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Messages - KodeZwerg [ switch to compact view ]

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I am total happy by using RADStudio Delphi, if that is too heavy, for learning into Object Oriented Programming I also can recommend to check out FreePascal with the Lazarus IDE.
Some of my apps are here on Forum available, there you can test and try to find out if they respond for your needs fast enough.
.Net/ActiveX/Com/Ole etc I try to avoid using, those probably lag a lot compared to native controls.

Thank you Vic! +9 votes, if that count at all, are missing for mission badge  :-*

Living Room / Re: DonationCoder @ Wikipedia 👍
« on: March 05, 2023, 07:20 PM »

Title speak for itself so please let me prove my skills to earn a badge for coding  :-*

Living Room / Re: Arizona sunsets
« on: March 02, 2023, 10:48 AM »

This is my panorama of this morning's sunrise before the sun was up.  I thought it was very flaming red, but when I made this it didn't seem very much like that. You are free to disagree with me, let me know if you do think that.
I think, it is Mordor (LOTR)  :Thmbsup:
Looking amazing, like burning sky with a lightning storm (the white spots on some clouds)

31 is out
fixed that when a file was in use my app skipped deleting folders correctly.

now everything that can be flattened will be and all folders that can be deleted will getting deleted.

32 is out, my app now test if a file is in use to be able to either flatten or not  :-*
Everything that can be flattened, will be, and all that is in use stay like it is.

As you see here
Exemplary one file was in use, so that folder was not deleted and the file was not moved  :Thmbsup:

I think I found the error, I will fix it for my app.
Error #5 is, you try to move/delete something that still is in use by another application.
So for example, you have this structure:
and in folder \1\ a video file like 1.mp4 and you playback with media player
during play you run flatten on c:\test = boom, app crash

I just tried my app with both (context/sendto) and it works flawless to me.
I need to get more information from you, like exemplary folder/file structure to find an issue in my code.

Nice! A solution I did not know I needed.
Yeah, better to have and not need than to need but don't have. :P
I like this tool a lot and I am glad you find it nice too  :-*

v0.0.0.6 released
- Installation menu offers now more to modify

37 release
 - Install menu now offers Context or SendTo as target for installation.

KodeZwerg's Realm / Folder Renamer by KodeZwerg - v0.0.0.4 released
« on: February 25, 2023, 05:35 PM »
Description: This tool is meant to rename all folders and sub-folders to a specific/adjustable length by random generated numbers.

Extract and run the .exe file
Choose either Context or SendTo and modify if wanted the name that pops up.
By modify the name, please take care that you NOT use characters that your system won't accept within a filename (!)
Right now I do not check what you enter, it is just a working Horse.

Take care, there is no undo capability, what's done is done (!)

This app works with 32k filepath length.

Enjoy, its free  :-*

Post New Requests Here / Re: Rename FOLDERS in hierarchy
« on: February 23, 2023, 05:07 PM »
@KodeZwerg, if you have a minute more, would you mind telling us how you wrote your program, the computer language?  Just a few hints.
The app is compiled with FreePascal, written in Lazarus, but to be honest, I did not used much (beside compiler and Windows SDK) that those ObjectPascal-compatible IDE/Compiler offers.
Everything was written by hand from me by just using the Windows API as reference, thats why my app is (compared to regular 64bit GUI apps) pretty small and if I can say, very fast  :-*

Latest Folder Rename <- press there

Post New Requests Here / Re: Rename FOLDERS in hierarchy
« on: February 23, 2023, 11:09 AM »
v0.0.0.3 released
I hope to hear from you a positive result.
KodeZwerg, nailed it.
Works like a charm.
Thanks for working at this!
I am glad that it finally fit your needs and work as expected!
You are welcome  :-*
Found that it can be included in the SendTo list, so that one doesn't even have to install it.  And, thus, too, the shortcut to program can be renamed.  "Folders, Rename to Random"
About installation, do like you want, feel free to experiment as much as you like.
My app needs as one parameter the target base folder, with one parameter i mean with quotes "c:\this is a folder with spaces"
When you rename my apps exe name, the ini file must also be renamed to work.
So if you call it by a link, my registry setting, your send-to way or plain on a command line, everything is possible  :Thmbsup:

(ps: also fixed in last release is the usage of full 0 -> 9 numbers)

New version uploaded that fix a file renaming bug, or better, it fix filenames now better (and to do, it works for some milliseconds slower)
Now files that already had in subfolders something like "file (1).ext" will not renamed to "file (1)(1).ext" anymore, they will get a correct "free" number inside the last ().
On the other hand, if you having a file like "file (2023).ext", that would be first of all tried to be renamed to "file.ext" and if that is not free it start with "(1)" etc.
So some files that having at last position a number in () might get renamed incorrect.

I would like to hear your opinions about if I should for example
- pop up a [yes/no] dialog to let user decide what to do (what can be a lot, depending on number of files with (number) at end of filename)
- add .ini feature to include it as option (for automated but configurable per session runnings)
- let app like it now is and risk a loose of, for example an added year that was written in ()

You are welcome and yes, Autoruns is very complex but for myself the top tool to deal with anything related to Autoruns and never failed me.
Sorry that it did not work well for you but I am glad you found a solution for your needs!

If you are talking about Windows, maby Autoruns help you to identify the bad guy?

Post New Requests Here / Re: Rename FOLDERS in hierarchy
« on: February 21, 2023, 05:25 AM »
v0.0.0.3 released

Introducing now custom length of digits per .ini file
Per default it is set to 5
If you are unhappy with that, open the included .ini file and adjust the number however you like
It is limited to a minimum of 1
(If you delete the .ini file, 5 will be always used as default)

To me it is looking final now.
In theory it should be able to handle paths up to 32767 characters but still limited per level to 255 chars (that is Windows limit, not mine)
I hope to hear from you a positive result  :Thmbsup:

KodeZwerg's Realm / Re: Flatten Folder by KodeZwerg
« on: February 20, 2023, 10:55 PM »
Thanks for your sweet words, how nice of you  :-*
BTW my logic error on those 2 other pretty similar tools that I've released lately I just found out by creating this, so thanks for inspiration again  :Thmbsup:

I've updated my version for even more faster speed by not collecting files from root folder anymore.
Also changed my internal workflow to do a two-in-one thing, right after moving files the folder will be deleted.
(in my first release everything was splitted up into folders and files that was processed)
I guess I've reached now the maximum whats possible with pure Windows-API technology and logic.
Added also version information, now I am at v0.0.0.3

Micro-updated the final dialog, v0.0.0.4

KodeZwerg's Realm / Flatten Folder by KodeZwerg - v0.0.0.8 released
« on: February 20, 2023, 07:59 PM »
Inspired by Vic's excellent tool, I reprogrammed my own variant of such a tool, just for fun not for competition.

All files will be moved into root of selected folder.
All folders inside of selected folder will be deleted.

This is a one way ticket, no way back (!!)
(means, no undo capability)

SendTo does not have the capability to seperate files and folders.
Context works strictly only on folders.

Extract archive anywhere
Run .exe with Administrative Rights (if you are logged on with an Admin Account, running as Admin is not required)
Press [Install]
From now on you have a "KZ - Flatten Folder" context menu entry when you right click on a folder.
If you not want it anymore, repeat above steps and press [Uninstall] plus delete the .exe file.
This tool is not created to run on folders that are protected by Windows OS (exemplary \Program Files\ )
When my app is done it show you some information.

Any 64bit Windows Operating System, no special runtime needed. (Vista+)

When a file with same name is already in root folder, it will be slightly renamed
file.ext -> file (1).ext
file.ext -> file (2).ext

if you try to run my app on Windows protected folders it may crash.

None, you do all on your own risk.

Snapshots to show what awaits you:
This is how the installation looks like
That's the context menu entry my app will create when you clicked [Install]
Screenshot - 21_02_2023 , 06_06_36.png
And exemplary here you see how a result could look like

Enjoy, its free.  :-*

Post New Requests Here / Re: Rename FOLDERS in hierarchy
« on: February 20, 2023, 07:46 PM »
Fixed logical bug, I apology for that.

 - added version info (v0.0.0.2)
 - modified final dialog


KodeZwerg's Realm / Re: Folder of series by KodeZwerg
« on: February 20, 2023, 07:45 PM »
Fixed logical bug, I apology for that.
 - added version info
 - changed final dialog

PublicDomainVic / Re: Flatten Folder Menu v0.1.1
« on: February 20, 2023, 03:28 AM »
I was unaware of this project, but found a bug for you to fix :D
Your Tool is unable to remove folders that have flags set for readonly and crash.  :o
Your Tool is unable to register context menu when it was copied to a windows protected folder like \Program Files\
(I mean, it does lie to me, it say it can not register but infact it does register, error pops up because it can not write an icon file)

KodeZwerg's Realm / Re: Folder of series by KodeZwerg
« on: February 19, 2023, 07:14 PM »
While I was fixing another app that uses mostly same technique, I've also updated this project.
I technical removed 255 char limit for filepath/filename and opened it to have a max of 32767 characters.

Since I do not have on my system such long names, I am unaware if it properly runs,
from side of logic it should :-[

New app in first Post.

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