I feel like I am at an AA meeting.
Hi my name is Ron, and I am a geek. (murmur of hi Ron can be heard)
Seriously though, I am 33 and live in Arizona. I have been architecting, building, supporting or testing software for about 15 years. I currently work from home full time for a large financial technology company and spend my free time being a dad. For the past few years my work has been primarily focused on performance engineering of enterprise Java applications and testing of our software products.
For the last year and a half I have been disabled while fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, and am currently still in the thick of that battle. One of the things this has allowed me to do is have a little time to perhaps rekindle the fire that brought me into programming in the first place. And seeing the great signal-to-noise ratio of the forums and the impromptu style coding opportunities is kind of exciting. Who knows, I may quickly learn how to take advantage of AHK more and throw together some fun and hopeful useful utilities. Something to reverse my oft said phrase, "Nothing kills a hobby like making it your day job."
Thanks you for providing the forums and software that inspire a geek like me to break out a text editor again.
Update: Just noticed that I am reply # 666 wonder if that means anything.