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Messages - JeffK [ switch to compact view ]

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Post New Requests Here / Re: Run application on low CPU level?
« on: September 09, 2006, 08:17 AM »
doublebogey.  Thanks for that.  I've found that if OR is selected and autostart is selected with the keyboard idle on a very high number and the CPU settind at say less than 10% for 10secs the first program starts straight away and does not wait for the 10 secs.


Post New Requests Here / Re: Run application on low CPU level?
« on: September 08, 2006, 03:35 AM »
Thanks for your efforts, doublebogey.  Much appreciated.


Post New Requests Here / Re: Run application on low CPU level?
« on: September 07, 2006, 04:09 AM »
doublebogey, I just realised one has to start the timer manually now.  Could we have it so that the timer starts when db CPUlight starts please?


Post New Requests Here / Re: Run application on low CPU level?
« on: September 06, 2006, 02:39 PM »
If you make the idle time 9999 then it won't interfere with the CPU setting for about 3 hours?

However to run a program when the CPU is OVER 75%, instead of <75% will require some futher functionality.

doublebogey, thanks for theis app.  I will be using it when I get time to set it up.  Some dc credits coming you way shortly.


Living Room / Re: Albert Einstein on the Meaning of life etc...
« on: September 04, 2006, 11:57 PM »
I saw a documentary a few weeks ago which included commentary on how Einstein, in spite of his wonderful insight, struggled in the second half of his life to reach a similar breakthrough in the thinking about the comprehensive coming together of the main physical science theories.  This documentary had a brief layman's explanation of relativity which helped me to understand it better.

His religious insights are interesting as a brain like that would not be satisfied with cliches about religious experience IMO.


I just received an email from ACD Systems offering me ACDSee Photo Manager 8 with FotoSlate for ~$US50.  Very tempting.


Hello nudone.  Thanks for replying.  I don't think I am trying to do anything special just keep selections of photos/thumbnails.  I'm just after what people think of the paradigm that ACDSee uses ads opposed to applications where you can keep more than one database variously called databases, albums, catalogs etc.  Owning Smart Pix means this is the style I am used too and I wondered whether I would get used to ACDSee.  ACDSee has one database and then as you say keeps the different collections in "categories".

I've just found Picajet and thought it was very easy to use.  Any experience with that one.


I've also now found IDimager.  I think ACDSee is the easiest to use but I really prefer the "databases" of images to be separate.  No one with any thoughts on this?


Yes a fantastic result from Ampa, mouser and all the members who assist in running the site.  Now where will I start with those discounts.  I reckon XYplorer, Surfulater and a font program (but which one?).  And even though it would be duplicating my Check&Get, Website Watcher. 

Greedy aren't I?


It's funny how I forget I've already posted about some of the questions I've got.

As stated above I've got SmartPix but it really is a little complicated.  However I've been trying ACDSee and Thumbsplus as I might shout myself an image organiser for Father's Day (which it is today in Oz).

I like the idea that one can keep collections of images (or at least their links and thumbnails) in databases.  However ACDSee doesn't seem to operate this way and while I find it better in many other respects I'm not sure I like this single database approach.

Has any one got any comments on this?

Has anyone any experience with CodedColor photo manager?

Thanks for any feedback,


Living Room / Re: Is Cybersex Cheating?
« on: September 02, 2006, 04:11 PM »
If you want to see a "cyber" approach to helping people with pornography have a look at  WARNING: RELIGION ALERT, but also a modern design website.


Living Room / Re: Is Cybersex Cheating?
« on: September 01, 2006, 09:24 PM »
Thanks for bringing me back to reality, Zaine. 8)

I can't believe has grown so big so quickly.  When I first got involved I just thought it would be a relatively small niche site for years.  Hopefully this fund raising effort will keep it on the net for a long time.

Thanks to mouser for all his work etc setting it up and to all who contribute.  I know I don't post that much but I hang out here every day.


Living Room / Re: Is Cybersex Cheating?
« on: September 01, 2006, 08:19 PM »
FWIW I don't see the problem as so much sexual, but the potential loss of intimacy with those we have committed to, ie a loss of love.

Hope I'm not being too serious here.


Living Room / Re: The Great Firewall Hunt ... frustrating ...
« on: September 01, 2006, 05:00 PM »
The lack of adequate support for Windows XP Fast User Switching prevents me from using Outpost even though I have a two year licence (admittedly bought with a substantial discount via

I have been using Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall until recently when I switched to ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware which AFAICT has the full ZA firewall built in.  ZA had sent me an email offering me this program together with a licence for Robofrom Pro for $US30.  Given that I had a Roboform licence for home (thanks to superboyac) and I wanted one for work, this was too hard to resist.


Post New Requests Here / Re: Run application on low CPU level?
« on: August 28, 2006, 06:29 PM »
No problem.  Im looking at a combination of X-ecutor and Shutter to do what I want so I may not need anything more.  I trust you got the birdseed  ;)

Post New Requests Here / Re: Run application on low CPU level?
« on: August 28, 2006, 03:31 PM »
Idlestart works well.  Thanks.  Any chance of incorporating a CPU level trigger eg if the CPU is less than x% for y secs start an application (or start a program and when its CPU usage falls start the next one)?

I actually found something that will do this (Shutter) but it's designed for shutdown and one can only run one configuration at a time.


Post New Requests Here / Re: Run application on low CPU level?
« on: August 28, 2006, 04:50 AM »
Before I try it out, thank you for taking the time to do this for me.  And also lanux128 for your ideas.  I am exploring them now.


Post New Requests Here / Re: Run application on low CPU level?
« on: August 28, 2006, 02:18 AM »
I actually want to run a program, not simply receive an alert.  Jeff

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Run application on low CPU level?
« on: August 27, 2006, 02:59 PM »
I'm on the scrounge again.  Does anyone know of software (preferably free or low cost) which will run an application when the CPU level and/or disk activity falls below a certain limit or when the keyboard /mouse is idle (but able to set idle time in seconds rather than minutes.

Thanks, Jeff

General Software Discussion / Stardock Object Desktop enquiry
« on: August 14, 2006, 11:19 PM »
I'm considering purchasing Stardock's Object Desktop.  I'm wondering if forum members have any comments about it, alternatives to it or parts of it, or access to a discounted price.

Thanks for any advice.


Good to hear from you all.

Congratulations, TucknDar, on your new daughter.  May your joy continue!

Best wishes,

Jeff Kogler

General Software Discussion / Re: The Best Browser? With Roboform?
« on: August 07, 2006, 03:18 AM »
External Application Buttons (Modified Version)

Thanks, kimmchii.  I had found an old link to that extension but it was dead.


General Software Discussion / Re: The Best Browser? With Roboform?
« on: August 07, 2006, 02:35 AM »
I've had a good fiddle with Firefox and installed several extensions which make it a lot more customised to my preferences.  However I can't find an extension which will add a button to run a program from within Firefox (actually I did find one but it was in a complex application and I want something simple).  I simply want to be able to run Thunderbird (not the default client) from within Firefox.  Any ideas?


General Software Discussion / Re: The Best Browser? With Roboform?
« on: August 01, 2006, 05:50 AM »
I found it in Maxthon, but couldn't in Avant.  Can you give me a clue where it is?


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