Feedr - Simple RSS Feedreader application
Enter the RSS URL into the address bar and then read the feeds by selecting title.
FeaturesThe Application's features.
- Reads RSS Feeds
Planned FeaturesMy first intention behind this application was to read plain RSSfeeds. Then i decided to import feed subscription from multiple feed-reader sites. So I'm currently trying for google feedreader and will try to add more reader-sites. So this application will be in 1.0 beta for long time :p
InstallationInstall AIR environment from Adobe's
website. Then Run the Feedr.air executable. Follow the instructions.
Using the ApplicationEnter the URL in address bar and hit Load button. Read the posts by clicking onto title/date fields.
UninstallationUninstall Program from Add/Remove application in Control Panel (WinXP)[/list]