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Messages - JeffK [ switch to compact view ]

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Yes that's not good performance relative to Photo Collector.  I might be totally off beam but I'm wondering if the size of the files has something to do with the metadata it's trying to save???

Not worth an uninstall and reinstall?  Perhaps an email to the developer might be helpful?


IIRC, the catalog built by exifPro was about 180MB, that would be with minimum size thumbnails.  There may be 30,000 graphics but they are all small ones (like website buttons).  So my situation may not if fact be as demanding as yours.

It is a shame if exifPro can not handle your job.


Thanks for the info yowasuphomeboy.  Welcome to the forum.


I bought exifPro, a steal at~$US20.  I've had it about three weeks and there has already been two updates in that time (one minor, one more significant).  My main pro with it is it's speed.


Sorry to hear about your dog, Darwin.  We can really grieve over our pets.  They become so much a part of us.

Best wishes, Jeff

I think I've decided that I don't particularly like StudioLine image organisers but I should tell forum members that they have some spring specials on their website ATM.

So StudioLine Basic is free, StudioLine Classic is $US30 reduced from $59.  They have a graphic webpage tool which is normally >$200.  But ATM it is $49 if upgrading from StudioLine Calssic and $79 if upgrading from StudioLine Basic.  So try it out and if you like it they are really good prices.


I think I've decided that I don't particularly like StudioLine image organisers but I should tell forum members that they have some spring specials on their website ATM. 

So StudioLine Basic is free, StudioLine Classic is $US30 reduced from $59.  They have a graphic webpage tool which is normally >$200.  But ATM it is $49 if upgrading from StudioLine Calssic and $79 if upgrading from StudioLine Basic.  So try it out and if you like it they are really good prices.


One quick thing...
If I tag my pictures (no small feat) I want to be able to automatically upload them to flickr WITH tags. I think picasa could do that, thanks to a plugin, but no other software did it reliably?

Which of those has the fastest interface for tagging?

That's beyond my level of expertise, urlwolf.  I'll try and have a look and see.

From scanning thread again, one advantage of SmartPix -

Smart Pix does read IPTC data, and can write new data to an image also.

tomos, I believe I'm right there - maybe you could confirm it if you have time.

Just quickly - if you select an image and press Ctrl-Enter a table comes up with all the data associated with that image.

One thing I've noticed about IVMP and SL.  If I happen to want to look at Graphic no. 30,000 I have to load 30,000 icons before I see it (this is the first time I catalog my graphics).  With SmartPix if I set it going in showing all my graphics and I scroll down to the end the last graphic is visible in seconds.  This is not an issue once the catalog is complete of course.


Thank you very much Martin Aignesberger and donationcoder.

I wondered if I was going to win again.

I have already tried WSW and it seems very good.  I'll look forward to experimenting further.


Hey you never know where tomorrow's stars may come from! One of the greatest things about the internet is the fact that it privatized porn consumption.

I remember in the 70s paying a premium price to go to the "adult theater" to watch the classics. What a great way to spend my 18th birthday. Oddly, the fun stopped a few years later when one Thanksgiving I ducked out of the family gathering that evening to see the latest show and swore I heard my dad coughing in the back row! I left early, spotted the old man and tipped my hat to him. Never a word was said about that night, but heck, those were the days!

That's the second good laugh I had today, which has otherwise been rather anxiety ridden.

I'm a naughty boy.  Looks my conclusions were made in too much haste.

1.  iView Media Pro does not give one instant access to your graphics, in fact it has to load them into a catalog, albeit a reasonably fast process. 

2.  StudioLine shouldn't have got second place either.  30,000 graphics slowed it to a crawl on my computer.  The graphics occupy approx 175MB on my hard disk, the resulting SL database, supposedly containing only links to the graphics and presumably fields for all the image info occupied more than 1G.  It didn't handle my disk beconing full very elegantly either.

3.  Looks like my choice of 2 years ago Smart Pix Manager may not have been a bad one after all.  IVMP is still very acceptable though and I find the interface, once the graphics are loaded, quite intuitive.

To be fair, my 30,000 graphics is a big ask and I don't think for most practical purposes people will have that many.


I just tested for my requirements 30 image organizers over the last 48 hours and came to some conclusions.  Not much help to MrCrispy because I didn't look closely at tagging.

My needs are - when you select a folder the thumbnails of the graphics in that folder (not just photos but also any graphics) show very quickly.  One can see, if one chooses, the thumbnails for the folder and all subfolders at the same time.  Preferably also some means of building databases, catalogs, albums or collections of the graphics across several folders, and not too slowly.  If graphics have tags the ability to quickly filter on one or more.  BTW this quick survey was for image organisers, not image editing.

I have a set of 30,000 small web graphics which I use for testing.  The fastest of these programs cataloged these graphics faster than the slowest cataloged my 700 digital camera images.

And the winner is iView Media Pro; I found I got to know this program readily - it is quite intuitive IMHO.  It is also expensive.

A cheaper alternative is Studioline Photo Basic (freeware) and Classic (currently on special at $30).  These seem to have the same power as IVMP but the interface in not as crisp.  Futher experimentation required here.

This is the third time I have done this exercise and the original winner SmartPix Manager ($35?) id still up there.  Interface and ease of use are not good but power is there.

While it may appear to be oriented toward photos I found ExifPro good for general graphics.  This is possibly the only software in my experiment I will buy.

Zoner Photo Studio does not quite meet the basic criteria but still could be lived with because of the functionality (a free and a $20 version).

If databse functionality is not required P3DO seems to do the job.  Faststone and XNView don't meet the criteria but have reasonable GUI's.

iMatcha and CodedColor are database oriented and don't quite meet the basic "I want to see it and I want to see it now criteria".

An old favourite Graphics Workshop was abysmally slow.

Thumbs Plus is tempting but there seem to be cheaper alternatives albeit without the nice GUI.

My experience is that when searching for software, eventually one comes across a particular product in a category which just seems to fit like a hand in a glove.  This is one of the few software categories I've found where I haven't been able to find quite the right match.  I've willed myself to like ACDSee.  I've even thought to myself, what the heck I'll just buy it and use it and swallow hard everytime I have to reselect a whole heap of subfolders for viewing.  It's amazing how expensive $40 can appear when the fit is not quite right.

I can't justify $199 for IVMP but at least it sets a standard.  I will pay for exifpro and would consider doing so for StudioLine Classic or Zoner Photo Studio.


Sorry, my bad.  Smart Pix does read IPTC data, and can write new data to an image also.  I just had a play with iView Media Pro 3, quite nice IMHO.


Sorry, it looks like BreezeBrowser does not recurse into subfolders to show thumbnails but only when creating a HTML output.

I've tried about 20 programs in the last 24 hours and I'd have to say very few fit my requirements, let alone the IPTC/XMP compatiblity MrCrispy is looking for.  For my needs I think Smart Pix Manager and ExifPro go closest although ACDSee, ThumbsPlus, iMatch and CodedColor aren't too bad.  Most of the alternatives, including some of the sophisticated ones, are too slow.  Iwant to see what graphics files are in the folder now not after I make a cup of coffee and watch the football.  SmartPix and ExifPro do it fairly quickly whether it's the original look or the database/collection but neither have MrCrispy's tagging requirement.


http://www.breezesys...ezeBrowser/index.htm - bit expensive @ $90US - I didn't actually try it.

Is this any good to you MrCrispy.  I know little about this but I found this reference


We must be using a different program.  I found FotoAlbum Pro very slow.  Maybe there is something amiss with my computer.


General Software Discussion / Re: The Best Browser? With Roboform?
« on: March 09, 2007, 03:54 PM »
FWIW I found thinger, which enables one to put a bookmark toolbar link into another toolbar, which is what i wanted to do.

General Software Discussion / Re: A Warning about
« on: February 28, 2007, 01:28 PM »
Looks like your are right.  The US Federal Trade Commission has loned them up.

Not before time IMHO. 

The next internet rogues the FTC should get are Registerfly.


General Software Discussion / Re: The Best Browser? With Roboform?
« on: February 22, 2007, 03:57 PM »
Thank you.  I did that.  I'll still follow up on the ideas from you and dk70.  I would like to have more than one link.  I'm somewhat surprised it's not a bit easier.

I continue to look around.


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