Hey all, i'm Jamey, 18, a student in the UK, between high-school and uni (waiting to find out my exam results). I started my programming life with web-progamming(HTML, CSS, JS, PHP) back in 03[ish]... Since i've dabbled with loads of languages, love programming, write small utilities for personal use and some bespoke software for a few people.
I also ride BMX. Love Music(Electro/Indie/Rock/DubStep/Acoustic). I am a photographer, that kind of goes with my web-design background.
I've been helping people out at
TechSupportForum.com, and started using AutoHotkey for small scripts to speed up repetetive tasks that users needed to perform to fix their pc/etc. And through AHK's script bank i found DC. Have been here a few days, not yet very active, but hope to become more active soon.
Feel free to chat =] Info on my profile.