Seeing all of these nice messages really cheers my heart. Honestly speaking, I was completely devastated by what happened and it was all i could do to keep myself from totally losing it. It was the help and support of everyone here on the site and in our irc channel (#donationcoder on efnet) that made the difference.
I think it also needs to be said that this site has been up for about three years now. We've gone from a $10 a month server to now a $260/month server. When the site was hacked we decided that we would take the opportunity to completely reinstall everything on a brand new server, with much better security, etc., as i described earlier. While the donations to DC are not enough for anyone to make a full time job out of DC, the donations from everyday users has always paid the hosting bills, and these donations have made it possible for us to be able to always upgrade our server when the need arises.
Please note that ths is *not* a request from me that you donate now, it's my way of saying thank you to everyone who has donated in the past. Money is not everything -- not by a long shot -- but I want to let you know that your financial support makes a significant difference in allowing us to keep the site online and running smoothly, so a big thank you to all of the silent and anonymous donators, as well as all of our regular forum participants.