On another forum that I am a member of, they have an insane amount of smilies.
The admins on the forum went on a mad quest to collect every smiley on the planet and add them to the forum...on a single page.
The collection was so huge that nobody wanted to use any because the page took way too long to load. The owner of the forum added 2 mods to make them more usable...one lists 100 per page and lets you jump from page to page with numbers at the bottom of the pages, and the other shows a random 10 below the quick reply box.
After those mods were added, the collection doubled within about 2 weeks. There is currently over 2400 of them.
We still don't want to go running through the full collection looking for what we want, because it still takes too long. Most of us will just pick the weirdest looking one that appears under the quick reply box, even if it has nothing to do with what we posted.
I snatched the full collection back in February (it may have grown larger since then) and gave them all to mouser. If anyone else wants the bunch, they are here (about an 8mb download):
http://appsapps.info...tuff/v44-smileys.zipBe warned: there are a lot of rude, crude, zany, freaky, political, religious, and sex related ones in the collection, and an unusually large number of sheep related ones (for reasons I won't explain).