« on: June 19, 2007, 07:16 AM »
I am here today asking for your understanding that someone might want to bring up a serious personal issue on a forum which is primarily about software.
I do this because this is my third most frequently visited internet place behind my email and emaildiscussions.com where I help moderate.
I do this because I have received a great deal of pleasure from this site.
I do this because contributing and receiving from this site has been a good part of my life.
I do this because this site and the people here have helped me through the last six, very difficult months for me, even though you did not know it.
I do this because even though this is just an internet site and I have received wonderful support from my "real" life friends, I none the less regard many of you I have contact with on this site as my good friends also.
So I just let you know that my dear wife of 30+ years, Dawn, passed away yesterday after a six month battle with cancer.
In between caring for her, my visits to the DonationCoder site have been welcome therapy and respite for me.
I know that the experience of this site and the wonderful people here will be part of my future, to which I look forward with some joy.
Regards and best wishes to each of you,
Vaya con Dios,