+ added
* changed
- deleted
! bug fixed
v1.0.2 build 269
+ Added a Text-To-Speech option to the "New track notification" options. (Thanks, mouser)
+ Added an option so you can choose what happens to the toaster popup when you click on it.
Currently, you can make it stay on-screen until it loses focus or you can make it disappear
immediately. Tools, Options, Toaster tab. (Thanks, app103)
* Improved the "Repeat file" mode to do gapless looping. (Thanks, superboyac)
! Add URL GUI showed up incorrectly under Windows 7 Beta. (Thanks, temp01)
! Album art showed up incorrectly on startup if Trout was installed on the
root of a drive. (Thanks, temp01)
v1.0.2 build 257
+ Added "Add paths from clipboard" to the File menu.
* Made Trout save the current list after adding/deleting files. [Thanks, Deozaan]
! Fixed a logic bug when entering/checking Last.fm username/password data. [Thanks, apfel]
v1.0.2 build 251
+ Added an option to autopause after "x" minutes of user idle time. [Thanks, app103]
+ Added a delete hotkey button to the hotkey options dialog. [Thanks, drugwash]
+ Added an option to allow single or double-clicking the tray icon to bring the main
window to the front. Tools, Optoins, General, System tray section. [Thanks, brotherS]
v1.0.2 build 245
! "Do not show toaster popup while main window is active" wasn't saving properly.
[Thanks, Deozaan]
! Ampersands were not displaying properly in the Toaster popup. [Thanks, Deozaan]
! Double-clicking the album art launched it twice. [Thanks, Hezzu]
v1.0.2 build 236
+ Added "Enable/disable Last.fm" to the playlist's Last.fm context menu.
+ Added Last.fm icon to the statusbar. Single-clicking on it will toggle between a red
icon (Last.fm enabled) and a grey icon (Last.fm disabled). Right-clicking it will
bring up the same Last.fm menu as above.
+ Added an option for a configurable number of seconds to rewind when resuming from
a pause state. Leave it set at zero (0) to turn it off. [Thanks, brotherS]
v1.0.2 build 220
+ When the minibars have focus, the wheelmouse will control volume. [Thanks, Deozaan]
+ Double-clicking the album art now brings it up in your system's default viewer.
[Thanks, none exist]
+ Added "Show toaster popup after resuming from a pause state" option under Options,
Toaster dialog. [Thanks, Deozaan]
* Changed up the album art logic slightly to better handle newly added folder.jpg files.
[Thanks, drugwash]
* Rearranged the Options, General dialog to accomodate future settings.
* The Last.fm "Love Track" button is now an option under the Options, Last.fm dialog.
[Thanks, Deozaan]
! Fixed Trout's alt-tab icon to use the proper size. [Thanks, lanux128]
! Fixed (hopefully) the tracks-playing-out-of-order issue. [Thanks, drugwash]
! Fixed a tray icon issue where it wouldn't show if the user didn't have "Always show
tray icon" checked but DID have "Minimize to tray on startup" checked. [Thanks, Deozaan]
v1.0.2 build 211
+ Made it so the numpad's delete key will work like the regular delete key. [Thanks, mouser]
+ Added handling for media keys on Logitech keyboards (Play/pause, Stop, Next,
Prev, Vol up/down). [Thanks, mouser]
+ Added "Enable media keys by default" option to the Options, Hotkeys dialog.
! Fixed an HTML decoding issue on WPL files. [Thanks, app103]
! Fixed a TR/TE display issue with the toaster popup. [Thanks, Deozaan]
! Fixed a sizing issue when restoring from the tray/minibar if "Minimize on startup"
was checked. [Thanks, Deozaan]
v1.0.2 build 196
+ Loading a data CD with the "Load audio CD" menu entry will now add those files to the
list. [Thanks, daonlyfreez]
+ Added "Show toaster popup" as a hotkeyable item. [Thanks, k3ph]
* Changed the "Explore here" menu option to "Open file location". [Thanks, alooper21]
v1.0.2 build 192
* The default 'Explore here' option (Windows Explorer) should now highlight the selected
file. [Thanks, app103]
! Fixed 'Remove track after playback' functionality broken in build 186. [Thanks, app103]
! Fixed sizing issue on startup. [Thanks, brotherS]
v1.0.2 build 188
+ All Play Modes are now hotkeyable items. [Thanks, genmce]
! Trout will now remember if it was maximized and will properly set itself on startup.
[Thanks, Hezzu]
v1.0.2 build 186
* Search/jump now highlights the top row automatically. [Thanks, hezzu]
* 'Resume playback on start' option now remembers play/pause state. [Thanks, brotherS]
v1.0.2 build 178
+ Added two checkboxes to the Options, Toaster tab:
1) Enable toaster popup.
2) Do not show toaster popup while main window is active.
* Improved the seek and volume bars:
1) A single mousedown session cannot affect both controls. [Thanks, brotherS & SoggyDog]
2) Letting go of the left mouse button outside of the seekbars will now work. This should
allow for dragging the seekbar all the way back to the start of the song or all the way
to the end of a song. [Thanks, SoggyDog]
* Clicking on the toaster popup will keep it open as long as it's the active window.
v1.0.2 build 172
+ Added a play button to the "Play track/beep between tracks" option so you can preview the
chosen sound file. [Thanks, brotherS]
+ Added a checkbox on the Options form to enable/disable the "Play track/beep between tracks"
function. [Thanks, brotherS]
+ Added another hidden config.ini setting under Settings: Update_Method=zip
Setting this will allow the DcUpdater app to work with Trout's portable zip file as opposed
to the installer.
v1.0.2 build 153
+ New option under Options, General. You can now set how the listview behaves when dropping
files on it (or the minibars). Choices are:
- Never clear the existing playlist (Default/current way)
- Always clear the existing playlist
- Always ask me what to do
[Thanks, mouser]
+ Created a new "List" menu entry and moved the "Remove track after playback" option to it.
+ Added a "Play track/beep between tracks" options. This is mainly for listening to audio
books so you can be alerted to chapter changes, etc. You set the options under Options,
General and toggle the functionality using the List menu entry. [Thanks, brotherS & mouser]
! Fixed a seeking issue where Trout wouldn't behave properly if the elapsed time was smaller
than the user-set seek interval. This also cropped up if the remaining time was less than
the seek interval. [Thanks, brotherS]
v1.0.2 build 149
+ Added a "Remove track after playback" option to the View menu. This will make Trout act
in a sort of queue mode. [Thanks, app103]
+ Added Last.fm "love" functionality to the minibars. Currently, this will take you
directly to the track's page on Last.fm so you can mark it as loved. Future plans will
be to make this button "love" a track automatically. [Thanks, app103]
! The $time_r/$time_e tokens now update in realtime. Putting those tokens in the titlebar
string may result in flickering. [Thanks, brotherS]
v1.0.2 build 146
+ Another hidden config.ini setting: WinampAPI_Titlebar_Fix=1
What this does is add a " - Winamp" to the titlebar text. The reason is that some WinampAPI
driven front-ends will actually crash if that text isn't there...even though they eventually
strip it for display. The mind boggles. [Thanks, hollow87 & app103]
+ Column orders are now saved. [Thanks, app103]
! Removing files from the listview should be much quicker (back to the way it used to be).
v1.0.2 build 129
+ Added a hidden setting for more aggressive listview refreshing. If you're
experiencing listview painting issues, add the following entry to the Settings
section of your config.ini: Force_Listview_Refresh=1
[Thanks, daonlyfreez]
+ Added an option to specify the seek jump interval in seconds. Default is a jump of
one second. Tools, Options, Miscellaneous section. [Thanks, brotherS]
* The statusbar track times (TE: & TR:) now update while a track is paused. [Thanks, brotherS]
! Fixed 'Remove dupes' and 'Remove dead entries' broken in build 119.
! Fixed the list search broken in build 119.
v1.0.2 build 119
+ Made the following keys available for hotkeys: - = [ ] \ ; ' , . /
+ Added a "Preserve file modification time when saving tags" options under Tools, Options,
General. [Thanks, badmojo]
* More Win9x/ME compatibility fixes.
1) Font selection size should now work properly.
2) Hotkeys should work now. However, mouse-button hotkeys under 9x are sketchy at best.
3) Text display bits should be more compatible with themed progress bars.
* Added 'Options' back to the tray menu. [Thanks, lanux128]
v1.0.2 build 106
+ Added "Explore here" option to the Edit/context menu. [Thanks, apfel]
+ Added an option for specifying a custom file manager in regards to the 'Explore here'
feature. It's under the Tools, Options, General tab. You use the $file_p token for
the path. I use Altap Salamander as my file manager of choice so I have the
following specified:
C:\apps\file\Salamander\salamand.exe -L "$file_p"
This would open Altap Salamander with the left pane at the path of the currently
focused song. If a custom file manager is not specified, the path is simply "run"
and Windows Explorer will most likely display (unless you have some other file manager
specified as default on your system).
* Cut the tray menu back down the basics as it was getting out of hand.
v1.0.2 build 103
+ Added website button to the About dialog. [Thanks, Darin]
+ Playlist block selections are now movable via ctrl-up and ctrl-down. [Thanks, majkinetor]
+ Added the following as hotkeyable items: Add files, Add folders, Load playlist,
and Add URL. [Thank, tomos]
+ Added DonationCoder DcUpdater compatibility. [Thanks, lanux128]
If you would like to use this functionality, do the following:
1) Download and install mouser's DcUpdate application from here:
https://www.donation...s/DcUpdaterSetup.exe 2) Download this and extract dcuhelper.exe to your Trout folder:
https://www.donation...nloads/dcuhelper.zip 3) You will now see the new option under the Help menu.
* Updated to latest BASS format plugins.
* Updated to latest BASS library. [Thanks, k3ph]
! Added code to prevent duplication of hotkeys. [Thanks, SoggyDog]
v1.0.2 build 91
+ Added code to support Win9x/ME systems. Thanks to Drugwash and app103 for testing.
1) Win9x/ME users will get the older slider controls for volume and seekbars.
2) Tag editing has been disabled under Win9x/ME.
3) freedb.org for CDs appears to work.
4) Last.fm appears to work as well.
5) Copy-to-clipboard functions do not copy in unicode.
! MIDI soundfont playback fix.
* Fixed text display for 120 DPI systems. Hopefully. (Thanks, majkinetor)
v1.0.2 build 64
+ Added "/clipboard" as a commandline parameter.
* AudioGenie library update to v1.0.5.2.
! Further freedb.org parsing improvements/fixes.
! Fixed a nasty "remember position and auto-play" issue. [Thanks, ChalamiuS]
v1.0.2 build 48
+ Added 'Scroll left' and 'Scroll right' as hotkeyable actions. [Thanks, tomos]
+ Added 'Clear playlist', 'Remove duplicates', & 'Remove dead entries' as hotkeyable
+ New option: 'Remember last playback position & auto-play on start'. [Thanks, Rhys]
* Moved the 'Fonts & Colors' options to its own tab.
v1.0.2 build 45
+ Added 'Remove duplicates' and 'Remove dead entries' to the Edit menu. [Thanks, app103]
* Tag edit GUI doesn't display the missing tag string in the edit fields. [Thanks, app103]
* Made the "Update tags" button default now so you can simply press 'Enter' when
you're done editing tags.
* All Last.fm data should now be properly handled in utf-8 format.
* Edit, Copy path/URL should now copy in unicode.
v1.0.2 build 38
+ Added a Last.fm entry to the edit/context menu. You can go directly
to the artist/album/title on Last.fm's website. [Thanks, app103]
+ Added the Edit menu to the minibar's menu.
! Further fixes to the Last.fm submit checks. [Thanks, app103]
* Changed up the 'Minimize to tray on startup' routine to be more
reliable. [Thanks, app103]
v1.0.2 build 6
* Fixed volume control issues introduced when I did the listview response
v1.0.2 build 4
+ Added 'Minimize on startup' to the Options dialog. [Thanks, app103]
* Fixed the "Rescan tags" function in the edit menu. Sheesh. =]
* Fixed Last.fm sending when artist/title tags are missing. [Thanks, app103]
v1.0.2 build 3
* Fixed the "Select all" function in the edit menu. [Thanks, nogojoe]
v1.0.2 build 1
+ Added basic Last.fm support. Trout's support of Last.fm is limited to the
1) A track must be longer than thirty seconds to be considered for submittal.
2) Artist and title tags MUST be present.
3) "Now playing" information will be sent ten seconds into track playback.
4) For a track to be "submitted", it must have played at least 240 seconds
OR half its track length.
5) Trout does NO caching of tracks. It's pretty doubtful I will add this
capability in the future unless there is some huge need for it.
See the following URL for more details:
http://www.last.fm/api/submissions#subs + Mousewheel over the main window's volume control now changes the volume.
* Re-arranged the Edit menu a bit. There is now a "Selection" entry with several
sub-entries. 'Invert selection', 'Remove from list', and 'Rescan tags' have been
moved to this submenu. There is also a new entry that will allow you to delete
the selection to the Recycle Bin. If a file can't be deleted to the bin, you will
be warned of such and allowed the option of deleting the file directly.
* Tried to improve the responsiveness of the listview when switching tracks by