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Messages - JeffK [ switch to compact view ]

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Hi mouser and forum members.  Thanks for your email Jesse.  I'm still here.  I read occasionally.  I'll have a scan through and see if I can make a contribution somewhere.

Cheers, Jeff

Living Room / Re: My daughter kind of stuck in France
« on: May 12, 2009, 09:37 PM »
Thanks you everybody for your help.  I am working through the tips provided.  Haven't sorted anything yet but will keep trying.

Thanks again,


Living Room / My daughter kind of stuck in France
« on: May 08, 2009, 05:32 PM »
My daughter Danielle is in France at the moment.  She went over in mid-March to take up an Au Pair position but lost her job after six weeks.

I'm encouraging her to find another position but in the mean tme we have to find her accommodation.  She has a tentative offer that doesn't start until late July.

I may have to bring her home to Australia which would be a real shame as we have put a lot of energy and money to get her there.

Do any forum members have any ideas as to the best places to look on the internet or contacts for short term (but relatively cheap) accommodation in France?



General Software Discussion / Re: A Warning about
« on: February 05, 2009, 09:06 PM »
I received a cheque on 20th January 2009 (that's check in greenback language) from the USA FTC for $US21.87 being "your share of the money that the FTC was able to collect".


Living Room / Re: Thank you for this site and the people here.
« on: July 13, 2007, 05:10 PM »
I just revisited this thread and thank you all for your good wishes.  Brought tears to my eyes once again.

Life has been hectic, reorienting myself, but I have still been keeping an eye on the forum.

I must have missed your last post, Zaine.  I pray things are getting better for your wife and you.

Thanks everyone once again.  If my dream comes true I will be able to visit the US sometime and meet some of you at a DC get together.



Living Room / Re: Thank you for this site and the people here.
« on: June 20, 2007, 05:44 PM »
Thank you all for your wonderful expressions of support.  I deeply appreciate each one and also the PM messages that some have sent.

I was writing Dawn's eulogy yesterday (the funeral is 2pm today Thursday AEST) and was feeling quite calm about the whole thing.  Then I read your wonderful post, allen.  Took me about an hour to recover my composure.  Thank you allen, and everyone for your very kind words.

Tomorrow I'm going to Brisbane for a few days to be with family and then I will return hopefully to some kind of normality.  I shall continue to read the forum and am enjoyng it, eg the posts about Windows Start Menu.

Best wishes,


Living Room / Thank you for this site and the people here.
« on: June 19, 2007, 07:16 AM »
I am here today asking for your understanding that someone might want to bring up a serious personal issue on a forum which is primarily about software.

I do this because this is my third most frequently visited internet place behind my email and where I help moderate.

I do this because I have received a great deal of pleasure from this site.

I do this because contributing and receiving from this site has been a good part of my life.

I do this because this site and the people here have helped me through the last six, very difficult months for me, even though you did not know it.

I do this because even though this is just an internet site and I have received wonderful support from my "real" life friends, I none the less regard many of you I have contact with on this site as my good friends also.

So I just let you know that my dear wife of 30+ years, Dawn, passed away yesterday after a six month battle with cancer.

In between caring for her, my visits to the DonationCoder site have been welcome therapy and respite for me.

I know that the experience of this site and the wonderful people here will be part of my future, to which I look forward with some joy.

Regards and best wishes to each of you,

Vaya con Dios,


Don't forget if you want to explore email related stuff together with others, you can always go to


Living Room / Re: What do you do with your old PCs?
« on: June 06, 2007, 06:53 AM »
I was able to get it back up and running in about thirty minutes with pieces from my garage.
Shame about the car, though.
-cranioscopical (May 31, 2007, 05:55 PM)

Funniest thing I heard all day.

Living Room / Re: Encyclopedia of Life
« on: June 01, 2007, 07:13 AM »
Actually, I couldn't get the site to work on my machine, just a black hole, so to speak.


What discipline!!! Amazing!

Living Room / Re: Encyclopedia of Life
« on: May 26, 2007, 01:32 PM »
Anyone who doesn't believe in a Creator should go to this site.... ;)

Great find!  :Thmbsup:

Do you mean the site just appeared out of nowhere?  ;)

General Software Discussion / Re: PIM's
« on: May 25, 2007, 05:53 PM »
FWIW and AFAIK, do-Organizer and other Gemx software can be obtained via the TrialPay system, which can, if you do a little research, reduce the effective price.


Living Room / Re: How do you auto-forward all IMAP mail?
« on: May 24, 2007, 05:58 AM »
app103, do you need a free solution?

Great find, Armando.  I just tried it and it works.  I remember telling myself it needed a NOT function ie "show me all notes except xxxxx category).


I'm finding it quite good also.  Sometimes I buy software on a whim, and then weeks later sit down and work out how to use it.  I bought EverNote on the basis of its handwriting recognition and now find I am using it daily more to keep web page contents of some web searching I am doing.

Ah yes, I see what you mean now.

Armando, what do you mean by "note titles"?  I'm not sure I've found that feature in my Evernote.


Thank you aCkRiTe.  I have to go to bed now (I am down under).  But I shall run it in the morning.


Does anyone know of an application that will extract from one's start menu onle those shortcuts which link to executable programs?  I remember I did have such a utility once but cannot find it now.

Thanks,  Jeff

General Software Discussion / Re: Firefox
« on: May 19, 2007, 11:35 PM »
I'm in Australia.  I would have to fly to the US.  Not that that is out of the question.  I would love to visit the US.  The main problem is money.

General Software Discussion / Re: Firefox
« on: May 19, 2007, 06:29 PM »
Can I have some?

Bits du Jour has the font manager MainType today, May 16, for $19.60 (60% off).  The DC discount is currently 50%.  Positive references to this program can be found elsewhere on this forum.


Yes it does.  You can store the docs in the database in full or as a link.  It indexes any docs (Office docs, webpages and other miscellaneous formats) for fast searching.

It is not a simple notetaker or PIM.  It is heavyweight.  For most people I suspect it is a sledgehammer to crack a nut. 


Bits du Jour discount for today 15 May is UltraRecall.  Standard version is reduced from $49.00 to $19.00 and Pro version from $99.00 to $39.00.

UltraRecall is a sophisticated note taking and document/image/webpage database with a tonne of functionality and power.  I recommend it and the above discounts are really substantial.  It has only recently been upgraded to Version 3.  If I didn't already have it I would be jumping up and down for joy. or



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