Basic 6.0 Bible Quiz
Visual Basic 6.0 Bible Quiz is a multi-player Bible Quiz that features over 1000 questions, multiple choice answers in random order. Choice of New Testament or Old Testament at any time. Users can play by themselves or with up to 6 players competitively. There is an English and Spanish version (beta).
BibleQuiz.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

SuperSearch allows you to search on any website that can express searches as URLs with your Android phone.
SuperSearch.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

Find and Run Robot Plugins
PopQuotes will search many thousands of quotes to find ones that mention certain words, so you can paste them in emails or other applications.  You could also use it with your own custom text files (one item per line). It can read the same data files as my Popup Wisdom program (including standard unix fortune files).
PopQuotes.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

Keyser will enable FARR to reuse the searches already available in one's local installation of Firefox -- those available via its Search Bar / Search Box.  Firefox makes use of OpenSearch plugins to provide this functionality.  OpenSearch plugins are used by Firefox, IE 7, and other apps to allow one to search various sites more conveniently and quickly. The plugin may end up supporting searches from browsers other than Firefox, though they don't necessarily use Open Search plugins to provide their corresponding functionality.  Possibilities that have been considered so far include: IE 7, Chrome, Opera, and K-Meleon.
keyser-0.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

CZB package will contain all the FARR plugins released by czb. This includes new plugins: JScalc, which is quite a useful calculator and plugin management system, where you can de/activate plugins, control their settings and see their html/txt files.
czb.jpgNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice
« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 05:41 AM by Perry Mowbray »

Perry Mowbray

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NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice: December 14
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2008, 04:06 AM »
The NANY Challenge is an annual Challenge at DonationCoder where coders of all levels are challenged to pledge a New Application for the New Year and release it on January 1, 2009.

This year the NANY 2009 Challenge is generating a lot of interest: so far we've had 36 Pledges! We've even got 14 Teasers and 12 Full Entries posted that you are welcome to download and try now.

Last week we extended the Pledge Deadline until December 15th, so there's still time to pledge your commitment and join the fun. We have an active thread where members have offered some ideas they'd like to see entered: see the Communal Idea Thread. DonationCoder also has an active Programming School that has a wealth of ideas and opportunities that could be developed into a NANY Challenge entry. For more information about the DonationCoder Programming School see these Instructions.

Teaser / Entry Focus
We're overwhelmed by the response we've had to this year's NANY, both in the number of entries and the breadth and quality of the entries. Here is a small snippet of what you can now find at NANY 2009:

Tree List
Tree List is a minimalistic application for easily creating hierarchical (tree-like) lists. Tree List can be used to break down tasks into manageable steps and sometimes break those steps down further into sub-steps. Tree List features: Multiple lists, Quick access to each list, Keyboard shortcuts, Portable.
treelist.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

DecClock is a Tool to save time when you calculate with Time. It features: a GUI, Normal Clock, Decimal Clock, Binary Clock, Hex Clock, Compare Time, Time Conversion, Time Definitions, Portable. For an explanation of these time-systems please see WikiPedia's Decimal Time and Hexadecimal Time (DecClock uses a slightly different specifiction of Decimal Time than WikiPedia's). A linux tester is wanted to test this application on Mono.
DecClock.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

CrushPad organizes text entries into Categories, similar to a Ticket-System. Each Ticket is classified by a Category and SubCategory and is tracked by a Status. The Search function searches all entries and the application is Portable, Multi-User access is possible over a network.
CrushPAD.jpgNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

Fractal Explorers
Fractal Explorers are two applications that were written just for fun, as an étude of Ruby and the OpenGL Shading Language.
  • JuliaExplorer allows you to explore Julia sets of quadratic polynomials of the form z^2+c. It allows you to zoom into any part of the generated set, but the even more exciting feature is the ability to change smoothly the value of the complex parameter c, and see the fractal evolve slowly from one form to another.
  • MandelbrotExplorer allows you to explore the Mandelbrot set. It allows you to zoom into any part of the set.

Fractal Explorers requires Ruby and Ruby-OpenGL.
Fractal Explorers.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 07:03 AM by Perry Mowbray »

Perry Mowbray

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NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice - December 18
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2008, 06:20 AM »
The NANY Challenge is DonationCoder's annual Software Challenge where coders of all experience levels are challenged to pledge a New Application for the New Year and release it on January 1, 2009.

It's getting down to the business end of the 2009 Challenge with our coders busily polishing their entries and making things ready for the approaching release deadline on January 1st 2009. There has been a lot activity on the NANY 2009 Forum with 26 of our 37 Pledgers posting either Teasers or Releases already! It's a great place to get a sneak preview of the upcoming applications, offer functionality suggestions and even help by beta testing the pre-releases.

The Pledge Deadline has already been extended once, but we're still getting enquiries from coders wanting to Pledge their commitment to this year's Challenge. It's not easy turning people away from one of life's harmless and fun challenges: so we generally don't. If you've been wanting to join the fun but can not come up with an idea, why not check out the Communal Idea Thread, where members have offered some ideas they'd like to see entered. DonationCoder also has an active Programming School that has a wealth of ideas and opportunities that could be developed into a NANY Challenge entry. For more information about the DonationCoder Programming School see these Instructions.

Teaser / Entry Focus
JustCloseSomeTasks is an utility to let you easily close inactive tasks (windows). It saves taskbar and desktop space by allowing you to close the stuff you've not used for a while. Tasks are automatically marked for closing when they've not been used for a certain time period (expiry time). The program will learn your behaviour and adjust this expiry time.JustCloseSomeTasks knows which programs that has not used and helps manage the taskbar by closing these on mass. The application is portable.
JustCloseSomeTasks.jpgNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

LifeSaver, on the surface, is Yet Another Diary/Journal Application, but with the very important feature of storing the data in an open format. A fundamental problem with nearly all Diary software is that the data is locked into a proprietary datastore and format. This is absolutely antithetical to the purpose of a diary: long-term tracking of thoughts. At some point in the future, our current applications and the format in which they store the data will be obsolete; it's imperative that something like this be easily extractable, in a way that can be imported into future systems. LifeSaver features: Entries formatted in rich text (HTML to facilitate export),Password-protected datastore, Multiple entries allowed per day, Browse next/previous entry, Export to XML. Tagging, Full Text Search and attached images are planned features.
LifeSaver.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

Puppy Toes Dog Records
Puppy Toes Dog Records is a database application that allows dog breeders to keep breeding and medical records along with other important information on their dogs. The application keeps basic dog information, parents information, additional information, breeding records, medical records and extra notes. The interface is customisable.
PuppyToes.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

HexCards is an addictive card game in which two players strategically place hexagonal cards on a playing field to capture the other's cards. Each of the six sides of each card is assigned a numeric value ranging from 1 to 10. When you place a card on the playing field, you can capture cards in adjacent tiles if the value for that specific side is larger than the value on the adjacent card's side. Watch the video tutorial for a demonstration with instructions for more information.
HexCards - Draw Game.jpgNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

MiniBrowseIE is a small and light web browser with advanced capabilities: The current version does not require installation and can be run from virtually any media (its under 500k in size!). MiniBrowseIE is a basic internet browser utilizing the Internet Explorer rendering engine. Features: History, LinkView, Favorites, Website security notification, RSS, Printing (w/ previews), Privacy options, General options, Keyboard shortcuts. Parental controls, Password saving, Better tab control (close button directly on tab, etc), Switch back over to the Gecko engine (eventually) are planned features.
MiniBrowseIE.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

Perry Mowbray

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NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice - December 22
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2008, 05:59 AM »
The NANY Challenge for 2009 has just over a week to run until the official release! The NANY Challenge is DonationCoder's annual Software Challenge where coders of all experience levels are challenged to pledge a New Application for the New Year and release it on January 1, 2009. This is not a contest where the entries are judged to see who has written the best programme, but a fun celebration to create something new: all entrants who honour their pledge "win" a NANY 2009 Mug.

Entrants post Teasers, Pre-Releases and their final Release on the NANY 2009 Forum, and currently 28 of our 38 Pledgers have either posted a Teaser or Release already! It's a great place to get a sneak preview of the upcomming applications, offer functionality suggestions and even help by beta testing the pre-releases.

The Pledge Deadline has already been extended once, but we're still getting enquiries from coders wanting to Pledge their commitment to this year's Challenge. If you know a programmer who you think would get a kick out of participating in this fun event, please let them know!

Teaser / Entry Focus
Lacuna Launcher
Have you ever wished you had more control over the way applications are launched? Maybe setting a delay for launching applications at start-up? How about spacing out the launching with a pause in between each one? Or control the order in which applications are opened? Or perhaps you just want to launch many applications with a single shortcut? Lacuna Launcher will allow you to set a group of files to be opened with a single shortcut by creating a text file with the paths to all the files you wish to open. You can include applications (.exe), shortcuts (.lnk), internet shortcuts (.url), images, music, movies, anything that is a file on your system that you wish to open. You can also set an initial delay time that it will wait before opening files, as well as a pause time that it will wait between files it launches.

Bub's are curious, bub's like to imitate.  You're always amazed at the way bub copies the things that you do, and laugh when you see her with one hand one the keyboard and one on the mouse like a true fps'er, but at the same time getting quickly frustrated because 'nothing' is happening.  And then she hits the magic combination to hack into the FBI, delete some important files and shutdown your computer. The solution is CrazyLittleFingers.  The aim of CrazyLittleFingers is simple, lock out all the keys on the keyboard, except for one that lets you exit the program, and remap each key to provide a reward for bubs exploration. For example, pressing 1 on the keyboard, might get the program to display a 1 and say 'one', pressing g might change the background to the colour green and display a picture of a goose (or a green goose).
CrazyLittleFingers.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

Auto Cursor Mover is a program that lets you set up a loop of actions for the cursor to go through and enter text if necessary. Features: Left Click, Right Click, Middle Click, each with Double Click option, or No Click; Customizable wait times between cursor actions; Text box for text to be type after a click event; Customizable wait times between each key press; Test button to test settings for a specific cursor action; Viewable list of cursor actions; Emergency Stop Key - Scroll Lock; Cursor Jump or Slide option (globally for all cursor actions); Save and Load for lists of cursor actions Tray Icon Support
ACMScreen.jpgNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

KeyDB is a small portable application that will securely store web passwords. Features: Small and fast; Portable; Encrypted password files; Sort and filter items for quick retrieval; Copy to clipboard; Launch URLs from KeyDb; Random password generator; Ability to archive items.
KeyDB.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

Perry Mowbray

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NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice - December 28
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2008, 07:33 AM »
The NANY Challenge for 2009 has just a couple of days to run until the official release! The NANY Challenge is DonationCoder's annual Software Challenge where coders of all experience levels are challenged to pledge a New Application for the New Year and release it on January 1, 2009. This is not a contest where the entries are judged to see who has written the best programme, but a fun celebration to create something new: all entrants "win" a NANY 2009 Mug for their efforts.

The Entries are posted on the NANY 2009 Forum, and currently there are 21 Pre-Releases posted from the 39 Pledges (and there are 12 Teasers just waiting to be released)! It's a great place to get a sneak preview of the upcoming applications, offer functionality suggestions and even help by beta testing the pre-releases.

The Pledge Deadline has already been extended, but we're still getting some last minute Pledges to this year's Challenge. If you know a programmer who you think would get a kick out of participating in this fun event, please let them know!

Teaser / Entry Focus

With MGTD you can easily generate an HTML document containing information about selected Oracle tables and constraints for a selected user. Every table is described including a list of columns it contains, data type and size, nullable information and the comment, and a list of all the constraints ( Primary keys, Checks, Foreign keys and Unique keys).

The application is written in Java.

f0dder's Notepad++ Plugins
f0dder's Notepad++ Plugins are mainly biased towards C++ development.
  • GuidGen - generate header-file inclusion guards, GUID style.
  • Switcher - switch between header and source file (.h[].cpp , .asm[].inc, etc.)
  • RegRexPlace - regular regular expression replacer (process files with preset regex templates)

Feedr is a Simple RSS Feedreader application written for Adobe Air. RSS Feeds are easily read by entering the RSS URL into the address bar and then selecting the title to read.
Feedr.jpgNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

PESplash embeds text into Windows executable files using interchangeable assembly opcodes, it does so by finding valid opcode strings and replaces them with "like-minded" opcodes therefore not changing the size or operability of the file. PESplash has a number of uses, for example for tracking who is downloading your files (if released in the wild), sending messages, etc. NOTE: PESplash can NOT be used on a compressed or "packed" file: doing so will render the file useless.
PESplash.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

DropCommand enables drag and drop of files to a command window in Vista (The Drag and Drop functionality for command windows that was present in previous versions was dropped in Vista).
DropCommandScreen.gifNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

Trout is a simple Audio Player that is written in AutoHotKey.
  • Supported audio formats (standard): AIFF, AIF, AIFC, MP1, MP2, MP3, OGA, OGG, WAV, MO3, XM, MOD, S3M, IT, MTM.
  • Supported audio formats (w/ plugins): FLAC, WMA, WMP, WMV, ASF, MID, MIDI, RMI, KAR, WV, WVC, AAC, MP4, M4A, M4B, M4P, APE, AC3, SPX, TTA, OFR, MPC, ALAC.
  • Support for internet radio streams.
  • Basic freeDB support for CD playback.
  • Supported tag formats: ID3v1, ID3v2.2/3/4, OGG/FLAC comments, WMA, APE, OFR, MPC, AAC (APE tags)
  • Commandline parameters for external control.
  • Extremely customizable hotkey system.
  • Horizontal/vertical "minibar" controls.
  • Play modes (Play file, play list, repeat file, repeat list, random, shuffle).
Trout_01.jpgNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice

I don't want to be homeless
I don't want to be homeless is a simple website that helps encourage you to spend less money, and helps you track how little you spent. It will track how much money is spent every day (not the details at this point), on non-essential items. When you eat out for lunch, or buy things that you don't need, etc. Other features that will be added: Goal-setting and targets, savings goals etc. For fun, some social features like a user-ranking can be added.

SQLite Scrub
SQLite Scrub erases sensitive information from FireFox3 form, cookies and history and any other applications that use a SQLite database for storage. Firefox lets you fine-tune which passwords you want it to remember, but this flexibility does not extend to other historical data it stores, such as form history. If you choose to let Firefox remember the forms you fill out, it will remember them all, even those on secure (https) websites. For example, if you've ever entered your bank account or credit card numbers on a form, Firefox remembers them. This may or may not be a concern, but I am paranoid about a rogue extension that could access Firefox's form data and deliver it to its maker.

SQLite Scrub will run at Windows startup and perform the cleanup, or it can be run manually.
scrub02.pngNANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice
« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 07:38 AM by Perry Mowbray »

Perry Mowbray

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NANY 2009 PROGRESS REPORT - The Volunteer Voice - January 1, 2009
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2009, 01:34 AM »
The New Year dawns with 35 New Apps!
Nany2009_Cody Pirate - Centred - Small.jpg

The NANY Challenge for 2009 has just been completed! The NANY Challenge is DonationCoder's annual Software Challenge where coders of all experience levels are challenged to pledge a New Application for the New Year and release it on January 1, 2009. The Challenge is not a contest where the entries are judged to see who has written the best programme, but a fun celebration to create something new: all entrants "win" a NANY 2009 Mug for their efforts.

All the Entries are posted on the NANY 2009 Forum, and at the close of January 1st there are 35 New Apps for the New Year from the 39 pledges (which is a great conversion rate)!

Now the real fun begins: all the Applications are free to use, and the forum is a great place to offer feature requests or report issues and support these hard working coders in their endeavours.

The 35 Successful NANY Entries (in alphabetical order)
Auto Cursor Move ( Set the cursor to automatically perform actions with specific key presses.
BibleQuiz (2.4): Multi player Bible Quiz.
Comparer ( Comparer is files compare application which uses Total Commander's WDX plugins.
cpfindex ( indexer which use wdx-plugins
CrazyLittleFingers ( Keep your computer safe, while letting your little ones, little fingers explore and discover.
Crush Cryptonizer (1.1): Scramble short files in an absolute super-secure way.
CrushLinx (1.2): Create linklist from numbered URLs to open in multiple screens or Download-Managers
CrushPad (1.0): Organize texts in Categories (Ticket-System - Multi-User possible with net drives)
CZB Package (0.6): Package containing all my FARR plugins released in the last year plus plugin management system and JScalc
Dad's Around (1.1): A bosskey application.
DecClock ( This Program implements a decimal Clock
DropCommand (1.0): Enables drag and drop of files to a command window in Vista.
f0dder's Notepad++ Plugins (1.0): A small set of NP++ plugins that I find useful, and hope others will too.
Feedr (1.0): Simple RSS Feedreader application.
File Replicator (1.0.0): Searches for a specified file within a specified root folder and replaces it with another copy of the file.
Fractal Explorers: Viewing Mandelbrot set and Julia sets.
Fried Bablefish (1.0.7): tabbed translator
HexCards (1.08.2008.12.30): Card "Battle" Game.
I don't want to be homeless (1.0): A simple website that helps encourage you to spend less and less money, and helps you track how little you spent.
JustCloseSomeTasks (1.12): An utility to let you easily close inactive tasks.
keyDB (1.0): Securely store web passwords.
Keyser ( Access Web Browser Searches via FARR
Lacuna Launcher (1.0.0): open multiple files with a single click, set delay for launching, set a pause between launches
LifeSaver (1.03.3288): Keep a diary.
MGTD (1.0): With MGTD you can easily generate a document (.html) containing information about all ( selected ) tables and constraints for a selected user, in Oracle.
MiniBrowseIE (0.2): A small and light web browser with advanced capabilities
Multi Photo Quotes (1.10.01): Photo and Quotes Screensaver Specialized for Multiple Monitor Systems.
PESplash ( This tool will attempt to embed text information into a CODE section of any PE file. it does so by finding valid opcode strings and replaces them with "like-minded" opcodes therefore not changing the size or operability of the file.
PopQuotes (1.0): Search large collections of quote/fortune files for pasting.
PowerCircle (1.0): Circular battery monitor.
Puppy Toes Dog Records (4.0.210): Allows dog breeders to keep breeding and medical records along with other important information on their dogs.
SuperSearch (1.0.0): Allows you to search on any website that can express searches as URLs with your android phone.
Tree List: Easily create hierarchical (tree-like) lists.
Trout ( Small, simple audio player.
WishList (1.2): Manage your WishList's with ease!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 03:01 AM by Perry Mowbray »